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Social Institutions

Social Institutions
A social institution is an important human
organization in a culture group that helps a society to
A social institution is a complex, integrated set
of social norms organized around the
preservation of a basic societal value
Groups of people banded together for common
purposes having rights, privileges, liabilities,
goals, or objectives distinct and independent
from those of individual members.

These elements are found in all institutions of

the world societies:
1. It is a group of people who are interrelated
through social interaction.
2. This is a group of people is united under
common interest.

Tahapan proses pelembagaan suatu norma sosial

menjadi lembaga sosial

Norma sosial diketahui oleh sebagian besar

anggota masya rakat setempat sebagai
pedoman untuk bersikap dan bertingkah-laku.


Norma sosial telah dipahami oleh sebagian

besar anggota masyarakat. Pada tahap ini,
manusia sadar sepenuhnya bahwa norma itu
adalah peraturan yang mengatur perilakunya
dalam hubungannya dengan masyarakat atau
orang lain. Manusia menyadari bahwa setiap
perilaku senantiasa terikat pada norma-norma
yang berlaku, dan apabila norma itu dilanggar,
maka seseorang akan mendapatkan sangsi

Jika kepatuhan itu benar-benar datang dari kesadaran

dan keyakinan masyarakat itu sendiri, bahwa norma
sosial itu benar-benar dirasakan telah bermanfaat bagi
kehidupan bermasyarakat, maka proses pelembagaan
sudah sampai pada tahap yang lebih tinggi.
4. Jika norma-norma sosial itu telah diketahui,
dipahami dan dipatuhi oleh masyarakat pada
umumnya, maka mau tidak mau norma tersebut
kemudian akan dihargai sebagai sesuatu yang tidak
bisa dipisahkan dari kehidupannya. Penghargaan
terhadap keberlakuan suatu norma sosial yang ada
menunjukkan bahwa norma sosial itu betul-betul telah
menjadi lembaga sosial.

Social Institutions characteristics:

1. Normative system presents the society with
the ideals and values
2. Position system refers to the statuses and roles
of the individuals
3. For the proper enforcement of norms, every
society has a sanction system
4. The anticipated response system calls upon
the individuals to participate in the social
5. It is object of the goal to be arrived at by the
social structure
6. Its parts are dynamic and constantly changing

Anthropologists have identified

government, religion, education ,
economy and family as the five basic
social institutions that are necessary for a
society to survive
An easy way to remember the social
institutions is by using the initials GREEF

G is for Government
Government is the political organization of a
The purpose of government is to keep order
and make group decisions
The government keeps order by providing law
enforcement at various levels; it defends the
country from enemies through the armed
services; it provides social services like Social
Security and Medicare; it protects the rights
of the population.

R is for Religion
Religion represents the moral belief system
of a society; it can include ideas about magic,
superstition and an explanation about how
the universe came about
Religion is necessary to determine group
values; to have a common belief system
Religion teaches a moral code (Good
behavior must be rewarded by the gods; bad
behavior would be punished). that is
generally reflective of the society;

E is for Economy
The economy of a culture represents the
way that resources are used to meet
human needs and wants
An economy is necessary because it
allows people to make a living and
determines how to acquire and distribute
goods and services

E is for Education
Education is the institution that passes on essential
cultural knowledge to members of a society
Education is necessary to pass information and
knowledge of the culture from one generation to the
Education instills knowledge about the world; it
provides skills to become competent in the adult world
of work; it teaches the values of way of life; it offers
opportunities for intellectual, social and emotional

Schools are necessary because:

1. Human culture is not biologically
inherited, but learned.
2. Young people develop social personalities
through adult care & teaching.

The goal of Education today:

1. Continue the existing culture
2. Add to the existing culture
3. Advance the existing culture

F is for Family
Family is the first and most basic social unit of
Family is necessary to care for the young, to
provide a kinship system for social organization
The American family is the basic unit of society.
As such, it cares for the young physically,
emotionally, socially and intellectually. It
provides the basic living arrangements; it
structures the kinship system; it furnishes
companionship and emotional and social support
for its members.

Family Structures
Nuclear family--- just the parents and the
Extended family--- other relatives, such as
grandparents, uncles and aunts are also included

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