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Questionnaire Feedback

Purpose of the questionnaire We decided to carry out a questionnaire to find out how much people
really know about binge drinking and the effects it can have. This
would help us to decide what needed to be included in our
documentary for example if people knew little about the effects of
binge drinking we would make sure this was included in the
documentary so we can inform them of the risks and help them be
more careful.
We handed our questionnaire out to 10 people, 5 males and 5 females,
5 of which were 17, 3 were 18, and out of the remaining 2 one
individual was 19 and the other 21.
Everyone who filled out our questionnaire matched our primary target
audience profile. This meant all the information collected was useful
and reliable for us to put in to our documentary which is targeted at
people amongst the ages of 16-25 because we knew it reflected the
views of our target audience.

The majority of people who filled out our questionnaire drink weekly, there
was only one individual who drinks monthly but no one drinks daily. This
question was helpful overall to get a general overview of how much people
drink but it did not give us specific information, on how many drinks, because
when drinking weekly they could be having 15+ drinks in one sitting on the
weekend because in the week students are at college or university so when
they go out on a weekend they may drink more but think its okay because
they dont drink in the week however because of how much they are drinking
at one time they would actually be binge drinking
How often do you drink?

To gain further information on how much young adults drink, we decided to find
out on average how many drinks young adults consumed on a night out to see if
they feel into the category of a binge drinker. Most people drank around 8 to 11
drinks. Through research we discovered a website called drinkaware which said
depending on the drinks around 8 to 11 drinks is okay however 4 to 7 is a safer
more sensible range to stay in.

How much do you drink on average during a night


Drink effects how people behave both for the better and the worst, we wanted to
know how it affected people the most. All 10 young adults said it made them
more talkative which is common and not a disadvantage of alcohol, however a
few people said at times it makes them more aggressive or tired these are
negative affects of consuming too much alcohol which we want to address In
our documentary as these behaviour traits can lead to people getting hurt if they
end up in a fight or falling asleep somewhere which is not safe for example
behind the wheel.
What type of drunk are you? (tick as many as you like)

Most people answered this question incorrectly. The actual answer is a

single shot of a spirit which only 2 people knew, whereas most thought it
was actually a small glass of wine that made up one unit. Due to most
people answering incorrectly it highlighted to us people are unaware of units
and how many units are actually in different types of alcohol this suggests
people may be unaware of the unit guidelines and how many they should be
consuming because of this we are now going to ensure we include
information on units and the unit guidelines in our documentary.
Tick which drink you believe to be 1 unit of alcohol?

Again similar to the last question these results highlight the fact people are
unaware of the unit guidelines and how much they should be consuming as 8 out
of 10 people answered no. We want our documentary to be educational and
helpful for young adults and for this reasons will include information on units of
alcohol so that we can make them aware of how many units their gender should
be consuming.
Do you know how many units your gender
should consume in a week?

Most people answered no to this question however we have already

learnt they know little about units so our answers to this question may
be slightly unreliable as it is just someone's opinion on themselves
and they may not feel comfortable admitting this type of personal

Would you consider yourself a binge drinker?

7 people answered no to this question, however the 3 who answered yes were
all girls this could be due to girls vulnerability or their aims to try fit it, in our
documentary we want to highlight the importance of only drinking if you want to
and emphasising the idea drinking alcohol does not make you any cooler it just
puts you at a greater risk if you are not careful.

Have you ever felt pressured into drinking


The legal drinking age is 18 and 9 people who carried out the questionnaire
agreed with this because they felt before the age of 18 you can not handle your
drink properly and their bodies can not handle it. One person said no and their
reasons to justify their opinion where because younger people may over drink
because they dont know their limits and suggested it should 16 years should be
allowed to drink as long as they have parents consent because either way 16
year olds drink now anyway and find their way around the law to drink.
Do you agree with the legal drinking age? Explain Answer

The results we collected show that everyone enjoys drinking. This

highlighted to us that because drinking is a popular part of today society,
by filming a documentary which is related to drinking we will hopefully
gain a large audience of people who are interested in what we have to
say about the well known issue.
Do you enjoy drinking?

Most people did know the risks of binge drinking both health wise and safety
wise however we want to use our documentary to inform the 4 people who
answered no to what the risks actually are as it is important to try and ensure
everyone is safe and aware.

Do you know the risks of binge drinking?

8 people believe that it is our peers who can cause us to binge drink, I was not
surprised by this result as peer pressure is a common issue in today's society,
were people are pressured into doing things they may not want to. However I was
very surprised to find out 3 people blamed family members, as it is more common
for people to drink with friends as it is a more comfortable environment and family
members may pass judgement.
Who do you feel Is responsible for binge drinking in young

The results we collected mainly suggested that people drink for social reasons
and not because of depression or stress.

Why do you drink?

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