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1. Introduction
Analysis of walls involve both internal and external stability calculations.
Solution of walls for support reactions, wall displacements, shears and moments is an internal stability problem.
Overall or wedge stability and base stability calculations are in the external stability category.
It may be appropriate to review failure modes of walls before discussing stability.

2. Failure of Walls
Failure of anchor supported walls are observed to occur in several ways. Modes of failure may be listed as follows:
1. Both anchor length and penetration depth is short. Wall fails like an overall stability failure but failure surface is located
just behind anchors or at fixed length zone and below penetration depth. Failed mass is like the active wedge.
2. Overall stability failure. Slip surface is behind fixed length of anchors. Wall and anchors altogether rotate. This type of
failure generally occurs in soft and weak soils and excavations in slopes. If instability detected at the time of project
calculations longer anchor lengths and deeper embedment are designed.
3. Penetration depth is sufficient but anchors are short and a large mass containing fixed length zone separates from soil mass
behind and tilts forward.
4. Wall may fail reaching its structural capacity due to overloading. Some of the anchors may also get damaged (at the head or

5. Insufficient number of anchors result in excessive anchor loads and anchors fail one by one leading to complete wall failure.
6. Excessive deformations on very flexible walls sometimes cause problems at anchors and waling even if wall retains its stability.
7. Excessive base heave in soft soils may cause complete wall failure. This type of failure infact a bearing capacity failure due to
8. Accumulated vertical components of anchor forces cause bearing capacity failure of wall in soft soils. Vertical displacement of wall
damages anchors.
9. Piping in cohesionless soils, if not prevented, causes boiling near base inside and loss of passive resistance, and water and soil
transferred inside through large openings leads to failure of wall.
10. Undetected artesian pressures under relatively impervious soils may cause blow out of base resulting in submergence of excavation
If struts are used as supporting elements failure modes hold true except Nos 1,3,8. In an additional mode wall height between the
lowest strut and tip of embedded part may show excessive deformation or failure due to insufficient passive resistance and/or excessive

3. Internal Stability
Cantilever and single supported walls may be solved by simple limit equilibrium assumptions using fixed earth support and free
earth support methods respectively since penetration depth in the former is considerably greater than that in the latter.
Analysis of multi-level anchored and strutted in-situ retaining walls is a complex internal stability issue, and it is not usually
attempted by manual calculations although it may be approximated by introducing hinges on the wall or making use of tributary
areas of apparent distributions. Walls supported at more than single level are solved by one the following methods:
1.Approximate Methods: Wall may be solved by assuming an earth pressure distribution on a simply supported or continuous
beam (wall) or sometimes considering an extra (virtual) support in the penetration depth. Support reactions, shear and moments
of the beam are solved.
2. Multi-level supported walls may also be analyzed by employing a soil-structure interaction model (beam on elastic soil)
either by a beam fully supported by springs (anchors and soil) or wall is represented by finite elements and anchors and soil
along penetration depth by springs, and apparent earth pressure distributions act on the beam. Selection of horizontal moduli
of subgrade reaction in different type of soils is needed together with anchor springs. Anchor spring can be formulated by the
following expression;
k = (AE/sL) cos


A and E are tendon area and modulus,
s horizontal spacing of anchors,
L free length,
angle between anchor axis and the horizontal.
Spring moduli for walls recommended by (The German Society for Geotechnics, 2003) in relation to strain level for different soils are
presented in Table 6.1. These values are for passive resistance of soils.
3. Finite element method is relatively a new technique for solution of walls. Full finite element mesh and elements for soil, wall and
anchors are described and soil properties and soil models can be input. Soil properties like c, , E and wall characteristics are
required. Moment, shear, displacements of wall and anchor reactions are presented and displacement vectors can be observed. Programs
automatically solve in stages (i.e. every excavation and support level is solved and displacements are accumulated). In simple methods
and methods use subgrade reaction critical stages should be checked if possible.
4. There are also finite difference, boundary element and other numerical techniques but not commonly used in geotechnical offices.

Table 6.1 Guide values for the modulus of subgrade reaction ks,h for soil above the groundwater table

4. External Stability
4.1 Overall stability
Overall stability calculations are integral part of deep excavation projects. They are especially important in soft soils and sloping
ground. Overall stability checks are made by slope stability software using circular or general slip surfaces. Selection of
strength parameters for short and long term analyses should be made on potential surfaces (Fig. 6.1). Tilting and stability of
anchored soil mass is also checked by force equilibrium (Fig. 6.2).

