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Jurusan Teknik Geologi Adi

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Prabowo
endapan-endapan yang terbentuk(terkonsentrasi) oleh
proses-proses mekanis,terutama yang terjadi pada mineral-
mineral berat (heavy minerals) yang memiliki ketahanan
(resistensi) terhadap pelapukan.
endapan bahan galian/batuan yang telah mengalami proses
pelapukan dan transportasi kemudian terendapkan
ditempat lain
Contoh endapan Placer adalah : Kasiterit (SnO2), kromit
(FeCr2O4), intan, emas, magnetit (Fe3O4), platinum
Konsentrasi mekanik:
Pemisahan gaya berat secara alamiah terhadap mineral berat
dari mineral ringan oleh pergerakan air/udara dimana mineral
berat terkonsentrasikan membentuk endapan.

Syarat pembentukan:
Berat jenis tinggi (3,5 19,4)
Tahan terhadap pelapukan kimia dan mekanis
Kekerasan tinggi (2,5 10)
Tidak mudah larut
Jenis endapan placer (komoditi):
Emas - Timah - Platinum - Magnetit - Kromit - Ilmenit -
Rutil - Gemstone -Zirkon - Monasit
Prinsip pembentukan:
Tahap pembentukan
1. Pelapukan mineral stabil dari matriksnya
2. Konsentrasi
- Mineral stabil dipisahkan dari matriknya, dicuci oleh air ke
arah downslope
- BJ>> akan mengendap lebih dulu
- Terkonsentrasi

Laju pengendapan dipengaruhi oleh:

Kecepatan pergerakan fluida
Perbedaan BJ (di air >> di udara)

Kastalov (1971):
Two types of alluvial placer:
Autochthonous = nearby primary source/paleo-placer (not have been fluvially
~ elluvial, colluvial deposits
Allochthonous = have been fluvially transported
~ fluvial placer deposit

Youngsen & Craw (1999):

Primitive placer
Trunk placer

MacDonald (1983):
Based on geological environment

Continental placer
Elluvial placer
Colluvial placer
Alluvial placer Fluvial
Desert Placer
Glacial placer
Transitional placer
Endapan pada pantai (transisi laut dan darat)
Agen: Arus & Angin
Marine placer
- Mulanya endapan transisional
- Transisi tergenang
- Endapan placer marine

1. Distribution in space & time

Have a wide geographical distribution, some of them as a giant placer
Otage fluvial gold deposit, New Zealand = 148 to Au
Bakwanga eluvial diamond deposit, Zaire
Titanium bearing beach sand, eastern Australia
The bulk of the world`s placer deposit is of Tertiary & Quarternary age.
Alphine orogeny; Post Mesozoic
Primary deposits outcropping weathering
detrital gold
Sea level change during Quarternary
2. Size and Grade
Average grade: lower than from hard rock mining
Eluvial/Colluvial are smaller & lower grade than the fluvial
Beach deposit are much larger than in continental deposits
3. Mineralogy
Placer minerals:
Very high specific gravities
Usually highly hardness
Physically durable
Chemically inert
Fluvial beach deposit are liberated from their gangue mineral
4. Tectonic Setting
Transitional Environment
Major influenced by:
Source material
Fluctuation of sea level in Quarternary
Mechanical concentration by wave & current
Continental encvironment
Large fluvial gold placer
restricted to region of tectonic instability
e.g.: Otago Au placer
Eluvial Coluvial
Overlie or very near source rock
No reworking of resistant mineral
Grade is normally lower than other
Enrichment is partly caused by the removal of soluble
minerals by groundwater & partly by transport of the
lighter mineral by running water & wind action
Relatively far from source rocks
Any reworking of resistate minerals
Gold & cassiterite main are mineral
Size larger & grade higher
Important environment: river terraces & valley fill
Requirements for formation:
Appropriate source rock
Distance from sources
Beach Sand Deposits
Natural sorting of the surf, which is concentrated heavy
minerals at the high-water mark and removes the lighter
Transport sediment by wind
Climate change in Plio-Pleistosen, during which changes of
sea level have resulted in several periodes of marine
transgression and regression, which have reworked an
extensive zone of clastic sediments
e.g. Eneabba rutile zircon ilmenit sand deposit Western
Diamondiferous beach sands of the south weatern
coast of Africa.
Marine Placers
Occurs on the continental shelf 5 km of the coast
Formed by the submergence of heavy mineral accumulation,
which originally concentrated in a continental or litoral
Offshore current activity redistribution the heavy minerals

Ore minerals: mainly cassiterite (Thailand, Malaysia & Indonesia)

Also : Gold, diamond, titaniferous magnetite, chromite,
ilmenite, monazite, rutile, zircon and wolframite

Marine placers in Indonesia

Tin = Tin islands, Sumatera (Bangka, Belitung, etc).
Paleo placer Deposit
Distribution in space & time
Space: Canada, South Africa, Ghana, Brazil
Ore mainly: Gold & Uranium
Time: Proterozoic - Archaean
Size & grade deposits
Witwatersrand Gold placer deposits
Production: > 35.000 ton & grade 10 g/t Au
Reserves: 50.000 tonnes
Blind-Elliot Lake: 300 x 106 ton U
Grade: 0.1% U3O8 & 0.05% ThO2
Jacobina Brazil: 7.1 12.7 g/t Au
Mineralogy -- Host rock
South Africa, Brazil, Ghana: Native Gold
Blind Elliot lake: Uraninite, Brannerite Qzt, Py
Host-rock: Conglomerate (>90% Clasts)
Tectonic Setting
Intra Continental setting
Thick succession of dominantly shallow water
Terrigenous sediment
Basement : metamorphed continental rock

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