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Lous Biological Park

A partnership between the ADFP foundation and Miranda do Corvo


This project pretends to be economically and environmentally sustainable

and above all to promote social integration. The main objective is to create
jobs and occupational activities for unemployed and handicapped people.

People with disabilities making handicrafts. There are 340 people in the
foundation, some of them work in the park and others do handicrafts,
weaving, shoe store, pottery, glass and baskets.

Exhibition about Mankinds Evolution, theirs activities and the path to

reach the meaning of life since appearance
of humanity.

Fruit trees maze. The production of fruit trees in this region

guarantees 80% of the portuguese supply of fruit plants.

In the park, sick animals are treated and in the most of the cases they
are kept there forever. Nevertheless they have small space to live and
the natural conditions of their habitats are not assured.

Filipa Costa
Klio Liotati
Sara Cascais
Sharad Poundel

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