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Bab #9 Customer Relationship


Customer selection means defining the types of

customers that a company will market to. It means
identifying different groups of customers for which to
develop offerings and to target during acquisition,
retention and extension. Different ways of segmenting
customers by value and by their detailed lifecycle
with the customer are reviewed. From an e-business
perspective, as we see in Chapter 5, we may want to
selectively target customer types who have adopted

Customer acquisition refers to marketing activities

intended to form relationships with new customers
while minimizing acquisition costs and targeting highvalue customers. Service quality and selecting the
right channels for different customers are important
at this stage and throughout the lifecycle.

Customer retention refers to the marketing

activities taken by an organization to keep its existing
customers. Identifying relevant offerings based on
their individual needs and detailed position in the
customer lifecycle (e.g. number or value of purchases)
is key.

Customer extension refers to increasing the depth

or range of products that a customer purchases from
a company. This is often referred to as customer

Activities of

UI 3/19/15

The Four Classic Marketing Activities of Customer

Management #2

UI 3/19/15



A subset of cross-selling, but in this case,

selling more expensive products.


Sell additional products which may be closely

related to the original purchase, but not
necessarily so.

Techniques for


Selling similar products to existing customers

particularly important in some B2B contexts
as re-buys or modified re-buys.

Customers who have not purchased for some

time, or have lapsed, can be encouraged to
purchase again.


Generating sales fromrecommendations

fromexisting customers, for example memberget-member deals.

UI 3/19/15

Sales force automation (SFA).

Sales representatives are

supported in their
accountmanagement and phonebased sales through tools to
arrange and record customer
enquiries and visits.

applications of
CRM #1

Customer service management.

Representatives in contact centres

respond to customer requests for
information by using an intranet to
access databases containing
information on the customer,
products and previous queries.

UI 3/19/15

Managing the sales process.

Campaign management.

This can be achieved through ecommerce sites, or in a B2B context by

supporting sales representatives by
recording the sales process (SFA).

applications of
CRM #2

Managing ad, direct mail, e-mail and

other campaigns.


Through technologies such as data

warehouses and approaches such as
data mining, which are explained later
in the chapter, customers
characteristics, their purchase
behaviour and campaigns can be
analysed in order to optimize the
marketing mix.
UI 3/19/15

The interactive nature of the web combined with email communications provides an ideal
environment in which to develop customer
relationships, and databases provide a foundation
for storing information about the relationship and
providing information to
strengthen it by improved, personalized services



Using the web site for customer

development from generating leads
through to conversion to an online or
offline sale using e-mail and web-based
information to encourage purchase;
Managing e-mail list quality (coverage
of e-mail addresses and integration of
customer profile information from other
databases to enable targeting);
Applying e-mail marketing to support
upsell and cross-sell;
Data mining to improve targeting;
With a web site with personalization
or mass customization facilities to
automatically recommend the nextbest product;

Challenges and
Activities #1

UI 3/19/15

Providing online customer service

facilities (such as frequently asked
questions, callback and chat support)
that help achieve conversion to sale
(these can be triggered automatically so
that visitors to a site who show high
intent or distress through multiple page
visits can be prompted to enter a chat
session or a callback (staff resources may
limit offering these to all site visitors);
Managing online service quality to ensure
that first-time buyers have a great
customer experience that encourages
them to buy again;
Managing the multi-channel customer
experience as customers use different
media as part of the buying process and
customer lifecycle.

Challenges and
Activities #2

UI 3/19/15

Customer identification.

This refers to building a profile to help segment


Customer interactions.

Form and Build


Customer differentiation.

This stresses the need to identify each

customer on their first visit and subsequent
visits. Common methods for identification are
use of cookies or asking the customer to log on
to a site.

These are interactions provided on-site, such as

customer service questions or creating a
tailored product.


This refers to personalization or mass

customization of content or e-mails according
to the segmentation achieved at the acquisition
stage. Approaches for personalization are
explained in the section on customer retention

UI 3/19/15

A Summary of
How The
Internet can
Impact on The
Buying Process
For a New


UI 3/19/15

A Model of The
Aspects of Trust
Bart et al. (2005


UI 3/19/15

Who Consider
The Different
Sources as
nsidering a
Product or
BrandNewWorld: AOL
UK/Anne Molen
(Cranfield School of
Centre, 2004


UI 3/19/15

Online and
s Techniques
for e-Commerce


UI 3/19/15

Adalah strategi dan proses penyebaran pesan

elektronik yang menjadi saluran untuk
mengkomunikasikan informasi suatu produk kepada
masyarakat secara meluas dan berkembang.
Berkembang melalui jaringan internet, yang
menduplikasikan dirinya menjadi semakin banyak,
seperti kerja sebuah virus komputer.
Memerlukan koneksi jaringan Internet dalam
Profesor Andreas Kaplan dan Michael Haenlein [2]
menyatakan bahwa untuk suksesnya sebuah
pemasaran viral harus memenuhi 3 kriteria sebagai

Viral Marketing

Media dan orang yang bertindak untuk menyampaikan

pesan yang sedang dikampanyekan. Orang ini harus
mempunyai jaringan sosial yang cukup luas dan
dipercaya dan media yang gampang diakses oleh semua
Pesan atau ajakan yang akan dikampanyekan yang
mudah diingat dan menggugah orang untuk
Lingkungan yang mendukung dan waktu yang tepat untuk
melancarkan program viral marketing.


