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Terminology is the study of terms and their use.

Some words that we encounter daily but still the concepts

related to them are confused by many of us.

In the transmission of electrical energy dealing with power is

easier than dealing with voltages and currents.
Terms That Will Be Discussed..

Active Power
Reactive Power
Power Factor
Grid Code
Isolated System and Grid connected systems
Some Important Points
nothing to do with dc circuits.
They only apply to steady state AC circuits.
Power supplied to the device is the product of
instantaneous voltage an instantaneous current flowing
through the device at that very moment.
It can be positive or negative
Positive Power - Power is flowing to the device
Negative Power- power is flowing out of the device.
Understanding With An Example

A sinusoidal voltage having peak value of

162V and a frequency of 60Hz is applied to the
terminals of an ac motor. The resulting current
has a peak value of 7.5A and lags 50 behind
the voltage.

(Real Power, True power, Useful power ,Watt-

full power, Actual power)

The power which is actually consumed or

utilized in an AC Circuit is called Active Power.
It is measured in kilo watt (kW) or MW.
(Use-less Power, Watt less Power)
The powers that continuously bounce back and
forth between source and load is known as
reactive Power.
Power merely absorbed and returned in load
due to its reactive properties is referred to as
reactive power
Theunit of reactive power is Volt-Ampere
reactive. I.e. VAR where 1 VAR = 1V x 1A.
The combination of reactive power and
active power is called apparent power

Power engineers measure apparent power

as the magnitude of the vector sum of
active and reactive power. Apparent power
is the product of the root-mean-square of
voltage and current.
The power factor of an alternating current
device or circuit is the ratio of the active
power to the apparent power-
Apparent Power=P/S
= EIp/EI
Power Factor For Non Linear Loads

Current drawn due to non linear loads is not sinusoidal

even when it is connected to sinusoidal voltage. These
non-sinusoidal currents contain harmonic.
Rectifiers, some forms of electric lighting, electric arc
furnaces, welding equipment, switched-mode power
supplies, variable speed drives all these fall under this
The only accurate technique for measuring power factor of
non-linear loads is to average the instantaneous power
then divide by the product of the true RMS voltage and the
true RMS current.
Reduction in voltage drops
Increase in available power (Sometimes it
is less expensive to improve power factor
than replacing whole unit)
Reduction of losses
Reduction of cable size.
Further the KVA rating of machines is also
reduced by having higher power factor .
Hence, the size and cost of machine is also
reduced. So, electrical power factor
should be maintained close to unity.
Importance Of Reactive Power
Reactive power is both the problem and
solution to the power system
some of the reasons which makes reactive
power so important are
Voltage Control
To Satisfy Reactive Power Demand
To Reduce Electrical Blackouts
To Produce Magnetic Flux
To Produce Magnetic Flux
Most inductive loads such as motors,
transformers and induction heating
equipment's require reactive power in
order to produce a magnetic field.
Reactive power is consumed for creating
and maintaining magnetic flux to do so.
2012 India Blackouts
Two severe power
blackouts affected most
of northern and eastern
India on 30 and 31 July
Reasons for Blackout (Summary)
Frequency Profile as Captured by IIT Bombay
Grid failure effects the nation
Inter-State passenger and goods trains came to
a halt.
Traffic signals went out of service.
Hospitals were running on backup supply. yet
health services were affected at several places.
Many industries suffered huge loss.
ATM machines did not function
coal miners in Burdhwan in West Bengal got
trapped for several hours.
Reactive Power Compensation
In order to regulate the power factor of
the system and maintain the voltage
stability we need to compensate reactive
Three main methods-
Shunt Compensation
Series compensation
Synchronous Condensers

A grid code is a technical specification

which defines the parameters a facility
connected to a public electric network has
to meet to ensure safe, secure and
economic proper functioning of the
electric system. The facility can be an
electricity generating plant, a consumer,
or another network.
Grid Connection code for RPPs
Connected to transmission system in
Isolated and Grid Connected Systems
When Connected to Grid the voltage level
generated must be as stable as possible due
to its interaction with pre existent systems. If
this does not occur,it is possible that during a
shade time the whole panel looks like a
load.And as a consequence of that the
protection system will activate and and the
system gets disconnected from tha grid.

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