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Basics of Integrated
circuit Analysis & Design


The development of vacuum tubes soon led
to the simple radio communication. Then
came more complex systems of
Modern systems now allow us to
communicate with other parts of the world
via satellite. Data is now collected from
space by probes without the presence of
man because of microelectronic technology.

Sophisticated control systems allow us

to operate equipment by remote control
in hazardous situations, such as the
handling of radioactive materials.
We can remotely pilot aircraft from
takeoff to landing. We can make course
corrections to spacecraft millions of
miles from Earth.
Space flight, computers, and even video
games would not be possible except for
the advances made in microelectronics.

The earliest electronic circuits were fairly simple.
They were composed of a few tubes, transformers,
resistors, capacitors, and wiring.
Vacuum tubes were found to have several built-in
problems. Although the tubes were lightweight,
associated components and chassis were quite
heavy. It was not uncommon for such chassis to
weigh 40to 50 pounds.
In addition, the tubes generated a lot of heat,
required a warm-up time from 1 to 2 minutes, and
required hefty power supply voltages of 300 volts
dc and more.

The actual size of the transformer is

4 4 3 inches. Capacitors are
approximately 1 3 inches.

Multiple-function tubes, such as dual diodes, dual

triodes, tetrodes, and others helped considerably
to reduce the size of circuits. However, weight,
heat, and power consumption continued to be
problems that plagued designers.
Another major problem with vacuum-tube circuits
was the method of wiring components referred to
it often caused unwanted interactions between
components. For example, it was not at all unusual
to have inductive or capacitive effects between
Also, point-to point wiring posed a safety hazard
when troubleshooting was performed on energized
circuits because of exposed wiring and test points.

During World War II, the need to reduce the

size, weight, and power of military electronic
systems became important because of the
increased use of these systems as systems
became more complex, their size, weight, and
power requirements rapidly increased.
The increases finally reached a point that was
unacceptable, especially in aircraft and for
infantry personnel who carried equipment in
These unacceptable factors were the driving
force in the development of smaller, lighter,
and more efficient electronic circuit

The transition from vacuum tubes to solidstate devices took place rapidly. As new types
of transistors and diodes were created, they
were adapted to circuits. The reductions in
size, weight, and power use were impressive.
Circuits that earlier weighed as much as 50
pounds were reduced in weight to just a few
ounces by replacing bulky components with
the much lighter solid-state devices.
The earliest solid-state circuits still relied on
point-to-point wiring which caused many of the
disadvantages mentioned earlier.

One of the most significant

developments in circuit packaging
has been the PRINTED CIRCUIT

an integrated circuit is that it consists of elements
inseparably associated and formed on or within a single
MICROELECTRONICS is defined as that area of
technology associated with and applied to the
realization of electronic systems made of extremely
small electronic parts or elements
Microelectronics science of integrating many transistor
on one chip
INTEGRATION (vlsi) are the results of improvements in
microelectronics production technology.

Course objective
This course aims to provide a basic introduction to,
and an understanding of semiconductor electronic
devices (MOSFET and BJT) and the analysis
techniques and design principles for discrete &
analog integrated amplifier (IC amplifier) circuits
Analysis & Design of Differential amplifier (most
widely used building block in analog IC)
To study the working principle of one specific
analog IC (opamp) & its application
Comprehensive study of CMOS digital integrated
circuit design

Application of
By students ---------------------------

List few analog IC ( By


Prerequisites & Text Book

Network Analysis
DIODE , BJT & Frequency Domain
Text book: Micro Electronics Circuits
Theory & Application by Sedra &
Fundamental of Microelectronics by
Bezhad Razavi

Create Google Groups
Create WhatsApp Group
Create Groups for group
discussion(technical)(BEST WAY OF

New plan to complete the COURSE

To make involvement of students in the
Course involvement through various activity
Weekly seminar (relevant to the course)
Weekly twice quiz (relevant to the course)
Monthly seminar on advancement of course
(to explore the subject & its application)
Cultivate Habit of Reading Text book
Lab Sessions/Mini projects software &

What plan would u suggest for

preparation of vtu exam (in
By students

Suggestion to students
BY Behzad Razavi

Rigor and Intuition Our treatment of

microelectronics also requires rigor but
entails two additional components.
First, we identify many applications for the
concepts that we study. Second, we must
develop intuition, i.e., a feel for the
operation of microelectronic devices and
Without an intuitive understanding, the
analysis of circuits becomes increasingly
more difficult as we add more devices to
perform more complex functions

Analysis by Inspection We will expend

a considerable effort toward establishing
the mentality and the skills necessary for
analysis by inspection. That is, looking
at a complex circuit, we wish to
decompose or map it to simpler
topologies, thus formulating the behavior
with a few lines of algebra.

