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The Navigation Triangle

Learning Objectives
Comprehend the interrelationships of
the terrestrial, celestial, and horizon
coordinate systems in defining the
navigation triangle.
Gain a working knowledge of the
celestial and navigation triangles.

The Celestial Triangle

The celestial, horizon, and terrestrial
coordinate systems are combined on
the celestial sphere to form the
astronomical or celestial triangle.

The Celestial Triangle

The Celestial Triangle

The three vertices of the triangle:
observers zenith
position of the celestial body on the
celestial sphere
celestial pole nearest the observer
(referred to as the elevated pole)

The Celestial Triangle

Two of the angles are also of concern:
meridian angle (t)
aximuth angle (Z)

Meridian angle is simply a more

convenient way of expressing LHA
if LHA<180o, t=LHA (west)
if LHA>180o, t=360o-LHA (east)

The Celestial Triangle

Likewise, azimuth angle is simply a
more convenient way of expressing
true azimuth (Zn)
The third angle is known as the
parallactic angle and is not of use in
our discussion.
Lets take another look at the

The Navigation Triangle

When the celestial triangle is projected
downward from the celestial sphere
onto the earths surface, it becomes the
navigation triangle.
The solution of this navigation triangle
is the purpose of celestial navigation.
Each of the three coordinate systems
forms one side of the triangle.

The Navigation Triangle

The Navigation Triangle

Now the vertices of the triangle are
our assumed position (AP)
Corresponds to the observers zenith on the
celestial triangle

the geographic position (GP) of the

celestial body
Corresponds to the stars celestial position

the earths pole (Pn or Ps)

Corresponds to the elevated pole

The Geographic Position


The Navigational Triangle

The three sides of the triangle are used in
determining the observers position on the earth.
The length of each side is as follows:
colatitude = 90 latitude

Connects observers position to poles


polar distance = 90 +/- declination

Connects pole to the stars geographic

coaltitude = 90 altitude

Connects stars geographic position to

observers position

The Navigation Triangle

Note that the polar distance may be
greater than 90 degrees (if the GP
and the elevated pole are on
opposite sides of the equator) but
coaltitude and colatitude are always
less than 90 degrees.

The Navigation Triangle

The angles of the celestial and navigational
triangles are the same:
meridian angle (t)
measured 0o to 180o, east or west
suffix E or W is used to indicate direction

Azimuth angle (Z)

measured 0o to 180o
prefix N or S is used to indicate elevated pole
suffix E or W used to indicate on which side of the
observers meridian the GP lies.

The Navigation Triangle

Consider this scenario:

LHA = 040o
Z = 110 oT


Since the LHA<180o, LHA and t are
equivalent, thus
t = LHA = 40oW

To determine Zn, it is usually helpful

to draw a diagram, as shown on the
next slide.

Zn is the angle between

the north pole and the
GP, as seen by the
Since Ps is the
elevated pole and the
GP is west of the
observer, add 180
degrees to Z:

Zn = S 290o W

LHA, t, Zn, and Z

Only four possible combinations exist
when you combine
GP either east or west of the observer
elevated pole either north or south pole

It is simple enough to come up with an

equation for converting between Zn and Z
for each case, or you can draw a picture as
we just did.
Just draw the picture.

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