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Analysis of the tradeoff between

compression ratio and security level

in real-time video communication
DR Mohamad RAAD


Project outline
Video compression
Encryption scheme
Review of related work
Future work

Project outline

3.7 EB per
month (2015)

30.6 EB per
month (2020)

Huge data consumption

70% of traffic is video

Possible solution:
Use video compression technique to minimize the load



This is not the only concern

Is also a big problem

Project outline
Video compression
Security scheme
Tradeoff between video compression and security level

Video compression

Reduce data size by eliminating redundancy

Combining image compression and motion
vector compression
lossy or lossless
Can be seen as possibility to send better
quality while concerving the same network

Video compression

Encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in
such a way that only authorized parties can read it.
Several encryption schemes exist:
Full encryption where the whole data is encrypted it is secure but
complex, require huge memory and slow
Permutation is the fact of interchanging byte location, its a
simple and fast scheme but generally with low security
Selective encryption it is considered as light weight encryption
that encrypt data and make it secure with a reasonable
complexity and time consumption
Perceptual encryption a low quality of data used in special case
like VoD and Pay per Video

Review of related work

Meyer and Gadegast

Encrypting MPEG video stream using RSA and DES in CBC mode
Different level of security (Header, Header and DC and AC component, I frame, Full stream)
Special encoder and decoder must be implemented leading to non format compliant
Demonstrated reduced efficient demonstrated by Qiao and Naharestedt

Aegis mechanism
Encrypt I frame and Header of MPEG stream using DES in CBC mode
Show the importance of selective encryption
Agi and Gong demonstrated that this mechanism has a low security due to
inter correlation between B and P frame and I Frame
Header encryption un-useful as they are predictable

Review of related work

Changgui Shi and Bharat Bhargava

Video Encryption Algorithm (VEA) for MPEG stream

Encryption of DCT coefficient by XORing with secret key
Enhanced VEA by encrypting DC coefficient and sign of motion vector
Vulnerable to chosen plain-text attack

higuo Lian, Zhongxuan Liu, Zhen Ren, and Haila Wang

Proposed for H.264/AVC video stream
Sensitive data as intra prediction mode, residue data and motion vector are encrypted partially

Review of related work

Bergeron and Lamy Bergot

Encrypt H.264 Video stream using AES

Format compliant scheme with possibility of inserting encryption in encoder
Encryption bit that have no or negligible effect on compression ration
Lack of cryptographic security

Abomhara and al
Encrypting H.264/AVC I frame using 128-bit AES
Reduced computational complexity and simple to implement
Must take in consideration B and P frame

Future work
Briefly talking we can resume previous work as:
1. I frame encryption
2. DCT coefficient encryption
3. MV encryption
4. Whole encryption

Future work
In our project VP8 is used as video compression
Open source technique
Widely implemented and supported (YouTube,
Chrome, Mozilla, Opera )
Mature technique and recently a mandatory encoder
to implement in WEBRTC
The frame by frame processing
Simulation will take in consideration one, more or a
combination of selective encryption scheme.
In order to analyze the tradeoff between compression
ratio an security level in a real time video


Cisco Visual Networking index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update,
L.Qiao and K. Nahrstedt ,Anew Algorithm for MPEG Video Encryption
J.Meyer and F.Gadegast ,Security mechanism for multimedia-data with the
example MPEG-I-Video
I.Agi and L.Gong, An Empirical study of secure MPEG Video Transmission
G.Spanos and T.Maples Performance of a selective encryption scheme for the
security of networked, Real-Time Video
C.Shi and B.Bhargava, An efficient MPEG Video Encryption Algorithm
J.Wen and al., A format-compliant configurable encryption framework for
access control of multimedia
W.Zeng and S. Lei, Efficirnt Frequency domain selective scrambling of digital
C.Bergeron and C. Bergot, Compliant Selective encryption for H.264?AVC
Video Streams
S.Lian and al.,Secure Advanced Video coding Based on selective encryption
M.Abomhara and al, Enhancing selective encryption for H.264/AVC Using
advanced Encryption Standard

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