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Capstone Project

Title Page will be provided later
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
List of Figures, List of Tables, List of Notations
Background of the Study
Scope and limitations
Significance of the Study
Review of Related Literature/Systems
Research Design/Software Development Lifecycle
Requirements Analysis
Requirements Documentation
Design of Software, Systems, Product, and/or Processes
Development and Testing, where applicable
Description of the Prototype. where applicable Implementation Plan (Infrastructure/Deployment) where needed
ISO 9126
Results and Discussion
Implementation Results, where applicable
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
Evaluation Tool or Test Documents Sample
Users Guide
Process/Data/Information Flow Screen layouts
Technical Specifications
Test Results
Sample Generated Outputs
Pictures showcasing the data gathering, investigation done (e.g. floor plan, layout, building, etc.)
One-Page Curriculum Vitae per team member
This section gives an overall view of your project in not more
than 300
words. The contents must mention the following:
A. Your users/clientele
B. The problem domain
C. The project output
1. What you propose to develop
D. Objective and significance of the project
1. What the project is supposed to accomplish
2. Why you chose to work on it
3. The major benefits the users/clientele can derive from the project output, and
the benefits you will get while working on the project
E. Identity of project sponsor (if any)
F. Description of setting and institutional background
1. How project originated
G. Methods used in developing the project
H. Project assessment
Background of the Study
First sentence - arouse readers interest, this is the most important sentence in the study
2-3 paragraphs to support of the first sentence/paragraph
International readings (with citations)
National readings
Locale what is the existing scenario
(last part) Purpose statement identify research gap, what will you do in order to
What initiated the project. Could be:
a. Current relevant institutional gaps
b. Improvements/enhancements to the current running systems
c. Requests by users/clientele for systems development initiative.
What the project is supposed to accomplish
General and Specific
Significance of the Study
The major benefits the users/clientele can derive from the project output, and the benefits you will get while working on the
Logical sequencing from the most important
Researcher and future researchers (last)
Scope and Limitations
A. Assess the best available resources for addressing the
B. Describe how you propose to take advantage of
existing and current
best practices in your project.

.Introduction of the chapter

This chapter presents literature from local, national and
international studies
Minimum of 3
Research Design/Software Development Lifecycle
Requirements Analysis
Requirements Documentation
Design of Software, Systems, Product, and/or Processes
Development and Testing, where applicable
Description of the Prototype where applicable Implementation Plan
(Infrastructure/Deployment) where needed
ISO 9126
Technical Background
Technical Background
Technologies you plan to consider or use
1. Why these technologies are appropriate
2. What they add to the most promising existing
Discuss the outputs based on the objectives
Evaluation of the system using ISO 9126
Summary of Findings
Discussion should be based on the results of ISO 9126
In consonance with the summary of findings conclude as to
the quality of the system
Contains suggestions for further research
This chapter contains the list of articles, books, and
websites that will be useful to this project.
APA format guide
Evaluation Tool (will be provided)
User Guide/Manual including Technical Specification
System Flow Diagram
Pictures (3R) showcasing the data gathering,
investigation done
Biographical sketch
User Manual
User manual must empower the intended
users/clientele to use
the system with minimal to no technical support. Screen
must be captured and embedded in the document to
faster assimilation of the inner workings of the system.
Technical Specifications
a.Final system specifications
i. Hardware
ii. Operating Systems
iii. Programming language
iv. Server applications used
b. Maintenance plan for the software system
v. List the location and content of all relevant files and instructions
for installing, compiling, and configuring the software.
vi. Dependencies on hardware and software systems should be
Style and Layout of Project
This is scientific work and therefore all writing involved
must follow a
dissertation-style of writing. Following are some
general tips that may be of help to you:
1. Always keep the readers background in mind (Chinneck,
1999). Put in
mind the expected audience and stakeholders of your
project. The
expected ones are your professors, and your target clientele.
Once yo
have that mental picture, imagine that you are explaining
your ideas
3. Writing must be clear and unambiguous.
4. Write using third persons point of view.
5. Terms must be consistent throughout the document. Do not use two
or more terms to refer to the same idea. You will end up confusing
which would result to outright rejection of your proposal.
6. Information presented in figures/tables/graphs must have preceding
introductory paragraphs. Following the figure/table/graph, make sure
that you discuss it.
7. Figures/Tables/graphs where no discussions can be made, or the
inclusion of which may derail the flow of discussion must be relocated
to another section or may be placed in the Appendices.
8. Terse sentences are encouraged rather than long expository ones.
9. Avoid phrases like Clearly, this is the case, Obviously, it follows that, et
cetera which imply that if the readers do not understand, then they must be stupid.
(Paraphrased from Chinneck, 1999).
10.Stay away from getting your opinions on paper. Make sure that literature or the
solution you have presented should substantiate whatever claims you make.
11.Logical organization. The structure and flow of your manuscript is very important.
Remember, each paragraph begins with a topic sentence and the entire content of
the paragraph must relate to this topic. Paragraphs must follow a logical sequence.
12.Before submitting your work, in any form, to your for perusal or approval, make sure
that it has been edited for any grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, or any
composition-related shortcomings. You may also subject it to professional scrutiny
by somebody who is from the ICT industry to check for proper word/term usage.
Document formatting standards
In-Text Citation
The in-text citation is used to provide information that
can immediately tell the reader the source of the
material just presented, and this is done by providing
the name of the author and year of publication in
parenthesis. With the use of in-text citation, the need
for foot-notes have become less necessary, except
when the author wishes to provide additional
explanation or context to the statement just provided in
the text.
The following examples of the use of the author-
publication date combination (in-text citation) come
from the book titled Writing Your Thesis:

