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The liberation of Bangladesh, 1971 is such an

important event in the realm ofhistory through
which, the world got its last large populated
country, the United Nations got its 133rd
member state and the region, South Asia got
another actor. In the cycle ofBangladesh and
Bengali nation, the liberation war, 1971 is has a
great importance. There are so many actors and
factors behind this liberation war. This paper
would explore the causes and describe the
importance of liberation war in the life of

Causes of the Liberation War

Ideological basement:
The fundamental ideological basement of
Bangladesh is the Bengali Nationalism which
isbased on the Bengali language and culture.
During the independence of Pakistan,
thebasement of the nationalism was religionIslam. But in the liberation war of
Bangladesh,the very basis of the spirit of
nationalism is Bengali language and culture.
Economic causes:
In economic field, the ultimate cause is the
sense of relative deprivation. This sense
ofrelative deprivation emerged in the civil mind
of East Pakistan for the discrimination of
thecentral government of Pakistan. These
discriminations were in three categories. These

Sense of Relative Deprivation in Inter-region

Economic Practices2.

Sense of Relative Deprivation in Inter-region

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