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INF 336 Course Career Path B

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INF 336 Entire Course (Ash)

INF 336 Week 1 DQ 1 Risk Management
INF 336 Week 1 DQ 2 Organizational Structure
INF 336 Week 2 DQ 1 Supply Process Improvements
INF 336 Week 2 DQ 2 Outsourcing
INF 336 Week 2 Assignment Article Review
INF 336 Week 3 DQ 1 Capital Goods
INF 336 Week 3 DQ 2 Quality
INF 336 Week 3 Assignment Need Definition
INF 336 Week 4 DQ 1 Procuring Services
INF 336 Week 4 DQ 2 Target Pricing
INF 336 Week 4 Assignment Case 11-3 Budget

INF 336 Week 1 DQ 1 Risk Ma

nagement (Ash)
Risk Management. Risk management is a critical aspec
t of project management. The supply chain decisions th
at are made have risk involved like any other project de
cision. Comment on two examples of risks that can occu
r in the supply chain that can affect a project. What can
you do as a project manager to reduce or eliminate the
risks that you defined? Provide professional examples, i
f at all possible, from a project you have managed or of
which you have been a team member.

INF 336 Week 1 DQ 2 Organiz

ational Structure (Ash)
Organizational Structure. The structure of an organiza
tion can influence the overall success of a project from i
nitiation to closure. Identify if your organization is centr
alized or decentralized and evaluate benefits and weakn
esses of the structure. Would you change from centraliz
ed or decentralized to meet the needs of your projects?
Why or why not? Respond to at least two of your classm
ates posts.

INF 336 Week 2 Assignment

Article Review (Ash)
Article Review. Review the following article from ProQ
uest: Avery, S. (2009, February). MRO sourcing goes glob
al.Purchasing, 138(2), 48-52. Retrieved from ProQuest D
In a 1-2 page paper, identify three best practices in the
article and describe how your organization, or an organi
zation you are familiar with, could improve with the pra

INF 336 Week 2 DQ 1 Supply

Process Improvements (Ash)
Supply Process Improvements. Examine the steps of t
he supply process in Chapter 4 of the text and identify a
project where improvements could be made in one or
more of the steps. Would the project have been more s
uccessful with the implementation of any or all of these
steps in the supply process?

INF 336 Week 2 DQ 2 Outsou

rcing (Ash)
Outsourcing. The process of outsourcing the creation o
f a product or a service is a controversial, yet critical str
ategic decision for many employers. Describe one exam
ple from your professional experience, or that you are f
amiliar with, where a process or function was outsource
d. What are the financial implications of this change? Di
d the quality of the product or service stay the same, im
prove, or decline

INF 336 Week 3 Assignment

Need Definition (Ash)
Need Definition. From the end of Chapter 6, complete
the following questions out of the section titled Questi
ons for Review and Discussion. Each question should b
e thoroughly answered in a minimum of 150 words, usi
ng support from the text and examples when appropria
a. Why is it preferable to separate need identification an
d defining commercial equivalents into two separate sta
b. Why is early supply/supplier important?
c. What are the disadvantages of specifying by performa
nce? What are the advantages?

INF 336 Week 3 DQ 1 Capital

Goods (Ash)
Capital Goods. A project manger needs to understand t
he importance of the acquisition of capital goods. There
are many choices for capital good procurement, includi
ng buying or leasing new equipment, or buying used eq
uipment. Describe an example from the text or your per
sonal professional experience where your project or org
anization had to procure capital goods for strategic reas
ons. What was the type of equipment (new, used) and h
ow was it purchased? Please comment on the benefits o
f the choice selected. Respond to at least two of your cla
ssmates posts

INF 336 Week 3 DQ 2 Quality

Quality. Suitability and reliability are two examples of q
uality in terms of buying materials, goods or services. Pr
ovide an example of a best buy from your professiona
l experience where quality aspects were not met in acco
rdance to the text definition of quality dimensions. Wha
t aspect of quality could be improved for future projects

INF 336 Week 4 Assignment

Case 11-3 Budget (Ash)
Case 11-3 Budget. Refer to the City of Granston Case 1
1-3 at the end of Chapter 11. Using the
Current Year Q3 data found in Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3, create a project
supply and materials budget based on the information i
n the case. Your budget must include a one paragraph i
ntroduction on the importance of a materials supply bu
This can be submitted in a MS Word Document, with titl
e page, or as an MS Excel sheet with a clear one-paragra
ph introduction on the importance of a materials and s
upply budget.

INF 336 Week 4 DQ 1 Procuri

ng Services (Ash)
Procuring Services. Many projects need to procure ser
vices to execute successfully no matter what industry yo
u are in. There is a personal relationship with the servic
e provider, which makes collaboration much more impo
rtant than when selecting goods products. Describe a pr
oject you have been involved with, or have knowledge o
f, where services were a major part of the deliverables.
How were references checked for service suppliers and
what lessons were learned from the process? What cont
ributing factors ultimately led to the service supplier bei
ng selected?

INF 336 Week 4 DQ 2 Target

Pricing (Ash)
Target Pricing. Target pricing is experiencing growing u
se in North America. Should businesses use target prici
ng? Do you think target pricing can only be used for ma
nufactured goods, or can it also be applied to services?
Defend your choices. Respond to at least two of your cla
ssmates posts

INF 336 Week 5 DQ 1 Sustain

ability (Ash)
Sustainability. Sustainability is an important ethical an
d environmental issue in purchasing. Describe one mat
erial, product, or service that can contribute to sustaina
bility in a project you have been involved with, or in you
r current organization. Describe how these decisions en
able the organization to avoid violations in terms of envi
ronmental issues.

INF 336 Week 5 DQ 2 Liabilit

y (Ash)
Liability. Personal liability is a serious issue in purchasi
ng and supply management. Provide details from the te
xt or your personal experience where a supply officer o
r project manager has been held personally liable for co
nditions of a contract. Comment on how you will procee
d in the future to avoid any personal liability for contrac
ts if at all possible. The text provides excellent examples
that can be researched starting on page 311

INF 336 Week 5 Research Pa

per (Ash)
Focus of the Research Paper
Use at least one project you have been a team member
of, or a project manager for, as an example to contextu
alize the research topics below:
All of the following topics must be addressed in order fo
r the paper to be complete:
a) The definition of purchasing and supply management
and the importance to the business world.
b) The steps of the creation of a project supply, service,
and material budget from detailed requirements.
c) How to select the most qualified suppliers and strateg
ies for negotiating prices.

INF 336 Course Career Path B

egins /inf336dotcom

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