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Basics of Linux

Gulshan Verma
Singsys Pte. Ltd.

Tux The Penguin, Mascot of Linux

It is Unix based Operating System developed by

Originated at 1991.
It is free open source software (FOSS)
The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel

The user interface, also known as the shell, is either

a command-line interface (CLI)
Sh simple shell
BASH Bourne Again Shell
KSH Korne Shell
CSH C Shell
SSH Secure Shell

Text Editor: VI, Emacs, gEdit, kWrite, Pico, Nano


Basics Commands of

Basic Commands
$ ls List with filename only
$ ls l List with all details
$ ls a List with hidden files
$ ls -la List with hidden files and

Basic Commands (cont)

$ cd /usr/bin Open folder path
$ pwd returns full path of the current
$ which ls
$ whereis ls
$ locate filename
$ find / |
$ echo
$ cat filename
$ cp
$ mv

Basic Commands (cont)


tar cvfp filename.tar /folder
unzip filename
tar xvfp filename.tar

Basic Commands (cont)

Linux TARCommand
Create linux tar gz (Gzip)archive
tar -czvf myarchive.tgz mydirectory/
-c, create create a new archive
Note that .tgz is the same thing as .tar.gz
Create linux simpletararchive (withouth compresion)
tar -cvf myarchive.tar mydirectory/
Extracting linux tar archive:
Extract linux tar gz (Gzip) archive
tar -xzvf mystuff.tgz
Extract linux simple tar archive
tar -xvf mystuff.tar
We use -x to extract the files form the tar archive -x, extract, get extract files from an archive
Extract linux tar archive to speciefied directory
tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz -C /desired/path
And now let us shortly explain this command
Usage: tar [OPTION] [FILE]
Let us check the option used in this example
-c, createcreate a new archive
-z, gzip, ungzipfilter the archive through gzip
-v, verboseverbosely list files processed
-f, file=ARCHIVEuse archive file or device ARCHIVE
-C directory file

File Permission

File Permission (Cont)

Octal numbers and permissions
You can use octal number to represent mode/permission:
r : 4
w : 2
x : 1

0+r+w+x = 0+4+2+1 = 7
Only Read and write permission on a file in octal is
0+r+w+x = 0+4+2+0 = 6
Only read and execute permission on a file in octal is
0+r+w+x = 0+4+0+1 = 5
User = r+w+x = 0+4+2+1 = 7
Group = r+w+x = 0+4+2+0 = 6
= r+w+x = 0+0+0+1 = 1

File Permission (Cont)

Creating a crontab file

You can create a crontab file by entering the
following terminal command:
$ crontab e
To List all the cron job:
$ crontab -l

Crontab Syntax

Crontab examples
* * * * * <command> #Runs every minute 30
* * * * <command> #Runs at 30 minutes past the hour
45 6 * * * <command> #Runs at 6:45 am every day
45 18 * * * <command> #Runs at 6:45 pm every day
00 1 * * 0 <command> #Runs at 1:00 am every Sunday
00 1 * * 7 <command> #Runs at 1:00 am every Sunday
00 1 * * Sun <command> #Runs at 1:00 am every
30 8 1 * * <command> #Runs at 8:30 am on the first day
of every month
00 0-23/2 02 07 * <command> #Runs every other hour
on the 2nd of July

Thank You!

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