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Pentingnya Analisis Lingkungan

Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis

Daya Dukung dan Daya Tampung Lingkungan

Kualitas Lingkungan
Spatial Analysis

Environment: A complex system with physical,
biological, geological, ecological, and geopolitical
aspects. (space, rocks, plants, buildings, laws)
Requires multidisciplinary research: chemistry,
biology, physics, meteorology-climate, economics,
ethics, law, Time, etc.
Environmental crisis: Population, environmental
hazards, resource limitations and contaminations,
environment ownership (both space and time)
Who really owns the earth???
Copy from George Stephenson MS, CPG in Environmetal Geology

Five fundamental concepts
Population growth very critical not
enough space and resources
Sustainability Dont use it all up!!!
Systems and change Work with the natural
systems not against them!
Hazardous Earth processes inevitable
Scientific knowledge and values observe and
interpret - both impartially and correctly. In

other words the Scientific Method


#1 Environmental problem (good test question)
Population time bomb: Exponential growth
Earths carrying capacity (how many can it hold without
causing negative impacts) is limited: The more resources
used, the more waste generated, the more land space
Exponential growth
Growth rate (G): measured as a percentage
Doubling time (D): D = 70/G
Currently 50 years - do the math!! Yikes! We now
have about 7 billion, in 50 years, 11 - 14 billion, in
100 years 22-28 billion, 150 years 44-56 billion!

Sustainability living so that our offspring will
have equal access to our planets resources!
The Earth will live on regardless, the main concern is the quality of the
Human Environment (while we and ours are here on the Earth!!)

An evolving concept produce but conserve

Expectation and reality, be reasonable
Long-term implications, think it out carefully
Requiring careful resources allocation, development of
new technology and substitutions for resource use,
recycling, reduction of products and waste, reusing or
designing reusable products!

Measuring sustainability scientifically and

Use and consumption of resources
Replenishment and renewable rates
Development and improvement of human
environment vs. viable environment
Essentially Responsible Development

Simple concept of sustainability, cut all the trees down, then you have no trees.
Question, do we need trees answer YES. Solution, cut and use only the amount of
trees that will be replaced by re-growth within the same time of resource usage!!

Hazardous Earth Processes

Hazardous Earth processes and risk statistics for
the past two decades
Annual loss of life: About 150,000
Financial loss: > $20 billion
More life loss from a major natural disaster in a
developing country (2003 Iran quake, ~300,000
people) (2004 Earthquake/Tsunami ~ 270,000)
More property damage occurs in a more
developed country (New Orleans)
Several Million people have died in the past 25 years alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Risk Assessment

Risk management and mitigation

Why? Because when you have more people, it is likely that more of
them live on harms way!!!!!

Hazard identification
Risk assessment (types, probability, and
consequences of impact)
Critical facility mapping and analysis
Economic impact analysis
Societal impact analysis
Total environmental impact analysis

Risk Perception-

Education Knowledge - Attitude

Public attitude toward risks

NIMBY (Not In My BackYard)
Public acceptance for risks
Threshold for living with dangers
Planning decisions, e.g., floodplain
development, waste disposal site selection,
using the scientific process
Public awareness and collective actions
Anticipatory measures
Mitigation planning

Earths Systems and Changes

Earth: A dynamic system of interdependence
Four interconnected subsystems: Lithosphere (land
and rock), atmosphere (air) hydrosphere (water),
and biosphere (life )
Earth systems science study it all and see how
each relies on the other
Four subsystems mutually adjust when one changes
So before you pollute the air, think what it might do
to the land, water, or life!! ie. If you drive, you
pollute rivers, therefore you kill fish!!

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Goal is to Prolong Earths sustainable

healthy life
Environment monitoring
Environment problemsmapping and
Environment problem prevention and
protection using a systems

Science and Solutions

Science: is Accumulated knowledge
Knowledge: is the Basis for decision making
Scientific methods: a method to Formulate
possible solutions to environmental problems
Scientific design: Structures more suitable for
certain environmental settings to achieve
Scientific Information: Public awareness and
environmental regulations

Science and Solutions and

Human Values
Methods to solve environmental problems have
to be decided on by people, it is dependent on
their (your) priorities.
What are their priorities? What are yours?



attitude --



the care for your offspring attitude

Kesimpulan :
Analisis Lingkungan berfungsi untuk
mengukur sejauhmana kondisi lingkungan
dengan adanya masalah populasi manusia
dan bagaimana upaya mengelola lingkungan
untuk dapat mendukung perikehidupan
manusia (sustainability) pada generasi

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Thank You !


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