Example 1:
Nominal scale is defined as the assignment of numbers
or symbols for the purpose of designating sub-class
which represents unique characteristics (Williams,
The following examples of the use of the author-
publication date combination (in-text citation) come
from the book titled Writing Your Thesis:

Example 2:
Williams (1968) defined nominal scale as the
assignment of numbers or symbols for the purpose of
designating sub-class which represents unique
How to cite sources within the
The three common techniques of citing other works are quotations,
summaries, and paraphrases. Let us cite liberally from Writing Your
Thesis (Librero, 2012)
1. On the use of quotations:
A quote, according to the Jackson State Community College, is an exact
reproduction of an authors exact words in your own text. There is a
caveat in using quotes. Were reminded by experts to use quotes
sparingly. If you use too many quotes, it would appear that youre
unable to contribute something original in our paper. If you have more
than three lengthy quotations in one page, you might be using quotes
too much. Our sources tell us to consider the following rules when we
use quotes:
A. Enclose the word-for-word quote in quotation marks ( ) to show that the source
authors exact words appear in your paper.

B. If you change anything about the original material to make it fit more neatly or clearly
into your essay, use brackets ([ ]) to indicate that material has been added or changed.

C. Use ellipses () to show that material is left out.

D. If the material you are quoting is longer than four lines, use block quote format, which
means that you should not use quotation marks but instead indent the whole quoted bit
one inch from the left margin so that it is clear what your original work is and what is
2. On the use of paraphrases:
Your paraphrase is how you state the authors ideas in
your own words, which must convey the same meaning
as the original authors. A paraphrase is usually similar in
length compared to the original material. You use your
own words even as you include in your paraphrase the
original names, figures, events, and other factual
information from the original authors material. When
you paraphrase youll still have to cite your source within
your text just the same.
3. On the use of summaries:
A summary, which is much shorter than the original
material, is your own restatement of the authors ideas
but focusing on the major points in the material. As much
as possible, avoid using quotes within a summary.
Whether or not you are employing quotation, paraphrase,
or summary in presenting the ideas of your source, you
must always cite your sources.
About Proprietary Ownership of
The results of the Capstone Project are public domain.
This means that anyone who requests to see the project
results, in general, will be allowed to do so.

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