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The Quantitative School of Management

Combines classical management theory

and behavioral science through the use
of statistical models
A major focus is on the process with
which decisions are made, to ensure
informed results
involves the use of quantitative
techniques, such as statistics, information
models, and computer simulations, to
improve decision making
1. Operations Management
. Operations management applies
management science methods to improve
the timing of delivery and streamline
production processes. Some examples of
operations research would be:
. Forecasting inventory and raw material
needs for future periods
. Determining the best location for a
distribution center, to minimize shipping
times to all potential purchasers
. Operations management today pays close
attention to the demands of quality,
customer service, and competition.
2. Management information systems
Management information systems (MIS) is

the most recent subfield of the quantitative

school. A management information system
organizes past, present, and projected data from
both internal and external sources.
Then processes it into usable information, which

it then makes available to managers at all

organizational levels.
As a result, managers can identify alternatives

quickly, evaluate alternatives by using a

spreadsheet program, pose a series of whatif
questions, and finally, select the best alternatives
based on the answers to these questions
3. Systems management theory
A system is an interrelated set of elements

functioning as a whole. An organization as a

system is composed of four elements:
Inputs material or human resources

Transformation processes technological

and managerial processes

Outputs products or services

Feedback reactions from the environment

Managers are beginning to recognize the

various parts of the organization, and, in

particular, the interrelations of the parts.
An organization that interacts little with
its external environment (outside
environment) and therefore receives little
feedback from it is called a closed
An open system, interacts continually
with its environment. Therefore, it is well
informed about changes within its
surroundings and its position relative to
these changes.
SYNERGY means that the whole is
greater than the sum of its parts
Contingency Approach to
(Fiedler, 1964): there is no one best way of
organizing / leading and that an organizational
/ leadership style that is effective in some
situations may not be successful in others.
The optimal organization / leadership style is
contingent upon various internal and external
William Richard Scott: "The best way to
organize depends on the nature of the
environment to which the organization must
In business management, the
contingency approach believes that
there's no single system that can apply to
all workplace challenges. Managerial
personnel work to determine specific
solutions to handle workplace issues and
satisfy client needs.
Wide range of external and internal
factors must be considered and the focus
should be on the action that best fits the
given situation
Thank you

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