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Kompetensi dasar :
3.2. Menjelaskan perkembangan
konsep reaksi oksidasi- reduksi
dan hubungannya dengan tata
nama senyawa serta

Materi Pembelajaran

Konsep oksidasi dan reduksi

Bilangan oksidasi unsur dalam senyawa
atau ion
Tata nama menurut IUPAC
Aplikasi redoks dalam memecahkan
masalah lingkungan


1. Membedakan konsep oksidasi reduksi ditinjau

dari penggabungan dan pelepasan oksigen,
pelepasan dan penerimaan elektron, serta
peningkatan dan penurunan bilangan oksidasi.
2. Menentukan bilangan oksidasi atom unsur
dalam senyawa atau ion.
3. Menentukan oksidator dan reduktor dalam
reaksi redoks
4. Memberi nama senyawa menurut IUPAC
5. Mendeskripsikan konsep larutan elektrolit dan
konsep redoks dalam memecahkan masalah

Purposes :
Students are able to
1. Balance redox reaction equestion by
using ion-electron method.
2. Balance redox reaction equestion in
acidic solution.
3. Balance redox reaction equestion in
basic solution.
4. Understand autoredox reaction

Oxidation-reduction reactions or redox

reactions are important to us in many
Many processes such as respiration,
photosynthesis, discharging of
batteries, combustion of fuel,
photographic, corrotion, and
extraction of metal from their ores
involve redox-reactions.

Early concept of redox

Oxigen gain and loss
a. Oxidation was used to describe reacton
which substances combine with oxygen.
b. Reduction reaction was used to describe
reaction in which substances loss oxygen.

A more general view of

oxydation-redaction reaction
Redox reacion is reaction in which
electrons are transferred from one
reactant to another. The reactant fron
which electrons are taken is oxidized,
while the reactant which accept
electrons from the other reactant is

Simultaneous occurrence of
oxidation-reduction reaction
Oxidation and reduction are complementary
processes; that is, one cannot occur
unless the other occurs simultaneously.
One reactant is oxidazed at the same time
as the other reactant is reduced.

Such equations are called half equations

or half-reactions.The overall equation for
the redox reaction is the sum of the two
Oxidation half equation : Zn(s) Zn2+(aq) + 2e
Reduction half reaction : Cu2+(aq) + 2e Cu(s)
-----------------------------------Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)

Exercise :
Give oxidation half reaction and balanced
overall reaction equation for the following
reactions :
1. Mg(s) + Fe2+(aq) Mg2+(aq) + Fe(s)
2. Zn(s) + Cr3+(aq) Zn2+(aq) + Cr(s)
3. Zn(s) + H+(aq) Zn2+(aq) + H2(g)


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Educational Strategies/Instructional Procedures

Collect homework. Have volunteers analyze the redox
equations on the chalkboard.
Explain the Oxidation Number Rules and give examples.
Rule 1.
The oxidation number of any free element is 0.
Rule 2.
The oxidation number of a monatomic ion is equal to
the charge on the ion.
Rule 3.
The oxidation number of each hydrogen atom in
most of its compounds is +1.
Rule 4.
The oxidation number of each oxygen atom in most
of its compounds is -2.
Rule 5.
The sum of the oxidation numbers of all the atoms in
a particle must equal the apparent charge of that
Rule 6.
In compounds, the elements of Group 1 [IA], Group
2 [IIA], and aluminum have positive oxidation
numbers of +1, +2 and +3 respectively.

Have students form groups of three members. Assign

each group a chemical formula (for example,
Na2CO3). Using the Oxidation Number Rules, have
students identify to the other groups the oxidation
numbers of all the elements in their assigned
Ask: Are there any questions? If no questions, assign
the class 10 compounds by name and not formula for
the identification of oxidation numbers of each element
composing the compound. Students need to review,
periodically, how to write a correct chemical formula.
Integration with Core Subject(s)LA: Understand
explicit, factual information Understand the meanings
of words in context Draw conclusions, inferring
meanings from the text

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