UI 3/19/15

From push to pull.

From monologue to dialogue.
From one-to-many to one-to-some
and one-to-one.
From one-to-many to many-tomany communications.
From lean-back to lean-forward.
The medium changes the nature
of standard marketing
communications tools such as
Increase in communications
Integration remains important.

of Interactive

TV vs Internet
TV vs Phone
Video On Demand

UI 3/19/15


The purpose of the crawl is to identify relevant

pages for indexing and assess whether they have
changed. Crawling is performed by robots (bots),
which are also known as spiders. These access
web pages and retrieve a reference URL of the
page for later analysis and indexing. Although the
terms bot and spider give the impression of
something physical visiting a site, the bots are
simply software processes running on a search
engines server which request pages, follow the
links contained on that page and so create a series
of page references with associated URLs. This is a
recursive process, so each link followed will find
additional links which then need to be crawled.

Google #1


An index is created to enable the search engine to

rapidly find the most relevant pages containing the
query typed by the searcher. Rather than
searching each page for a query phrase, a search
engine inverts the index to produce a lookup
table of documents containing particular words.


UI 3/19/15

Ranking or scoring.

The indexing process has produced a lookup of all

the pages that contain particular words in a query,
but they are not sorted in terms of relevance.
Ranking of the document to assess the most
relevant set of documents to return in the SERPs
(search engine results pages,) occurs in real time
for the search query entered. First, relevant
documents will be retrieved from a run-time
version of the index at a particular data centre,
then a rank in the SERPs for each document will be
computed based on many ranking factors of which
we highlight the main ones in later sections.

Google #2

Query request and results serving.

The familiar search engine interface accepts the

searchers query. The users location is assessed
through their IP address and the query is then
passed to a relevant data centre for processing.
Ranking then occurs in real time for a particular
query to return a sorted list of relevant documents
and these are then displayed on the search results


UI 3/19/15

Schematic of
and Loyalty
Defection : setiap saat
akan menyeberang;
Affection : Sayang;
Indifference : Acuh;
Evangelist : Pengabar


UI 3/19/15

Dont like unsolicited mail ...

havent asked for it and Im not
(Female, 2534)

Most isnt wanted, its not relevant

and just clutters up the table ...
you have to sort through it to get
to the real mail.

Direct Mail

(Male, 4554)

Its annoying to be sent things that

you are not interested in. Even
more annoying when they phone
you up ... If you wanted something
you would go and find out about it.


(Female, 4554)
UI 3/19/15

The customers preferences

The date or time
Particular events
The location.


Techniques Mail
SMS yang berkorelasi
dengan Mall dimana
anda berada.

UI 3/19/15

Regular newsletter type.


For example, once a day, once a week,

once a month. It is best if customers
are given choice about the frequency.

of e-mail

These tend to be less regular and are

sent out perhaps every three or six
months when there is news of a new
product launch or an exceptional offer.

E-mail sequence.

Software can be purchased to send out

a series of e-mails. For example, after
subscription to a trial version of an
online magazine, e-mails will be sent
out at 3, 10, 25 and 28 days to
encourage a subscription before the
trial lapses.


UI 3/19/15



A willingness to help customers and

provide prompt service;

Ucapan selamat ulang

tahun ke customer
atau bahkan keluarganya di sebuah
perusahaan Australia
(Austramax Global


The ability to perform the service

consistently and accurately;


The physical appearance and visual

appeal of facilities;


The knowledge and courtesy of

employees and their ability to convey
trust and confidence;


Providing caring, individualized



UI 3/19/15

Personal and profile data.

The Three
Main Types of
Customer Data

Transaction data.

These include contact details and

characteristics for profiling customers
such as age and sex (B2C) and business
size, industry sector and individuals role
in the buying decision (B2B).
A record of each purchase transaction
including specific product purchased,
quantities, category, location, date and
time, and channel where purchased.

Communications data.

A record of which customers have been

targeted by campaigns, and their
response to them (outbound
communications). Also includes a record
of inbound enquiries and sales
representative visits and reports (B2B).


UI 3/19/15

Improved response times to

customer requests for
Delivered product meets
customer requirements;
Reduced costs of buying and
using a product or service;
Immediate access to order
status and more responsive
technical support.