40 Pages per Week

While taking courses on microelectronics,
you will need to read about 40 pages of this
book every week, with each page containing
many new concepts,
derivations, and examples. The lectures given by
the instructor create a skeleton of each chapter,
but it rests upon you to connect the dots by
reading the book carefully and understanding
each paragraph before proceeding to the next.
Reading and understanding 40 pages of the book
each week requires concentration and discipline.
You will face new material and detailed
derivations on each page and should set aside
two- or three-hour distraction-free blocks of time
(no phone calls, TV, email, etc.)
so that you can follow the evolution of the

40 Problems per Week

After reading each section and going
through its examples, you are encouraged to
evaluate and improve your understanding by
trying the corresponding end-of-chapter
Attending the lecture and reading the book are
examples of passive learning: you simply
receive (and, hopefully, absorb) a stream of
information provided by the instructor and the
text. While necessary, passive learning does not
exercise your understanding, thus lacking depth.
You may highlight many lines of the text as
You may even summarize the important concepts
on a separate sheet of paper (and you are

Time Management
Time management consists of two steps:
(1) partitioning your waking hours into
solid blocks
(2) using each block efficiently. To
improve the efficiency, you can take the
following measures: (a) work in a quiet
environment to minimize distractions; (b)
spread the work on a given subject over
the week, e.g., 3 hours every other day, to
avoid saturation and to allow your
subconscious to process the concepts in
the meantime.

Unit 1 :Basic of MOSFET : studying its
device structure ,IV characteristic ,
MOSFET as Amplifier, & switch
Unit 6 : Operational Amplifier : A
popular Analog IC studying its
characteristic as ( Block Box) & its

Unit 5 Feedback: the study of negative
feedback , stability issue & its
compensation tech
Unit 2 & 3: Single Stage IC Amplifier :
the study of Current mirror ,casocode
current mirror IC amplifier biasing tech
Unit4 : Difference & Multistage Amplifier
Unit7 : Digital CMOS Circuit

Flow of the course

Unit 1 :Basic of MOSFET
Unit6 :Operational Amplifier
Unit 5: Feedback Amplifier
Unit 2: Single Stage IC Amplifier
Unit 3: Single Stage IC Amplifier (contd...
Unit4 : Difference & Multistage Amplifier
Unit7 : Digital CMOS Circuit


Higher studies
IT Company
Core Company



Thevenins theorem

Find Thevenin equivalent

Find Voltage delivered to R


Find Thevenins Equivalent


Repeat all the problems for Nortons


Example of Electronic System

Cellular Telephone

Cellular telephones were developed in the 1980s and

rapidly became popular in the 1990s.
Todays cell phones contain a great deal of
sophisticated analog and digital electronics . But our
objective here is to see how the concepts described in
this book prove relevant to the operation of a cell
Suppose you are speaking with a friend on your cell
phone. Your voice is converted to an electric signal by
a microphone and, after some processing, transmitted
by the antenna.
The signal produced by your antenna is picked up by
your friends receiver and, after some processing,
applied to the speaker. What goes on in these black
boxes? Why are they needed?

First, our voice contains frequencies from 20 Hz to 20 kHz

(called the voice band). Second, for an antenna to operate
efficiently, i.e., to convert most of the electrical signal to
electromagnetic radiation, its dimension must be a significant
fraction (e.g., 25%) of the wavelength. Unfortunately, a
frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz translates to a wavelength1
of 1.5 107 m to 1.5 104 m, requiring gigantic antennas for
each cell phone. Conversely, to obtain
reasonable antenna length, e.g., 5 cm, the wavelength must
be around 20 cm and the frequency around 1.5 GHz.
How do we convert the voice band to a gigahertz center
frequency? One possible approach is to multiply the voice
signal, x(t), by a sinusoid, A cos(2fct) . Since multiplication in
the time domain corresponds to convolution in the frequency
domain, and since the spectrum of the sinusoid consists of two
impulses at fc, the voice spectrum is simply shifted
(translated) to fc . Thus, if fc = 1 GHz, the output occupies a
bandwidth of 40 kHz centered at 1 GHz.

But two other issues arise. First, the cell phone

must deliver a relatively large voltage swing
(e.g., 20 Vpp) to the antenna so that the
radiated power can reach across distances of
several kilometers, thereby requiring a power
amplifier between the multiplier and the
Second, the sinusoid, A cos 2fct, must be
produced by an oscillator. We thus arrive at
the transmitter architecture

Todays cellphones are much more sophisticated than the

topologies developed above. For example, the voice signal
in the transmitter and the receiver is applied to a digital
signal processor (DSP) to improve the quality and efficiency
of the communication. Nonetheless, our study reveals some
of the fundamental building blocks of cellphones, e.g.,
amplifiers, oscillators, and filters, with the last two also
utilizing amplification.We therefore devote a great deal of
effort to the analysis and design of amplifiers.
Having seen the necessity of amplifiers, oscillators, and
multipliers in both transmit and receive paths of a
cellphone, the reader may wonder if this is old stuff and
rather trivial compared to the state of the art. Interestingly,
these building blocks still remain among the most
challenging circuits in communication systems. This is
because the design entails critical trade-offs between speed
(gigahertz center frequencies), noise, power dissipation
(i.e., battery lifetime), weight, cost (i.e., price of a
cellphone), and many other parameters. In the competitive
world of cellphone manufacturing, a given design is never
good enough and the engineers are forced to further

LOVE ,DEDICATION involvement


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