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Annex I

Order of March 17th,2015

Command of foreign languages it is necessary for: integral
development, respect and access to different cultures.
We live in a globalized world in which the learning of a FL
is essential in its development.
Enables students to function in society
Tool for emotional, social and professional development.
Aim of FLA: prepare people who can use it to understand,
speak, converse, read and write from an active
perspective and prctica.It encourages learning of
discursive skills, ie oral and written communication skills in
social and significant contexts.
Our fundamental reference is communication, the
development of communicative competence.
It must be based on familiar environments for students.
Contextualized language use in communicative
situations in real and motivating way.
Contributions of key competences
FLA contribute directly to:
Linguistic competence, because it is based on
communicative abilities.
Learning to learn competence: reflection on one's own
learning and promoting the use of European Portfolio.
Competence in personal initiative and entrepreneural
spirit: Students take decisions about their own learning
Digital competence:communicate in real time with any
part of the world. Foreign language creates real and
functional communication contexts.
Social and civic competences: learning a foreign
language involves knowledge of cultural features and
facts and to develop the capacity and interest in learning
about other cultures and other people.
Cultural awareness and expression competence:
linguistic productions as a cultural component.
Methodological orientations
main objective of foreign language, the students
gradually reach the highest level of communicative
competence, that is, they can use it to understand,
speak, read and write.
Priority of oral skills in the early stages, then we work in
an integrated way the four skills.
Axis of foreign language: oral and written communication
skills in social significant contexts.
Learner-centered methodology with a communicative
approach and game-based and tasks.
Direct exposure to authentic use of language:radio and
TV recordings, videos, internet, authentic texts
(newspapers, magazines, advertising signs,) computer
applications, video-conference participation,
correspondence, participation in forums or chats in the
Internet in a controlled manner by the teacher.
It is essential the development of reading and writing
skills in both areas.
We first present oral language and then writing
language (interference sound-spelling)
Use of flashcards to present and review vocabulary
and create stories and contexts.
Work first in receptive skills and then in productive
skills.( oral-written)
At early stages, the Phonics Method is recommended.
Reading and writing in english:
1. Reading of words and simple sentences (use of visual
contextual support and previous knowledge)
2. Writing words and sentences with basic vocabulary
and simple expressions (known at oral level)
3. Use of resources: dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries,
texts and ICT
Reading skills: approach to literature and reading habits. Use
of didactic and digital resources (self-learning mechanisms)
Establish guidelines, teaching strategies and common
methodological approaches for the acquisition of Linguistic
Teacher will design activities and tasks ( dialogues,
presentations, listening in different contexts, , writing with a
communicative purpose, oral expositions, activities with other
areas, festivities)
Linguistic competence is linked to social contexts.
The student is a communication agent receives and
produces messages in contexts through active learning
methods (tasks, projects) for the development of
communicative competence.Such methodologies are
centred in the action.
Examples: writing and editing personal or collective
books (stories, poems,..), write a newspaper, radio,
audiovisual information, debates, web 2.0 wikis,
webquests, forums, chats, prepare and perform a play,
itineraries, guidebooks, tourist guides of the city,
designing a poster (class rules, group, advertising
campaign, keep the school clean, against violence,
racism, exchange with students from other region,
develop a code of responsible TV or use the Internet at
home, write letters to city council, press, organizations
and associations to express opinions. Do surveys and
disseminate the results in various formats
Ultimate goal of learning is communicative interaction
It aims to improve the communicative competence from
all areas across the Linguistic Project.
This is the objective of the Integrated Curriculum of
Languages , the teaching of all languages as one.For
this it is necessary the acquisition of grammatical skills,
communicative functions, pragmatic discursive strategies.
It is fundamental to propose communicative activities in
relation to receptive and productive skills in oral and
written way.
The basic guidelines of the Linguistic Project are.reading
Plan, writing and investigation, typology of texts,
attention to diversity, use of ICT.
Use of European Portfolio favours self-evaluation
strategies in communicative competence, initiative, and
Attention to diversity: adequate tasks, activities and
exercises to different rhythms and learning styles,
creativity and emotions, use of ICT.
Collaboration and Cooperation in the solving tasks.

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