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QL (Data Bas

What is Data?
Data is a useful information.
Which helps to make a decision.
Set of information of any entity is known
Employee information.(Name,job,sal e
Product information
Sales information
What is Database ?
where you store data
base is a systematic collection of data.
ases support storage and manipulation
ases make data management easy.

nline telephone directory.

ricity service provider
What is a
Database Management System
(DBMS) is a collection of
programs which(DBMS)?
enables its
users to access database,
manipulate data, reporting /
representation of data .
Data base combined with
Here the services are.
Entering new data
Updating old data with new data
Deleting unwanted data
Authenticating the users
Providing security
The s/w which is widely used today is Oracle
The different versions of Oracle starting from
the earliest
Oracle 2,to the latest
Oracle 7, are
Oracle 3,Oracle 8i,
Oracle 4,Oracle 9i,
Oracle 5,Oracle 10g,
Oracle 6,Oracle 11g
and the latest to hit the market is Oracle 12c. here
at is Relational Datab
ollection of relations or two dimensional tables
dd proposed the relational model for database sy
l Model Consists of following
ons of Objects or Relations
Operators to act on the relations
tegrity for accuracy and consistency.
tegrity is the one which contains correct data in t
t storing wrong data in database we use data inte
ve data integrity we have two types
s a type of data which you store in each column.
A constraint is a condition
A constraint is a condition which restricts the invalid data in the table.
A constraint can be provided for a column of a table.

which restricts the invalid data

in the table.
A constraint can be provided
es of Constraints
for a column of a table.
NOT NULL Foreign Key
Primary Key
NULL is nothing, it is neither
zero nor blank space
It will not occupy any space in
the memory
Two NULLS are never same in
NULL represents unknown value
Any arithmetic operation we
Not Null
NOT NULL will ensure at
least some value should be
present in a column
It will not allow any duplicates in a colu
UNIQUE column can take multiple NULL
Primary Key
It is the combination of NOT
Only one PK is allowed in a table
PK identifies a record uniquely in a
Creation of PK is not mandatory,
but it is highly recommended to
Candidate Key: Eligible to
become PK
Foreign Key
FK creates relationship between
any two tables
FK is also called as referential
integrity constraints
FK is created on the child table
FK can take both NULL and
duplicate values
To create FK, the master table
It is used to provide additional
validations as per the customer

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