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Wastewater Treatment Plant

Octic- A microbe that needs a lot of oxygen to
Antoctic-Microves that thrive in conditions with zero
Common Microorganisms
The red ones are too young to process

The blue ones are adults and what we

would usually like to see in our pant.

The green boxes are too old and just

get eaten by the younger
Grit And Rags.
Grit and rags is the first stop in the whole process of cleaning waste water. It first gets filtered through a
cage with an arm to grab all of the solids that might clog up the pipes in the rest of the plant. It is put onto
a conveyer belt and loaded into a trailer that we take to the dump.
The A Basons And Blowers.
The A basins are the second stop
Aerated basins the A Basons
have octic microbes that eat most
of the waste that flows into the
plant. The microbial life eat the
waste and each other to stay
alive. They are preferred to be
mid age bugs because they eat
the most. The older ones get
eaten by the younger ones.
The Clarifier
The clarifier is the third stage in the
process. Sprays oil in the water
because it sticks to the less dense
sediment and a giant arm skims the
top of the water and dumps it into the
scum pit. The antoctic microbes in the
water eat the remainder of the heavy
sediment at the bottom.
A Scum Pit
A scum pit is a hole in the
floor that stores the sludge
that was skimmed on the
clarifier until it is pumped into
the digester.
The Digesters.
The digesters are a ant octic tank
that can digest an entire body in
five months they eat sludge, oil,
motor oil, grease, and and almost
anything you throw in it. It turns
sludge into compost that you can
use in your garden for your plants
Making cake

A centrifuge is the machine that turns the

excrements of the digesters into dirt with
the consistency of cake batter. It is a
cylinder with holes that spins the rest of
the moisture out of the muddy mess and
pushes it up a conveyer to a truck which
we take it to the dump. In order to sell it
as fertilizer we need drying beds that we
would have to flip every 24 hours.
Our Aerated Lake Of Shit
Straight from the rbc room the water is
pumped into a pond to naturally clean
and settle it in the heated aerated
water. Ducks and fish love these ponds
because they are warm and full of food.
Water filters
In the filter building the
water is filtered through
volcanic ash from hawaii
to take out any straggler
solids that might have
made it through the
whole process.
Uv light
The water is then filled with chlorine and then blasted with ultraviolet light because
that is the only way to get it out of water besides for sunlight. It kills the remaining
bacteria in the water before it is sent back into the river.

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