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Overview Job Analysis In The Finance Department At

PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) Medan

Vinny Alvionita Sihombing
Nim. 1305092228



Dosen Penguji I : Djames Siahaan, S.E

Dosen Penguji II : Drs. Martolop Sinambela
Moderator : Cipta Dharma, S.E., M.Si
Job analysis is a process, methods and techniques to get the job anlaysis
of data, and process them into information. Job analysis is used to
improve the quality of employee morale in every company, so many
things to do in order to improve the quality of labor increases.

The success of an organization isnt one that can be obtained instantly,

but its a process of integration and performance of employees who carry
out the organization's activities.

Job analysis will determine characteristics such as what should be

owned by prospective employees before becoming permanent
employees in the company , namely through job specification and job
description .
Formulation of the Problem

Formulation of the problem in this final project is to know about, How is the
implementation of job analysis in the finance department at PT Perkebuanan
Nusantara III Medan?

Writing Purpose

Writing purpose of this final project is to know about job analysis in the finance
department at PT Perkebuanan Nusantara III Medan

The benefits of writing

The benefits of this final project are :

a. Increase knowledge about job analysis on employees in PTPN III Medan.
b. Increase knowledge to the readers about the importance of job analysis in a
c. As a documentation or references for the parties who want to know about job

Definition of job analysis according to Hasibuan: Job analysis is to analyze and

design what should be done, how to do and why its to be done.


Definition of job description Definition of job specification

according to Bangun: Job according to Hasibuan: Job
description is one of the job analysis specification is information that
provides an overview of the
information concerning the duties,
requirements that must have to be
responsibility and authority of a job. able to do a particular job.
Job Evaluation

According to Yani: Job evaluation is the determination of the value of a

work of an organization to determine an estimate of compensation or wages
. This helps affirm the criteria of office, to appreciate the success of workers
in performing their duties.

Purpose of Job

According to Moekijat: Job analysis provides an understanding of the

elements contained in the positions of each position, but this
understanding is not the only purpose " .
Job Analysis

Observation Interview Questionnaire Note Employees

Principles of Job

1. Job analysis should be able to provide the facts necessary for a variety of purposes.

2. Job analysis should be frequently revisited and if necessary repair.

3. Job analysis should show the elements of which the most important positions among
some elements in each post office in the organization.

4. Job analysis should provide information that is through and credible.

Method of
collecting data
Collecting Data Technique
a. Observation directly
b. Library Research
c. Interview

Kind Of Data
Kind of the data which is used are primary data and secondary data.

Analysis Data Technique

Analysis data technique for this research is descriptive analysis technique.
The method used in the analysis of positions at

1. Observation
In the method of observation, observing directly employees of
the financial affairs and insurance tax to determine duties,
obligation and responsibilities of the employees worked in the

2. Interview
In the method of interview, to obtain information directly from
the incumbent by interviewing one of the finance department.
The question asked is about job description and job specification.
Summary job analysis in the finance department at PTPN III

From the job analysis used method, the authors summarize the post of
finance department. Overview of office is a reflection of the job descriptions
in its simplest form. There are three questions in the summary as follows:

1. What is done?
About the duties, obligations and responsibilities of employees in each
respective section in the company.

2. How to do it?
Appropriate for the work on each employee. Responsible for the
interests of the company and carry out other tasks given by the
employer or the financial director.

3. Why or for what worked?

To achieve the company's objectives in improving the quality of the
Aspects of an Employee's Job

To obtain a reciprocal to the employees of the company, the company

uses the performance evaluation of employees that companies use to
assess the work of employees , through aspects such as:



Proficiency in

Cooperation in the completion of their


The ability of employees to complete

the job.
Efforts of companies in improving the quality of employees

Each company has always wanted to give the best to every employee , and
vice versa employees always want to leave or dedication to the company . The
work done by the company to improve the quality of employees is to provide
benefits , base salary, bonus and appreciation.

Job description in the division finance at PT Perkebunan

Nusantara III Medan.

Preperation of job description is especially important to avoid

differences in understanding, in order to avoid duplication of work,
and to determine the limits of responsibility and authority of each
The composition of the job description in the division finance:

1. Identity office division finance

2. Authority employees

3. Liability principal

4. Employment

5. Working conditions
Job specification in the finance department at PTPN III Medan

Name Position : Head of Finance Section

Division : The finance department
Immediate supervisor : Finance director
Location : Medan

Consists of:
1. Education
2. Experience
3. Group / position
4. Level
5. Competence
The process increase of position at PTPN III Medan

a. Each employee is given an equal opportunity to develop his career.

b. Employees can be promoted to positions or higher positions.

c. For the employees who get a promotion , salary will be in accordance with

the company.

d. Employees who holds a particular position on a life of over one year.

e. Implementation of the promotion is done by decisions of directors .

Conclusions and Suggestions

Based on the research that has been done in PTPN III Medan about Job analysis in the
finance department, so the conclusions obtained are:

1. PTPN III Medan , in analyzing the post of observation methods with the duties,
obligations and responsibilities . And the interview method to obtain directly from the
2. Companies doing things to improve the quality of employees and provide comfort to
every employee

As for suggestions that are useful job analysis in the finance department at PTPN III

3. The work program must be open and wide , so that it can receive more talented
workforce and quality .
4. Increased knowledge in the analysis settings Position in the Company
Thanks to :
Dosen Penguji I : Djames Siahaan,
Dosen Penguji II : Drs. Martolop
Moderator : Cipta Dharma, S.E.,

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