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Who am I as a presenter?

Part of ICT group for Prof Amory

Our task is to do research on technological
approaches/solutions that could be used to
support the development of E-maturity within
the school.

Best Ways of E-Learning
Example of usage of a computer by
a 5 year old
 Mitra observed his 5 year old playing with a
computer and came to the following
- Children could learn to use computers on their
- Minimal assistance is needed from adults.
- Given a chance, learners can use computers.
- They can master all the learning areas that
they participate in at school.

 In this assignment we are going to show

how ICT can be used in learning and
 Ways in which ICT can be used to enhance
and facilitate learning using strategies such
as :
- Mind tools and Concept mapping
- Collaborative and independent learning
- Interactive learning tool.
 We will also discuss remote management
and cost effectiveness.
Technology in Teaching & Learning
 Getting the right balance or right blend
between different elements of learning is the
key to both pedagogical and economic
 The implementation of technology in teaching
and learning, can make a significant positive
 Independent learning and interactive learning
should be encouraged.
 School should be prepared to implement ICT,
to promote successful learning.
Effective Management
 School management teams (SMT)
should use ICT in managing school.
 The use of ICT increases accuracy of
 SMT should play a role in trying to
increase the awareness of the use of
ICT in the school hence the
 It can also provide management with
up-to-date information so that their
actions can be fact based.
Technology is the Answer
If the school can implement the use of ICT, this
can be the answer to most of problems that
the school experiences such as:
- Administration of records
- Recording and reporting
- Management of finances
The school can use ICT to have a well
planned school curriculum.
Learners can also be assessed using ICT
Balances 2
 Starting with learning again can be
economical because, it can operate at
scale, which the remote classroom
approach cannot.
 The internet can also help our students
to reach each other globally wherever
and whenever.
 It is both more effective, more cost-
effective to concentrate on improving
access to learning.
 ICT should be used for quality teaching
and learning.
Mind Tools and Concept Mapping
 The most powerful mind tool that can be used
is the CM. This tool is the most effective
application of technology in education.
 It facilitates the generative process of
information by learners.
 It was tested by using paper and pencil,
expansion of personal computers, use of CM
with hypertext, and finally the development of
the web-based CM.
 In all the four tests different results were
Mind Tools
 Mind tools or cognitive learning tools
are computer-based tools.

 Mind tools facilitate the generative

process of information by learners and
they also facilitate critical thinking and
higher-order learning.

 These tools are one of the most

effective applications of technology in
education to promote learning and
Concept Mapping
 This is one of the most useful tools/
computer tools designed specifically for
creating (CM).

 Learners and teachers can construct and

modify data easily and very quickly.

 The use of multimedia allows the use of

sounds, videos, and pictures in concept
mapping and this in turn enhances the
learning process.
Collaborative Learning
 In collaborative learning, the learners (in
groups) will be able to construct group maps.
This promotes group discussions.
 One of the collaborative software systems that
was tried, was the knowledge soup.
 It worked because it linked students when they
used the concept map.
 All user could view the CM’s without seeing
each other and in this way learners could refine,
elaborate, and improve their own knowledge
Independent Learning
 With independent learning, learners are
able to read a book, work with software,
listen to a lecture, watch television, and
also write assignments.
 When considering all of this, it backs-up
effective learning.
 independent learning and interactive
activities will promote effective learning
A. With the scoring system of concept map, learning
effectiveness can be divided into three levels:
2. Level of individual learning.
3. Level of group as a whole.
4. Level of interaction between individual and group.
 For each level there are a number of sub-levels
that can be used as a basis for analysis of
learning effectiveness in collaborative CM and
other collaborative tasks.
 It was found out that in reliability of scoring
system and questionnaires', when using
Chronbach’s Alpha, it showed a high reliability for
the whole questionnaire.
Cost Effectiveness
 If management has knowledge of the full costs
of ICT, this can support management’s
investment decision.
 This will enable “head” teachers – i.e.
principals – ICT decision makers, and local
authority officers to develop a strategy for
sustainable ICT provision appropriate to their
 But for a school to realise the benefits of ICT,
each school needs to adopt effective methods
for using and managing its ICT resources.
 The key issue to cost-effectiveness is that,
independent activities lend themselves more
readily to the use of technology and therefore
to the economics of scale.
One solution of showing that ICT can be used in schools
and that it can promote effective learning and
teaching , is the application of mind tools like CM.
Technology is the answer to our learners when they
face the common world.
Our management can become very active if they follow
suit in using the computers.
The implementation of ICT can also make the
communication of the school with learners, and their
parents very much easier.
As already stated ICT supports active learning
experiences and access to a wide range of media and
learning opportunities.
ICT can make teaching more interactive. It permits
educators to teach from anywhere in the classroom.
Results - part 1
 Levels of learning effectiveness
1) Learning effectiveness at the individual level:- e.g.
individual achievment – Total number of concepts in
post test. It includes sub-levels of environment of
enrichment and retention.
2) Enrichment:- e.g. differences between post tests and
pre-tests – knowledge acquisition: new concepts on
post-test. It concludes concepts transferred from the
group CM and new individual concepts. We also have
individual creativity, whereby we have new concepts
which were not in either of the two.
3) Retention:- In this category concepts are transferred
from the pre-test to the post-test.
4) Learning effectiveness at the level of the group as a
whole:- We have group achievement, like total number
of concepts in group CM.
Results - part 2
5) Structure & configuration:- Distribution of concepts in
different levels in relation to central concept in group
6) Group Creativity:- New concepts and ideas in group
CM that are not in pre-tests and are created only in
collaboration sessions.
7) Learning effectiveness as an interaction between
group and individual achievement:- Individual to
group transfer – concepts are transferred from pre-
test to group CM. :-Group to individual transfer –
Concepts are transferred from group to post-test.
:-Individual to individual transfer – Concepts are
transferred from one of the peers pre-test to his/her
partner’s post level.
Remote Management
 Remote management is not good for the
school because there is no exchange nor
access to information.
 The implementation of ICT in our school can
be very useful to management.
 Management that uses computers becomes
very effective.
 Computers are an excellent assets to
 Every effective manager can put his/her own
input separately and in that way management
becomes democratic and the end result is
good management.
People Involvement
 Technology always involves people.
 When it is used in education, teachers
can always remember that, processes,
approaches, rules, and ways of
organising things are important.
 If children at school use ICT, this can
lead to them being more intelligent in
 Teaching and learning are opposite side
of the same coin. With technology it
really makes a difference which side of
the coin you start on.

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