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Chapter 39

Fluid, Electrolyte, and

Acid-Base Balance

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Functions of Water in the Body

Transporting nutrients to cells and wastes from cells

Transporting hormones, enzymes, blood platelets, and
red and white blood cells
Facilitating cellular metabolism and proper cellular
chemical functioning
Acting as a solvent for electrolytes and nonelectrolytes
Helping maintain normal body temperature
Facilitating digestion and promoting elimination
Acting as a tissue lubricant

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Two Compartments of Fluid in the Body

Intracellular fluid (ICF): fluid within cells (70%)
Extracellular fluid (ECF): fluid outside cells (30%)
Intravascular fluid- plasma, serum
Interstitial fluids- fluid between cells

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Variations in Fluid Content

Healthy person: total body water is 50% to 60% of body

An infant has considerably more body fluid and ECF than
an adult; more prone to fluid volume deficits
Gender and amount of fat cells affect body water; women
and obese people have less body water

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Fluid Balance

liquids that hold a substance in solution (water)
substances dissolved in a solution (electrolytes and
nonelectrolytes), solids

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Source of Fluids for the Body

Ingested liquids
Fluid regulation takes place through thirst mechanism,
food and fluid ingestion, fluid losses

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Transporting Body Fluids

Osmosis: water passes from an area of lesser solute

concentration to greater concentration until equilibrium is
Diffusion: tendency of solutes to move freely throughout
a solvent (downhill)
Active transport: requires energy for movement of
substances through the cell membrane from the lesser
solute concentration to the higher solute concentration
Filtration: passage of fluid through a permeable
membrane from the area of higher to lower pressure

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Osmolarity of a Solution

Isotonic: same concentration of particles as plasma

Hypertonic: greater concentration of particles than
Hypotonic: lesser concentration of particles than plasma

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Capillary Filtration

Hydrostatic pressure
Results from the force of blood pushing against the
walls of capillaries
The pressure inside the capillaries is greater than the
interstitial pressure
Colloid osmotic pressure (oncotic pressure)
Pressure inside the capillary is less than the
interstitial fluid
Fluid is pulled back into the vascular space

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Primary Organs of Homeostasis

Kidneys normally filter 170 L of plasma and excrete 15 L
of urine. Electrolytes are excreted.
The cardiovascular system pumps and carries nutrients
and water in body. Blood pressure helps control fluid
Lungs regulate oxygen and carbon dioxide levels of the
Adrenal glands produce aldosterone which helps the body
conserve sodium, save chloride and water, and excrete
The pituitary gland stores and releases ADH.

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Primary Organs of Homeostasis (cont.)

The thyroid gland increases the blood flow in the body

and increases renal circulation.
The nervous system inhibits and stimulates mechanisms
influencing fluid balance.
Parathyroid glands regulate the level of calcium in ECF.
The GI tract absorbs water and nutrients that enter the
body through this route.

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Fluid Losses

Kidneys: urine
Intestinal tract: feces
Skin: perspiration
Insensible water loss

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Fluid Volume Defecit

Involve either volume or distribution of water or

Hypovolemia: deficiency in amount of water and
electrolytes in ECF with near-normal water/electrolyte
proportions. Fluid is forced into intravascular space.
Dehydration: decreased volume of water and electrolyte
Third-space fluid shift: distributional shift of body fluids
into potential body spaces

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Fluid Volume Excess

Hypervolemia: excessive retention of water and sodium

in ECF
Overhydration: above-normal amounts of water in
extracellular spaces
Edema: excessive ECF accumulates in tissue spaces
Interstitial-to-plasma shift: movement of fluid from space
surrounding cells to blood

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Dissolved particles which have an electrical charge

Cations: positive charge
Anions: negative charge
Homeostasis: total cations equal to total anions

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Major Electrolytes/Chief Function

