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What are learning


Learning styles are simply different

.approaches or ways of learning
About learning styles and how to use
yourself in the most efficient way
Learning styles are the way in which
each individual learner begins to
concentrate on, process, absorb, and
retain new and difficult information

...Learning Styles cont

Learning styles, thus, are the most important
.tool for us when we construct knowledge
The right way of studying, however, does not
Everybody learns in his individual way, but
without knowing this way, i.e. without
knowing your preferences, you cant learn
.efficiently sometimes you cant learn at all
.There are quite a few learning styles concepts

There are no good and no bad learning
All profiles are totally equal
Your profile is relatively stabile thus, it
is not going to change radically, and
should changes occur, it will be in
.cycles of 2-3 years

If learning is fundamental
to everything we do,
then understanding ones unique learning style
is fundamental to learning.

I think that only daring speculation

can lead us further and not
accumulation of facts.

Your Brain Has A Mind of Its Own!

?Why use learning styles

Students learn better when using preferences
or characteristics in which they're
Students will be better learners when they
can exploit these characteristics
When the learning experience
accommodates various characteristics,
more students will be successful

A Discovery of Learning Styles

?Which one are you
?Do you acknowledge the validity of the others
?Do you try to change others to be like you
Do you appreciate others for what they are and
?for what you are not
?Can you be all things to all people

Herrmann Brain Dominance

Quadrant A: logical, critical,factual,
quantitative,analytical (cerebral, left brain)
Quadrant B: planned, organized, sequential,
structured, detailed (limbic, left brain)
Quadrant C: sensory, interpersonalplanned,
organized, sequential, structured, detailed (limbic,
right brain)
Quadrant D: holistic, visual, innovative (cerebral,
right brain)

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

extraverts (try things out, focus on the outer world of
people) or introverts (think things through, focus on the
inner world of ideas);
sensors (practical, detail-oriented, focus on facts and
procedures) or intuitors (imaginative, concept-oriented,
focus on meanings and possibilities);
thinkers (skeptical, tend to make decisions based on
logic and rules) or feelers (appreciative, tend to make
decisions based on personal and humanistic
judgers (set and follow agendas, seek closure even with
incomplete data) or perceivers (adapt to changing
circumstances, resist closure to obtain more data).

Aural Learners
Learn by Listening
Enjoy Lectures
Need Directions Read Aloud

What are the types of

?learning styles

Visual Learners
Graphical Representations
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Visual Learners
learn through seeing
These learners need to see the teacher's
body language and facial expression to
fully understand the content of a
lesson. They tend to prefer sitting at
the front of the classroom to avoid
visual obstructions (e.g. people's
. heads)

Visual Learners Cont

They may think in pictures and learn
best from visual displays including:
diagrams, illustrated text books,
overhead transparencies, videos,
flipcharts and hand-outs. During a
lecture or classroom discussion, visual
learners often prefer to take detailed
.notes to absorb the information

Aural/Auditory Learners
...learn through listening
They learn best through verbal lectures,
discussions, talking things through and listening
to what others have to say. Auditory learners
interpret the underlying meanings of speech
through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed
and other nuances. Written information may have
little meaning until it is heard. These learners often
benefit from reading text aloud and using a tape

Read/Write Learners
Written Word Read or Write
Textbooks and References

Kinesthetic Learners
Learn by Doing

Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners
learn through , moving, doing and
... touching
Tactile/Kinesthetic persons learn best
through a hands-on approach, actively
exploring the physical world around
them. They may find it hard to sit still for
long periods and may become distracted
.by their need for activity and exploration

How to Study information

/ Prepare for Tests
Visual Flowcharts with steps
Aural Discuss Topics and form study groups
Read/Write Read other sources of
information and Rewrite Ideas
Kinesthetic Role Playing / Hands-on

Addressing Various Styles

Visual Draw Charts and Diagrams
Movies or Movie Clips
Aural Use Lecture, Have Students
Explain Concepts to Each Other, Music
Read / Write Handouts and
incomplete notes
Kinesthetic Lab Exercises or
Demos / Role Playing / PowerPoint/

Characteristics of Teachers
V Use diagrams instead of words
A - Discuss without using the board
R - Appropriate readings will fully
enlighten the student
K - Lab and field work Get practical!

Cognitive styles
Field dependent - field independent
Serialist - holist
Impulsivity - reflectivity
Verbiliser - visualiser


Conceived by Howard Gardner,

Multiple Intelligences are seven different
ways to demonstrate intellectual ability





These are the two areas most often
assessed on standardised tests

Asks lots of questions
Enjoys talking
Has good vocabulary
Can pick up new languages easily
Enjoys reading and writing
Good at memorising names, places, dates and

Poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer,

politician, translator

Enjoys solving puzzles
Plays with numbers
Wants to know how things work
Oriented towards rule-based activities
Likes to collect and classify things
Good at maths, reasoning, logic and
problem solving

Scientists, engineers, computer programmers,

researchers, accountants, mathematicians

Likes to draw
Can interpret maps and charts
Likes to build things
Enjoys puzzles
Has a keen eye for detail
Mechanically adept
navigators, sculptors, visual artists,
inventors, architects, interior designers,
mechanics, engineers

Has sensitivity to sound patterns
Hums tunes
Can discriminate among sounds
Moves rhythmically
Seeks and enjoys musical experiences
Able to keep time
musician, disc jockey, singer, composer

Has a good sense of balance
Good at physical activities and crafts
Can read body language
Has good hand-eye co-ordination
Can solve problems through doing
Can communicate ideas through gesture
Athletes, physical education teachers,
dancers, actors, firefighters, artisans

Aware of strengths and weaknesses
Confident of own abilities
Can set appropriate goals
Likes being original
Can communicate feelings
Good at following instincts
Researchers, theorists, philosophers

Relates well to peers and adults alike
Displays skills of leadership
Works co-operatively with others
Acts as a mediator or counsellor to
Good at organising, communicating and
sometimes manipulating people
Counselor, salesperson, politician,
business person

Summary of Learning Styles

Each learning style is different
Each learning style is OK
Most of us are strangers to each others learning style
I have my desires, you have yours
You keep yours and Ill keep mine because each of
. us wants to be excellent
You have your talent and I have mine and I can
admire yours. I hope you will reciprocate
We can not accommodate all learning styles all of the

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