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Group 8


Low-Calorie Sweeteners
 Provide sweet taste without calories, or with very
few calories.

 Most low-calorie sweeteners are not digested by
the body and provide no calories.

 are also called "non-nutritive sweeteners"
Why use low-calorie
 Glucose not needed for metabolic energy is either
stored as:
 Glycogen
 Lipid
▪ Can form on the walls of blood vessels,
eventually leading to atherosclerosis, or
increase risk of stroke or heart attack.
T h e re fo re ,
m a n y p e rso n s lim it in ta ke o f fa t a n d
ca rb o h yd ra te s, e sp e cia lly su cro se .
In o rd e r to sa tisfy “ sw e e t to o th ” d e ve lo p e d b y su g a re d d ie ts,
va rio u s n a tu ra la n d syn th e tic m a te ria ls h a ve b e e n o r a re
b e in g in ve stig a te d a s su g a r su b stitu te s o r e n h a n ce rs.

Low-calorie Substitutes
 Low-calorie Substitutes:

 Their ability to be absorbed in the intestine is minimal, but

their capacity for hydrogen-bonding has caused them to
be associated with unpleasant laxative action of they are
consumed in large quantities

 Examples of these low-calorie substitutes are:

 Sugar alcohols
 Mannitol
 Sorbitol
Low-Calorie Sweeteners


 300 times sweeter than sucrose

 Shown to promote cancer in laboratory animals
 Classified as carcinogen: cancer-causing substance
 Enhance the carcinogenicity of other substances


 200 times sweeter than sucrose

 A dipeptide composed of 2 amino acids
 Illustrates that a molecule need not be a carbohydrate to
be sweet
 L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanyl-methyl ester

 Lactose:

 The second unit of lactose, glucose, has its hemiacetal carbon

free and it can therefore open up to the aldose form.

 is a reducing sugar and will be oxidized by:

 Fehling’s reagents
 Benedict’s reagents
 Tollen’s reagents

 requires: lactase - a special enzyme to break its glycosidic bond

 - secreted in the intestines of young mammals

 Lactose intolerance – is when adults cannot digest milk and milk products
- 70-80% of world’s adult population has
this condition
 - bring about gastrointestinal distress due to fermentation
of undigested lactose by endogenous intestinal bacteria
 - already fermented milk products like yogurt
and cheese are available for those who are suffering
 - Lactaid is available as lactase enzyme to treat milk
 - Sweet acidophilus – a bacterium which is
Lactobacillus acidophilus
 - added to regular milk

 Sucrose:

 also called the “table disaccharide”, the everyday table sugar

 composed of glucose and fructose units joined by glycoside bond
 a nonreducingsugar because it will not give a positive Fehling’s
 As a disaccharide, it is Dextrorotatory. Upon hydrolysis by acid or
enzyme, optical rotation changes to Levorotatory as a result of
release of fructose, also known as levulose and glucose, or
dextrose units.

 Inversion – sign optical activity changes from plus to minus

 - caused by hydrolysis process and occurs on the
optical rotation

 Invert sugar – mixture of the two monosaccharides

 Invertase – enzyme contained in bees
 - causes this conversion during production of honey

 Sucrose:

 Known cause of extensive tooth decay

 Plaque – material that sticks to our teeth
 Streptococcus multans – bacterial colonies that composes plaque
 Lactic acid – end result of digestion of adhesive along in the food in
which bacteria produced using sucrose
 - causes the corrosion of the mineral deposits
(hydroxyapatite) of the teeth and
destruction of gums
Group 8

Errors in the
Metabolism of Fatty
Acids – Lorenzo’s Oil
Lorenzo’s Oil

 “Lorenzo’s Oil”:

 a 1992 movie that detailed the real-life struggle of the Odone

 the Odone family has a young son suffering from a metabolic
 Lorenzo Odone show symptoms:
 Personality disorder
 Loss of coordination and speech
Lorenzo’s Oil
 The young son of Odone family suffered from ALD
 Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD)
 - an inborn metabolic disorder passed as an X-linked gene
through the women in the family
 - extremely rare condition – 1 in 45,000 in the populations
of United States and Europe.
 - accumulation of very-long-chain fatty acids (22-26 carbon
range) in the brain and adrenal cortex
 The Odones
 Became self-taught experts, finding a dietary supplement of a 4:1 mixture of olive
oil that seemed to slow progress of ALD in their son.
 The supplement contains:
▪ Oleic acid – as major component
▪ Triglycerides of erucic acid – 40-50% of seeds of rapeseeds, mustard,
wallflower, and nasturtium seeds
Lorenzo’s Oil
 Lorenzo’s Oil – mixture that seems to stabilize low blood
concentrations of very- long-chain fatty acids and has
impeded the development of ALD in some young patients
 - normal course of affliction is about two years
from diagnosis to death
 - for some treated did not have their condition

 Augusto and Michaela Odone

 - their devotion and studies indicated some possible
avenues of research
 - Augusto is the current director of Myelin Project
The End

 Thanks for LISTENING. 

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