Figure 6.1 Potential failure surfaces for short and long term analyses

(a) + (b) tilting of wall

(c) rotation of wall and soil mass

Figure 6.2 Checks for tilting and stability of anchored soil mass

4.2 Base Heave

Deep excavations and retaining systems may fail by excessive bottom heave. This type of failure usually occurs in soft and
weak soils rather than in stiff clays and cohesionless soils. It is in fact a bearing capacity problem due to unloading, and
following expressions are proposed;

F = cU NC /(H+q)


F = cU NC /(H (- cU/D) )


Eq. 6.2

cU:undrained strength,
NC:bearing capacity factor,
H:depth of excavation,
B:width of excavation,
D:distance from bottom of excavation to stiff layer if any

For deep excavations with H/B>1 Eq. 6.2a is used, and NC values are about 6-7 and in cases where H/B<1 Eq. 6.21b with
NC values of 7-8 are used. If there is no stiff layer D = 0.7 B is used .
Factor of safety (F) of 2 is recommended. For F between 1.5 and 2.0 heaving displacements are observed. See NAVFAC
(1982), Bjerrum and Eddie (1956) and Terzaghi (1943) for more details.

A depth of 11.0m open excavation will be done in a soil profile of 14m silty sand underlying by a stiff clay. The ground
water table is located 2m below ground surface. The soil parameters of the existing layers are given below. Propose a
retaining wall system, then analyze this system involving internal stability.
Silty Sand

: c= 2 kPa
= 320
E = 45 MPa
dry = 18 kN/m3, sat = 20 kN/m3

Stiff Clay

: c = 5 kPa
= 260
E = 75 MPa
= 20 kN/m3

max = 5,4cm
Mmax = 786,81 kN-m/m
Vmax = 200,43 kN/m
T1 = 147,9 kN/m
T2 = 158,3 kN/m
T3 = 166,4 kN/m
T4 = 152,5kN/m
Design Values:
max = 5,4cm
Mmax = 786,81 kN-m/m Md = 786,81 kN-m/m x 1,2 m x 1,5 = 1416 kN-m = 142 ton-m
Vmax = 200,43 kN/m Vd = 200,43 kN7m x 1,2 m x 1,5 = 361 kN = 36,1 ton
T1 = 147,9 kN/m T1 = 148 kN/m x 1,8 m = 266 kN = 27 ton
T2 = 158,3 kN/m T2 = 158 kN/m x 1,8 m = 285 kN = 29 ton
T3 = 166,4 kN/m T3 = 166 kN/m x 1,8 m = 300 kN = 30 ton
T4 = 152,5kN/m T4 = 153 kN/m x 1,8 m = 275 kN = 28 ton

When deep excavations are made and in-situ retaining walls are constructed horizontal and vertical displacements occur
around the excavation pit. They have to be kept at acceptable limits otherwise damage to buildings, roads and underground
facilities will occur. Large number of excavation pits are opened every year worldwide and some of them are instrumented.
In this chapther expected displacements will be summarized in different soils.
There are several factors affecting wall movements, these are:
1.Soil conditions
2.Groundwater conditions
3.Changes in GWL
4.Depth and shape of excavations
5.Type and stiffness of wall and its supports
6.Methods of construction of the wall and adjacent facilities
7.Surcharge loads
8.Duration of the wall
The protection of adjacent building during excavation can be divided into the following three procedure:
a. Before excavation plan comprehensive geological investigation
b. Monitoring and prevention during excavation
c. Compensation after damages have been done.

Studies like Clough and ORourke (1990) and Long (2001) collected information on instrumented walls and categorized mainly
according to type of soil. Type of wall is also indicated.
Table 7.1 shows maximum lateral wall movements and maximum vertical settlements behind walls normalized by excavation
height. Soils are classified as soft soil or stiff soil. Cohesionless and cohesive soils are indicated. Effect of the factor of safety
against base heave and the effect of the type of the supporting system is also considered.

Table 7.1 Maximum wall movements and vertical

settlements behind walls

Stiff clays, Residual Soils and Sands Maximum Movements

Basal instability is not an issue usually less than settlements and h < 0.5% H
Recent literature;
Horizontal movements tend to average about 0.2 % H
Vertical movements (settlements) tend to average about 0.15 % H
Scatter in the data but generally h > settlement
No significant difference in different type of walls

Observation: Data roughly follow a linear relationship with depth. That is, soil masses behave approximately as elastic materials.

FEM Analysis
Stiff soils

Wall stiffness and strut spacing have small influence

on predicted movements because soil is stiff enough
to minimize the need for the structure
Soil modulus and K0 has a more significant influence

Therefore as a conclusion, soil stiffness has more profound effect on usual behavior than system stiffness.

