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Medical Surgical Department

Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan
STIKes Wira Medika PPNI Bali


Literature review adalah penyajian, klasifikasi,

dan evaluasi hasil penelitian terhadap
subyek/topik tertentu.


Narasi analatik yang ditulis dengan baik yang

menginformasikan kepada pembaca berita
terkini tentang apa yang telah diketahui
tentang topik tertentu, sekaligus
memberitahukan bahwa pengetahuan lanjut:

Memecahkan konflik antar penelitian

Identifikasi cara baru untuk
menginterpretasikan hasil penelitian
Menciptakan jalur untuk penelitian


Umumnya adalah artikel jurnal, buku dan

dokumen lain yang mendeskripsikan
penelitian di ruang lingkup tertentu.
Sumber harus se-baru dan selengkap
Berapa banyak artikel? Tidak ada aturan
jumlah, selama pencarian benar-benar
komprehensif (semua artikel terkait diikutkan)
dan fokus pada topik, LR memenuhi syarat.

5 Langkah menurut Creswell

1.Identify search terms /key

words/ descriptors
2.Locate the literature
3.Critically evaluate and select
4.Organise the literature
5.Write a literature review

Identify search terms /key words/

obesity treatment, school-based
intervention, obesity intervention,
physical activity, nutritional program,
childhood obesity, school-aged,
preschooler, school health education

Locate the literature

Use academic libraries, do not limit your
search to an electronic search of articles
Use primary and secondary sources. A
primary source is research reported by the
researcher that conducted the study. A
secondary source is research that
summarizes or reports findings that come
from primary sources. It is best to report
mostly primary sources (p. 82)
Grey literature (govt reports, websites etc)

Critically evaluate and select literature

Rely on journal articles published in quality peerreviewed journals

Prioritize your search: first look for refereed
journal articles, then, non-refereed articles, then
books, then conference papers, dissertations
and theses and then papers posted to websites
(grey literature)
Look for research articles and avoid as much as
possible opinion pieces
Blend qualitative and quantitative research in
your review

Organise the literature

Create a file or abstract system to keep track

of what you read. Each article you read should be
summarized containing
Research problem: one or two lines will suffice
Research Questions or Hypotheses
Data collection procedure (a description of
sample characteristics can be very handy as well)
Results or findings of the study
Sort these abstracts into groups of related topics
or areas which can then become the different
sections of your review

Difference of approach
While Jones (1982) argues Smith (1990 ) claims
From distant to closely related
Smith (1991) and Jones (2001) both showed that
However Hutchison (2002) demonstrates that
Early marketing theory owes its development to
Many studies contributed to
for example, Jones and Smith (1986). Hunt (1987) was
recognised for but later
Jamison (1999) showed that
Note: past tense for completed workpresent
tense for work that is considered still current
(even if it may have been published in the past).

Write a literature review

Types of Reviews:
Thematic Review: a theme is identified and
studies found under this theme are described.
Major ideas and findings are reported rather
than details.
Study-by-study Review: a detailed summary of
each study under a broad theme is provided.
Link studies using transitional sentences. Must
be organized and flow coherently under
various subheadings. Avoid string quotations
(i.e., lengthy chunks of text directly quoted
from a source)

Developing a clear argument

Once your argument is clear then things fall
into place:
The content you have to cover (your scope)
The research that you need to do
The evidence/arguments you need to present
The precise topic you are following

Menulis literature review

LR minimal terdiri 3 bagian:
2.Penyajian bukti empiris


Creswell, J.W. (2008) Educational Research:

Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research. (3rd
Ed). Allyn and Bacon/Merrill. Ohio.
Fink, A. (2004). Conducting research literature
reviews: From the internet to paper. (2nd Ed).
Thousand Oaks. Sage.

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