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HDF 190:



Destiney Palacios

Opening Statement SLIDE #
Section 1: Self Leadership SLIDE #
Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE #
Section 3: Inclusive Leadership SLIDE #
Section 4: Critical Thinking SLIDE #
Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership SLIDE #

*If you do not have one outcome from each area of the Inventory completed,
you may opt to choose 2 from one of the sections.
Signature Strengths
Values in Action Strengths
Love of learning
Social Intelligence

Being in FLITE, I learned more about myself than I
expected. In the beginning of the semester my goal was to
be a better me. How can I be a better me, a better leader
without knowing what kind of leader I was. This class and
environment taught me what kind of leader I was and how
to build on the skills and strengths that I posses while also
challenging me to work on the skill that didnt come as
naturally as the others.
(1 Highlighted outcome)
In my PSY 113 class we spoke about what made people happy. Besides money,
success and health, acceptance was on the list. We learned that beginning from the
early stages in our life, we seek acceptance from our families and piers. We discuss
why we seek that acceptance and what it does to us psychologically. Over the years,
through my different relationships I learned that it is impossible to always please
others. When you seek acceptance from other you never really think about bettering
yourself and being happy because you focus on what they want. Ive recently been
more open about who I really am and I refuse to allow someone to make me feel any
less of a person because they dont approve or like what I bring to the table. My
family, for example has never been accepting when it came to my sexual orientation
so I used to hide it so that I wouldnt get talked about. I recently became more
comfortable with who I am and I stopped caring if my family accepted me or not. I
wear what I want to wear, and how I present myself.
Leadership Theory and Models
(1 Highlighted outcome)
Servant Leadership is a theory created by a man by the name Robert Greenleaf that focuses solely on giving back and being selfless. It is the act of
using your privileges to help others. The Servant Leadership Model consists of ten characteristics. Listening is number on the list, I fell that listening
is something every kind of leader should possess. Listening instills a sense of importance, validation, and commitment. A leader must be able to
openly listen to someone to help them, which doesnt necessarily even mean having good advice, listening may be all that person needs at the
time. Empathy I s the characteristic I identify most with because it is also my strength. Empathy is the act of understanding, identifying with
someone and their experiences through feeling. It allows the leader and or listener to genuinely understand and feel what the other person is going
through without judgement and criticism. Healing is the third on the list, as a servant leader you serve those who are in need, in pain and those who
are suffering. We, as leaders must understand that we cannot fix, we can only help someone heal. Awareness is necessary because it is nearly
impossible to help someone you dont know of, with something you know nothing about. Without awareness you lose your integrity and then people
begin to lose their trust in you as well. Persuasion is important because I feel that in order to build and serve more people you need allies and not
everyone will be willing to serve, it may need some convincing. Conceptualization allows someone to solve situations and look at them differently
from another perspective. It means that they must be able to think outside of the box. Foresight Is being able to learn from past mistakes and in way
can predict the result of certain actions. Stewardship is what leadership is, it is the task of getting something done, serving. It emphasizes the use of
persuasion and openness, rather than control. The commitment to the growth of people, I feel that this provides a sense of purpose, what is the
point of serving if its not to better the individuals that make up the community. Helping others recognize their strengths and use it the best way they
can so that they can better themselves. Lastly, building community, servant leadership suggest that true community can be created among those
who work in businesses and other institutions.
Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its application to leadership
(1 Highlighted outcome)
During HDF 190, we focused our social group project on the topic of
bullying. As a group we watched The Bully Project. This allowed us to be a
social change agent by learning to raise awareness and prevent individuals
from being bullied. We all connected with the students in the video
because we all witnessed or experienced bullying in our lives. After seeing
the film we discussed and brainstormed what we could do in our regular
daily lives but also in our communities. Being conscious of how we act on
a daily basis and educating other on what too many students go through
can be the beginning of change.
Critical Thinking
(1 Highlighted outcome)
During our mandatory retreat for HDF 190. !n this retreat we had various
activities that were focused on relationship building and forming groups.
The activity that stuck to me most was the task of getting our group, of
twelve members cross one side of tape simultaneously. We did not
succeed the first time but we learned and were able to strategize. We also
had to make sure we were inclusive and in our plan. Everyone had to be
able to perform and execute. After a couple minutes of practicing and
discussing, we became more comfortable with each other and voicing our
opinions. At the end we came up with the best strategy, which was
counting and using a simple beat that everyone could follow. In the end we
completed the task and everyone played a part and had a job to do, which
we did well.
(Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills ) (1 Highlighted outcome)

During COM 100, I was expected to work with a group of people I barely knew. It took some time
to gain each others trust and know what each member can offer the group. In order to be able to
trust each other with a different part of the project, we had to know that we could rely on each
other. The first step of accountability is to know your role as a leader. It is important to know
what everyone job is and to give everyone a job/task to accomplish within the group. As a leader
you need to have structure within the group and everyone needs to have clear communication
on the task that need to be completed. In order to complete success you need to be honest with
yourself and honesty within your group. With honesty comes with putting your pride aside, and
admitting when youve made a mistake and also the ability to ask for help when you do need it.
Procrastination is one of the most common ways to avoid responsibility so time management is
important. You need to create an atmosphere where your group trust you and feel comfortable
relying on you. Do not over commit yourself overwhelm yourself with too many tasks.
Membership relationships are developed through the accountability of a leader. When a leader
commits a mistake and holds responsibility the group is more prone to build a relationship. Also
when communication is provided and an openness within the group is established the formation
a relationship is also formed.

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