Soft and Medium Clays Maximum Movements

Basal stability may be the problem. Therefore movement patterns can be dominated by displacements beneath the excavation
and stability number N=H / cu
When N>6-9, then the movements can be large.

As F.S.<1.5 , movements can increase rapidly.

Influence of wall stiffness and wall facing are most important when F.S. is low.
Other factors: support stiffness, soil anisotropy, excavation dimensions & others.
Figure above may be used to estimate max soil settlements since hmax vmax .
If F.S.>2, base stability is guaranteed and maximum movements decrease below 0.5% (In stiff soils where F.S.>2 and consistent with the
previous stiff soil data.)
If F.S.1.0 movements can exceed 2%H even with good construction.
Below F.S.=1.5 (If F.S.<1.5) fig must be used with caution since construction variables can cause significant increase in movements.

General Patterns of Ground Movement

Dewatering and deep foundation construction (within excavation) may effect measurements.

Sheet pile & tieback

Soldier pile, Lagging, Struts

Soldier pile, Lagging, Tiebacks
Diaphragm wall + strut


* These are in addition to the deformation described until now.
Wall Installation Process
1-Driving sheet piles

2- Vertical surface displacements during concrete wall construction using slurry

Construction Technique
Poor construction can account for large movements.
Problems are usually due to : i) Poor installation of soldier piles
ii) Late placement of lagging
iii) Improper anchor grouting
iv) In soft or stiff clays in-situ walls will exhibit creep and contribute to extra movement
if supports are not promptly installed.
v) Others (Experience of the contractor, system used)


In recent years, with the high development of construction activity, excavation depths grow deeper and deeper. These excavations are
usually located in densely populated areas and more and more problems of property damage are encountered. Though the technologies
of analysis, design, and construction have improved significantly, they are not necessarily capable of coping with changes during
excavation. Thus, well arranged monitoring system will be helpful not only to monitor the excavation conditions but to ensure the
safety of excavation. Generally, the objects of an excavation monitoring program can be summarized as the following:
1.To ensure the safety of excavation
2.To ensure the safety of the surroundings
3.To confirm the design conditions
4.To follow long-term behavior
5.To supply factual materials for legal judgment
The common monitoring items in excavations:
1.Movement of the structure or soil; lateral deformation of the retaining structures and soils, the tilt of the building, the settlement of
the ground surface and the building, the heave of the excavation bottom.
2.Stress of strain of the structure or soil; stress and strain of the struts, the stress of the retaining structure, and the earth pressure on
the wall
3.Water pressure and level; within the excavation zone, outside the excavation zone and on the RW

There are many instruments that can be installed as summarized in Table 8.1. Some of them are more frequently used in deep
excavation projects. These are inclinometers, horizontal and vertical extensometers, piezometers and surveying methods to
measure horizontal and vertical displacements of both wall and adjacent facilities. Inclinometers may be placed in boreholes
and/or in piles and diaphragm walls. An extra number of instruments in each category must be allowed because damage occurs
during construction activities. Load cells on struts or anchor heads may be very useful in checking the calculated project loads.

Table 8.1 Instrumentation and monitoring of deep



To conclude the lecture on deep excavations it may be useful to go through the design steps
1. An office and site study on buildings and underground facilities around the excavation pit is required especially for possibility of
interference of anchors and nails with adjacent basements and facilities.
2. Photographs or videos of adjacent buildings, streets and other details are taken before excavations start. Any cracks, depressions
etc.should be recorded, and they may be needed in future conflicts with the owners or municipality.
3. Instruments planned to be used are ordered and installed before excavation starts.
4. Soil profile, soil properties, groundwater level, depth of excavation, availability of certain wall types and construction details of
structure are altogether considered to select type of wall and support system.
5. Dewatering and drainage works are planned if any.
6. Depending on the method of analysis to be used either required soil properties and water level are input or earth and water pressure
diagrams are specified. If soils are represented by springs subgrade coefficients are selected.
7. Support levels and horizontal spacings are selected for the first trial and so the support and wall properties.

8. Initial solution for shears, moments, support reactions, displacements are obtained, and necessary changes are made before the
second trial.
9. From few to several trials are made in stages (staged solutions) before finalize the wall, supports and spacings.
10. External stability calculations are performed.
11. Anchor or strut connections to waling or breasting beams are designed.
12. During construction if any excessive horizontal and vertical displacements or support reactions are recorded at a stage, diagnosis
is made, and required changes or revisions are made in design and/or construction.

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