Sodium: ECF, controls and regulates volume of body
Potassium: ICF, chief regulator of cellular enzyme activity
and water content
Calcium: bone and ICF, nerve impulse, blood clotting,
muscle contraction, B12 absorption
Magnesium: ICF, metabolism of carbohydrates and
proteins, vital actions involving enzymes
Chloride: ECF, maintains osmotic pressure in blood,
produces hydrochloric acid
Bicarbonate: bodys primary buffer system
Phosphate: involved in important chemical reactions in
the body, cell division, and hereditary traits
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Electrolyte Imbalances

Hyponatremia and hypernatremia

Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia
Hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia
Hypomagnesemia and hypermagnesemia
Hypophosphatemia and hyperphosphatemia
Hypochloremia and hyperchloremia

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Electrolyte Imbalances: Hyponatremia

Na+ <135 mEq/L

Caused by active losses or by dilutional hyponatremia
Loss of Na from vomiting, diarrhea, diuretics
Excess fluid volume from CHF, SIADH
Clinical manifestations depend on the cause, magnitude,
and speed of the deficit
Fluid volume deficit or excess
Increased or decreased ICP
Edema or dry mucous membranes
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Electrolyte Imbalances: Hypernatremia

Na+ exceeding 145 mEq/L caused by a gain of sodium in
excess of water or by a loss of water
Causes include dehydration, enteral feedings, diarrhea,
burns, diabetes insipidus
Clinical manifestations are primarily neurologic
(weakness, confusion, coma) also dry mucous
membranes, decreased B/P, concentrated urine
Treatment is usually a hypotonic electrolyte solution or
isotonic solution (D5W)
Nursing management:
Prevention of hypernatremia
Monitoring of fluid I&O
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Electrolyte Imbalances - Hypokalemia

K+ level of <3.5 mEq/L from active losses of potassium or

insufficient intake
Causes may include NGT, vomiting, diarrhea, diuretics,
adrenal disorders
Signs and symptoms may include cardiac arrhythmias,
muscular weakness and cramping, parasthesia
EKG changes may include flattened or inverted T waves,
and/or an elevated U wave

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Treatment is oral or IV replacement therapy
Dietary intake should average 50 to 100 meq daily
Usual supplementation should be 40 to 80 meq daily
Potassium rich foods include fruits, vegetables, grains,
Nursing treatment includes:
IV K at a rate no greater than 20 meq per hour
Assessment of cardiac and motor signs and
Prevention of hypokalemia

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Requires IV administration of calcium mixed in D5W
Keep a trache cut down tray and ambu bag at bedside
Prevention of hypocalcemia with adequate dietary
intake, supplements, weight bearing exercise, reduce
alcohol and caffeine, smoking cessation,
bisphosphates (Fosamex), avoid OTC antacids and
laxatives with phosphorous

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Electrolyte Imbalance: Hypercalcemia

Calcium level of >10.5 mg/dL
Usually results from malignancy or hyperparathyroidism
Results in muscle weakness; lack of coordination;
hypertension and cardiovascular effects; nausea;
vomiting; constipation; cognitive effects (severe); cardiac
Administration of NS and lasix to dilute serum Ca and
promote excretion via the kidneys
Calcitonin administration prevents bone breakdown
Management of the underlying cause
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Serum magnesium below 1.3 meq/L
Hypomagnesemia results from alcoholism, GI losses
(NGT, diarrhea, fistula), administration of specific
Signs and symptoms include hyper-excitabilty, muscle
weakness, tremors, athetoid motions, disphagia, tetany,
seizures, stridor, mood alterations
Labs: serum albumin, K and Ca, EKG changes,
arrhythmias, PVCs, digitalis toxicity
Neuromuscular symptoms are treated with magnesium
salts (oral or IV), dietary changes- green leafy
vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, seafood
Nursing care: monitor labs, observe for symptoms,
patient teaching, alcohol cessation
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Serum magnesium above 2.3 meq/L
Rare and usually caused by renal failure, may also occur
in diabetic ketoacidosis, Addisons, antacids, and certain
Signs and symptoms: peripheral vasodilation, nausea,
muscle weakness, dysarthria, loss of deep tendon
reflexes, possible paralysis, AV heart block, and cardiac
Labs: K, Ca, EKG changes
Treatment may include dialysis, loop diuretics, isotonic
IVs, calcium gluconate to counteract cardiac and
neuromuscular symptoms
Prevention is essential in renal failure patients
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Phosphorus Imbalances
May result from use of nutritional supplements,
malnourishment, and various other causes
Results in neurologic and muscular symptoms which
are treated with phosphorus supplementation
Usually results from renal failure and is often
Excess phosphorous may cause hypocalcemia and
tetany; also soft tissue calcification
Treatment focuses on the underlying disorder, vitamin
D, dietary changes
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Chloride Imbalances
Rarely occurs in the absence of other abnormalities; signs
and symptoms are associated with hyponatremia,
hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis
Treatment involves correcting the cause, IV normal saline,
dietary replacement
Related to related to hypernatremia, bicarbonate loss, and
metabolic acidosis
Symptoms include cardiac, muscular, and cognitive issues,
tachypnea, lethargy
Treatment focuses on correcting the cause and restoring
electrolyte, fluid, and acidbase balance; hypotonic IV
solutions; IV sodium bicarbonate
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Maintaining Acid-Base Balance

