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Soal1. afasia
Aphasia is a language disorder that
can affect an individual's ability to
speak, read, write, and understand.

1. Global -affects an individual's

ability to speak, read, write, and
2. Receptive - where individuals have
trouble understanding and reading
3. Expressive - which is the type we
will be talking about

carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that
results from compression of the median nerve at the
Patients may also complain of numbness and
tingling in the distribution of the median nerve, as
well as nocturnal pain, which occurs in as many as
95% of patients.
Diagnosis is usually based on clinical grounds but is
often confirmed with electrophysiologic testing.
Several physical signs are associated with carpal
tunnel syndrome, including Tinels sign and
Phalens maneuver

Tarsal tunnel syndrome:

caused by osteoarthritis, post-traumatic ankle
When entrapment compresses the nerve, it
causes ankle pain and a burning sensation,
numbness and tingling on the sole of the foot.
Symptoms are usually unilateral. Symptoms
may be worse at night.
Examination may reveal Tinel's sign (radiating
pain following nerve percussion behind the
medial malleolus)

De Quervain's tenosynovitis (dih-kwer-VAINS

ten-oh-sine-oh-VIE-tis) is a painful condition
affecting the tendons on the thumb side of
your wrist.
Pain near the base of your thumb
Swelling near the base of your thumb
Difficulty moving your thumb and wrist
when you're doing activities that involve
grasping or pinching

Soal 7
Bell's palsy is a form of temporary
facial paralysis resulting from
damage or trauma to the facial
nerves. The facial nerve-also called
the 7th cranial nerve

Soal 8
Diagnosis Peroneal palsy berdasarkan tanda dan gejala yaitu drop foot(kaki
tidak mampu dorsofleksi), kram malam hari pada anterior tungkai bawah. nyeri
biasanya terjadi di lokasi kompressi dan timbul gangguan sensorik(kesemutan,
mati rasa). gejala pasti dapat dibedakan berdasarkan letak lesi, yaitu:
1. lesi kaput fibula: kelumpuhan saraf peroneus, cabang profunda lebih sering
terkena, jika kedua cabang terkena timbul parese kaki, dorsofleksi kaki dan jari
kaki, jika hanya cabang profunda maka timbul deep peroneal nerve syndrome.
2. lesi anterior tibial: parese/paralese jari kaki dan dorsofleksi. gangguan
sensori pada kulit sela jari kaki 1 dan 2. bisa juga timbul anterior tarsal tunnel
3. lesi superfisial peroneal: timbul parese dan atopi musculus peronei dan
gangguan eversi kaki dan gangguan sensoris pada kulit lateral distal tungkai
bawah dan dorsum kaki.
pemeriksaan penunjang yang dapat dilakukan adalah MRI lumbal untuk
memberikan bukti radikulopati l5. MRI pada lutut dan pergelangan kaki dapat
menunjukkan ganglia interneural.
Penatalaksanaan Peroneal palsy secara konservatif yaitu mengistirahatkan kaki
dan menghindari fakator kompressi seperti menyilangkan kaki.

Soal 10


Soal 1

Prostaglandins.Doctors often prescribe
prostaglandins to treat open-angle
glaucoma. These eyedrops increase the
outflow of the fluid in your eye (aqueous
humor) and reduce pressure in your eye
Beta blockers.These reduce the
production of fluid in your eye and
pressure in your eye (intraocular pressure).
Examples include timolol (Betimol,
Timoptic) and betaxolol (Betoptic).

Alpha-adrenergic agonists.These
medications reduce the production of aqueous
humor and increase outflow of the fluid in
your eye. Examples includeapraclonidine
(Iopidine) and brimonidine (Alphagan)
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.These are
rarely used, but these medications may
reduce the production of fluid in your eye.
Examples include dorzolamide (Trusopt) and
brinzolamide (Azopt).

Miotic or cholinergic
agents.These also increase the
outflow of fluid in your eye. Examples
include pilocarpine (Isopto Carpine)
and carbachol (Isopto Carbachol).
Possible side effects include smaller
pupils, blurred or dim vision, or

Soal 4

Pemeriksaan vitamin A secara

biokimia yaitu dengan pemeriksaan
serum Retinol Binding Protein (RBP)
mempunyai asumsi bahwa RBP
merupakan alat transport retinol.
Pemeriksaan serumini baru terlihat
bila cadangan hati sudah habis atau
sebaliknya (Wirjatmadi dan Adriani,


Soal 1
Abstrak: Epistaksis adalah perdarahan yang
keluar dari lubang hidung, rongga hidung dan
nasofaring. sumber perdarahan yang paling
sering adalah dari pleksus Kiessel-bachs.
Prinsip penanggulangan epistaksis adalah
menghentikan perarahan, mencegah komplikasi
dan kekambuhan. Epistaksis anterior
ditanggulangi dengan kauter dan tampon
anterior, sedangkan epistaksis posterior dengan
tampon Bellocq dan ligasi arteri atau embolisasi.

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