Benefits of
CRM Systems
To Customers
The Hewson
Consulting Group

UI 3/19/15

Ollie #1


UI 3/19/15

Buku ini sebenarnya saya belikan buat si sulung, anehnya malah

si bungsu yang menamatkan duluan, dan berkomentar kalau
buku ini asyik banget. Gemas dengan kelakuan si sulung, saya
putuskan untuk "melahap" buku ini duluan. Meski bagi sebagian
orang terasa aneh kalau seusia saya membaca buku seperti ini,
bagi saya ilmu bisa datang dari mana saja.
Artistik-nya mengingatkan saya akan buku BTDTGTTS yang
sebelumnya pernah saya baca. Bedanya kalau BTDTGTTS
gambarnya merupakan bagian dari cerita, sedangkan pada YYC
gambar terkesan sebagai pelengkap saja. Sebagian besar
halaman berwarna, meski didominasi merah kecoklatan dan
hijau, sehingga terkesan "ceria".
Ditulis dengan gaya ringan dan lebih mirip kumpulan tulisan blog
tanpa benang merah khususnya di bagian2 akhir, buku ini
memang menarik dibaca.Namun karena topiknya yang sangat
beragam cukup sulit untuk membuat review buku ini. Jadi saya
akan lebih fokus pada bab2 tertentu yang bagi saya menarik.
Bab menarik pertama adalah dasar dari semua pekerjaan besar,
plan, schedule dan execute, Terlalu banyak plan maka tidak akan
terjadi, langsung execute tanpa plan akan berantakan. Dengan
mengkombinasikan ketiganya dalam porsi wajar akan membuat
pekerjaan berhasil. Hal diatas terungkap ketika seseorang
bertanya bagaimana mungkin Ollie dengan usia yang masih
sangat muda menulis 20 buku.


Ollie #2

UI 3/19/15

Bab lain-nya adalah mengenai pentingnya menyusun

prioritas. Tanpa prioritas maka kita akan makin jauh dari
impian kita, dan memang faktanya banyak sekali hal2 di
dunia yang berpotensi menghambat kita jika tidak
pintar2 memilah. Hal ini mengingatkan saya akan teori
10-10-10 Suzy Welch yang sebelumnya saya baca.

Ollie #3

Bab lain adalah saat Ollie menggunakan kereta, dan

menyadari orang di kiri dan kanan-nya berganti terus,
demikian juga kita, masing2 memiliki tujuan-nya sendiri
sendiri. Dan lalu kereta berhenti begitu saja, padahal
belum sampai di tujuan, namun daripada mengeluh,
Ollie memilih untuk bertanya dan melanjutkan
perjalanan dengan kereta lain. Hemm bagi saya cara
Ollie menarik kesimpulan meski dari hal sederhana
memberikan makna hidup yang sangat menarik.
Tentu jadi tidak seru kalau semua bab saya bahas dalam
review ini, dan saya memilih untuk merekomendasikan
buku ini bagi kebanyakan orang yang ragu untuk
menentukan jalan mana yang harus ditempuh. Ollie
yang senang berbagi dengan gaya cuek sekaligus
percaya diri dan tidak pernah mau menunda mimpinya
memberi inspirasi bagi kita semua.


UI 3/19/15

An overview of
the components
of CRM
Ticketing Apps di
Indosat memberikan
kebebasan bagi end
user untuk memilih
model komunikasi
yang diinginkan.
Mayoritas tiket masuk
adalah dari phone.
Namun sebaliknya di
Metrodata, end user
harus menggunakan
aplikasi intranet /
cloud dengan Remedy

UI 3/19/15

The objective of customer relationship

management (CRM) is to increase
customer loyalty in order to increase
profitability. CRM is aimed at improving
all aspects of the level of customer
CRM tactics can be based around the
acquisitionretentionextension model of
the ideal relationship between company
and customer.
In an e-commerce context, acquisition
refers to gaining new customers to a
company and converting existing
customers to online services. To enable
an online relationship it is important to
profile customers to find out their needs
and expectations and obtain an opt-in email agreement to continue the dialogue.

Summary #1

UI 3/19/15

Marketing communications
techniques to achieve acquisition
(Magnetic.), retention (Sticky.) and
extension (Elastic.) include
traditional online mass-media
techniques and specialized online
techniques such as search engine
registration, link-building, e-mail
marketing and banner advertising.
Techniques for customer retention
include the use of extranets, online
communities, online sales
promotions and e-mail marketing.
Customer extension involves better
understanding of the customer
through feedback on new product
development and encouraging
to increase the depth of

Summary #2
Nyaris di setiap lokasi
RM Ampera selalu ada
RM Laksana.

UI 3/19/15

Knowledge of online buyer behaviour, and

in particular, the differing needs of the
customer through the different stages of
the buying decision can be used to improve
CRM management.
Customer service quality is important in
achieving loyalty and the SERVQUAL
framework can be used to consider how to
use the Internet to achieve this.
Technology solutions for CRM are aimed at
providing interaction between employees
and customers across multiple
communications channels with all customer
information stored in a single database to
provide complete visibility of the customer
by employees. Managers look to minimize
the number of solutions partners they work
with to achieve these goals.


Summary #3

UI 3/19/15

Specific technology application

requirements for CRM are sales-force
automation (contact management)
and call centre applications which
integrate workflow to manage
queries and a knowledge base from
which queries can be reviewed.


Summary #4

UI 3/19/15

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