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Humma e Saudaviya

Dr. M.S.M. Shiffa
BUMS (Hons)
 The attack (bari) comes every 4th day
therefore it is also called Humma e Rib
 This results due to ufoonath in Sauda.
 There are two types
4. Ribbe Dayera
5. Ribbe Lazima
Humma e Ribbe Dayera
 Duration – 72 hours
 Attack – every 4th day
 Usually found in moist & damp areas
 This is found abundantly in Bulghami
mizaj people
 It is due to putrefaction of Sauda
 Excludes which are produced from bad
i.e.- after oxidization of other akhlats
end product of other akhlats
 Scientifically it is caused by a particular type
of organism which multiplies every 72 hours
 According to Avicenna and other physicians
this fever is present in terminal stages of
other fevers
 In most of the cases this fever is present
along with the diseases of Liver
 Attack comes every 4th day
 Fever starts with chills and rigors
 Itching sensation
 Pain in bones and muscles (takasur)
 Feeling of heaviness
 Fatigue
 Diminished vision
 Perspiration - Safravi > Sauda > Bulghami
 Fever subsides with the perspiration
 Decreased thirst
 If the diseased madda is in the blood and not
evacuated then it will lead to inflammation of the
spleen causes pain and splenomegaly
 Long standing inflammation of spleen leads to
Nabz – Sagheer

When fever results due to oxidation of other

8. Bulghami akhlath
Fever duration – prolonged
Perspiration – decreased
Urine – viscous
Nabs – soft
2. Damavi akhlath
Alamat of damavi fever
Urine – red
Face – flushed
Nabz – azeem

8. Safravi akhlath
Chills & rigors – present
Thirst – increased
Perspiration – increased
Urine – yellowish in early stage
black in later stage
Nabz – sari
Humma e Ribbe Lazima
This type is very severe
This fever is continuous fever
Actually it is a combination of two Dayera fever
fever starts without chills & rigors
fever does not decrease with perspiration
before finishing one attack of humma other
attack occurs – causative factor reaches the
body and multiplied in the body within 3 days &
causes fever for 3 days
Usoole ilaj
 Treatment should be done according to the
type of the fever and the khilth involved
 Munzij e sauda
 Mulayyin drugs or mild hukna
 If the disease is severe give mushilath
 Do not give the food during the attack
 Easily digestible food can be given after the
Sauda became nuzj
 Barid food (curds) should be avoided
 Precaution should be taken as liver & spleen
are involved
Ilaj proper
Munzij e sauda
barge sahathra 3m
charayta e talq 3m
tukhm e kasoos 3m
Anjeer e zard 2D
maveez munakka 2D
Boil in water and add gulkand Use 2 times daily

Mushil e sauda
aftimoon 3m
ustakudoos 3m
bisfayij 3m
gharikoon 3m

Boil in water, add turanjabeen and use 2 times a day

Mushil e aam

 Haleela 6m
 Aftimoon 6m
 Afsanteen 6m
 Usar e ghafis 3m
 Amla khusk 3m
 Tukhm e karafs 3m
 Anisoon 3m
 Badiyan 3m
Boil in water
Give two times a day
Ark e kasni 7T
Or Ark e gauzaban 4T
Is mixed with sharbath e unnab and
sprinkle with tukhm e reehan 5m

Compound drugs
hub e hilteet
hub e shifa
Habb e shifa
Tukhm e datura 3T
Revand chini 2T
Sount 1T
Gond e babool 10m
powder first three drugs finely. Add luab e
gond e babool and make chana size
one tablet with warm water two times a
Thank you

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