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Manajer sebagai

Pengambil Keputusan
Kelompok 11 - Presentasi 1
Tiara Cahya PS
Fatihah Nur Rahma


Jurusan Manajemen
Fakultas Ekonomi
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Peta Konsep
1. Recognize how managers use information to
solve problems.
2. Identify five steps in the decision-making
3. Understand current issues in managerial
decision making.

How Do Managers Use Information

to Solve Problems?
Managers deal with
problems posing threats
and offering
Problem solving is the
process of identifying a
discrepancy between an
actual and a desired state of
affairs, and then taking
action to resolve it.

Managers can be problem

avoiders, problem solvers, or
problem seekers.







Managers make programmed and

nonprogrammed decisions when solving

A decision is a choice among possible

alternative courses of action.
A programmed decision applies a solution
from past experience to a routine problem.
A nonprogrammed decision applies a specifi
c solution that has been crafted to address a
unique problem.

Managers can use systematic and

intuitive thinking.
Systematic thinking approaches problems in
a rational and analytical fashion.
Intuitive thinking approaches problems in a fl
exible and spontaneous fashion.

Managers use different cognitive styles

to process information for decision
Example case :
15 Januari 2009
US Airways Flight 1549
LaGuardia (NYC)
Charlotte (North
Hudson River
155 penumpang


Pilot Chesley

I needed to touch down with the

wings exactly level. I needed to
touch down with the nose slightly
up. I needed to touch down at . . . a
descent rate that was survivable.
And I needed to touch down just
above our minimum flying speed
but not below it. And I needed to
make all these things happen

Cognitive style


Information Evaluation

is the way an individual deals with information while

making decisions.
Sensation Thinkers
like facts, goals

Sensation Feelers
like facts, feelings


Intuitive Thinkers
Idealistic, theoretical

Intuitive Feelers


Information Processing

Managers make decisions under

conditions of certainty, risk, and

A certain environment offers complete information

on possible action alternatives and their
A risk environment lacks complete information but
offers probabilities of the likely outcomes for
possible action alternatives.
An uncertain environment lacks so much
information that it is difficult to assign probabilities
to the likely outcomes of alternatives.

What Are Five Steps in the

Decision-Making Process?

Step 1 : is to identify and

define the problem
This is a stage of information gathering,
information processing, and deliberation.
Common mistakes :
1. Defining problem too broadly or too narrowly
2. Dealing with symptoms, not real causes
3. Focusing on wrong problem to begin with

Step 2 : is to generate and

evaluate alternative courses of
After the problem is defined, the next step in
decision making is to gather the needed facts
and information. Managers must be clear here
on exactly what they know and what they need
to know.

Step 3 : is to decide on a
preferred course of action
Management theory recognizes two quite different ways that
alternatives get explored and decisions get made: the classical
and behavioral Models.
The classical decision model describes decision making with
complete information. As a result, he or she makes an
optimizing decision that gives the absolute best solution to
the problem.
The behavioral decision model describe decision making
with limited information and bounded rationally

Step 4 : is to implement the

Once a preferred course of action is chosen, managers must
take action to fully implement it. Until they do, nothing new
can or will happen to solve the problem. This not only requires
the determination and creativity to arrive at a decision, it also
requires the ability and personal willingness to act. Most likely
it also requires the support of many other people. And more
often than you might realize, it is lack of support that
sabotages the implementation of many perfectly good

Step 5 : is to evaluate
A decision isnt much good if it doesnt achieve the
desired outcomes or causes undesired side effects.
This is why the decision-making process is not
complete until results are evaluated. Doing so is a
form of control, gathering data so that performance
results can be measured against initial goals. If things
arent going well it means reassessing and perhaps
redoing earlier steps in the decision making process.
If things are better than expected, it means trying to
learn why, so these lessons can be used in the future.

Ethical reasoning is
important at all steps in
decision making
1. UtilityDoes the decision satisfy all
constituents or stakeholders?
2. RightsDoes the decision respect the rights
and duties of everyone?
3. JusticeIs the decision consistent with the
canons of justice?
4. CaringIs the decision consistent with my
responsibilities to care?

What Are Some Current Issues

in Managerial Decision Making?
Personal factors help drive creativity in
decision making.
Group decision making has both advantages
and disadvantages.
Judgmental heuristics and other biases and
traps may cause decision-making errors.
Managers must be prepared for crisis decision

Thank You

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