Homeostatic mechanisms keep pH within a normal range
(7.35 to 7.45)
Buffer systems prevent major changes in the pH of body
fluids by removing or releasing H +
The major extracellular buffer system is the bicarbonate
carbonic acid buffer system
The kidneys regulate the bicarbonate level in the ECF
The lungs, under the control of the medulla, regulate the
CO2 and the carbonic acid content of the ECF
CO2 + H2O= carbonic acid
Other buffer systems
ECF: inorganic phosphates, plasma proteins
ICF: proteins, organic, inorganic phosphates
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AcidBase Imbalances

Occur when carbonic acid or bicarbonate levels become

Respiratory acidosis: primary excess of carbonic acid
in ECF
Respiratory alkalosis: primary deficit of carbonic acid
in ECF
Metabolic acidosis: proportionate deficit of
bicarbonate in ECF
Metabolic alkalosis: primary excess of bicarbonate in

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Administering Medications

Mineralelectrolyte preparations
To treat electrolyte imbalances
Monitor for fluid deficit and electrolyte imbalance
Intravenous therapy

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Intravenous Therapy

Peripheral venous catheters

Midline peripheral catheter
Central venous access devices
Non-tunneled central venous
Tunneled central venous
Implanted ports

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Vein Site Selection

Accessibility of a vein
Condition of vein
Type of fluid to be infused
Anticipated duration of infusion

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Complications of IV Therapy

Fluid overload
Air embolism
Septicemia, other infections
Infiltration, extravasation
Clotting, obstruction

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Nursing Process: Assessments

Identify patients at risk for imbalances.

Determine that a specific imbalance is present and its
severity, etiology, and characteristics.
Determine the plan of care, nursing diagnoses or
collaborative problems.
Identify specific outcomes and associated interventions.
Determine effectiveness of the plan of care.

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Nursing Process: Parameters of

Nursing history and physical assessment
Fluid intake and output
Daily weights
Laboratory studies

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Nursing Process: Lab Studies to Assess for

Complete blood count
Serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine
Urine pH and specific gravity
Arterial blood gases

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Nursing Process: Risk Factors for

Pathophysiology underlying acute and chronic illnesses
Abnormal losses of body fluids
Therapies that disrupt fluid and electrolyte balance

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Nursing Process: Nursing Diagnoses

Related to Imbalances
Excess fluid volume
Deficient fluid volume
Risk for imbalanced fluid volume

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Nursing Process: Implementing

Dietary modifications
Modifications of fluid intake
Medication administration
IV therapy
Blood and blood products replacement
Allaying patient anxiety as needed
Appropriate patient and family teaching

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Nursing Process: Expected Outcomes

Maintain approximate fluid intake and output balance

(2,500-mL intake and output over 3 days).
Maintain urine specific gravity within normal range
Practice self-care behaviors to promote balance.

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Administering Blood and Blood Products

Typing and cross-matching

A, B, AB, and O type blood
Rh factor
Selecting blood donors
Initiating transfusion
Transfusion reactions

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