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T-test (Uji t)

1. Pengertian Uji t
2. Syarat-syarat Uji t
3. KegunaanUji t
4. Penggolongan Uji t
5. Rumus
Pengertian Uji t
Tes t atau Uji t adalah uji statistik yang
digunakan untuk menguji kebenaran atau
kepalsuan hipotesis nol .

Uji t pertama kali dikembangkan oleh William

Seely Gosset pada 1915.Awalnya ia
menggunakan nama samaran Student, dan
huruf t yang terdapat dalam istilah Uji t dari
huruf terakhir nama beliau. Uji t disebut juga
dengan nama Student t.
2. Persyaratan analisis Uji t
Sampel di ambil secara acak dari
populasi berdistribusi normal.

Data berskala interval dan atau rasio.

Kegunaan Uji t
Alat analisis data untuk menguji satu
sampel atau dua sampel.
Membandingkan dua mean (rata-rata)
untuk menentukan apakah perbedaan rata-
rata tersebut perbedaan nyata atau karena

Untuk penggunaan uji t pada satu sampel,

dua rata-rata yang di bandingkan adalah
mean sampel dan mean populasi.
Penggolongan Uji t

Uji t

Satu Sampel Dua Sampel

Berhubungan Terpisah
(Dependen) (Independen)
Uji t Untuk Satu Sampel
t Koefisien t
x Mean sampel
Mean populasi
S Standard deviasi sampel
n banyak sampel
Contoh :
1. Seorang peneliti ingin melakukan kajian tentang
kemampuan ujian peserta untuk mendapatkan
Surat izin Mengemudi (SIM) kendaraan
bermotor di Polres . Untuk keperluan penelitian
ini di ambil sampel sebanyak 49 peserta, yang
dipilih secara acak. Standar kelulusan ujian
adalah skor 60 (rata-rata populasi). Dari sampel
diperoleh rata-rata skor ujian adalah 55 dengan
standar deviasi 15. Berdasarkan data ini , pihak
POLRES membuat pernyataan:
Semua peserta ujian mempunyai
kemampuan menyelesaikan soal ujian di
bawah standar kelulusan.

Pertanyaan: Ujilah pernyataan (hipotesis di

atas), 0,05.


H 0 : 60
H1 : 60
x 55 55 60 5
60 t 2,33.
15 2,14
S 15 49
n 49

Bandingkan hasil perhitungan t di atas dengan tabel t.

db = n -1 = 49-1 = 48
ttabel = t ( ) 1,679.
Daerah tolak H0 Daerah terima H0

60 x
t ( ) 1,679

t > ttabel. Kesimpulan :

Terdapat peserta ujian mempunyai
H0 ditolak. Kemampuan di bawah rata-rata.
2. The management at Massachusetts Savings
Bank is always concerned about the quality of
service provided to its customers. With the old
computer system, a teller at this bank could
serve, on average, 22 customers per hour. The
management noticed that with this service rate,
the waiting time for customers was too long.
Recently the management of the bank installed a
new computer system in the bank, expecting that
it would increase the service rate and
consequently make the customers happier by
reducing the waiting time.

To check if the new computer system is more

efficient than the old system, the management
of the bank took a random sample of 18 hours
and found that during these hours the mean
number of customers served by tellers was 28
per hour with a standard deviation of 2.5.
Testing at the 1% significance level, would you
conclude that the new computer system is more
efficient than the old computer system? Assume
that the number of customers served per hour
by a teller on this computer system has an
approximately normal distribution.
3. Grand Auto Corporation produces auto batteries.
The company claims that its top-of-the-line Never
Die batteries are good, on average, for at least
65 months. A consumer protection agency tested
15 such batteries to check this claim. It found the
mean life of these 15 batteries to be 63 months
with a standard deviation of 2 months. At the 5%
significance level, can you conclude that the
claim of this company is true? Assume that the
life of such a battery has an approximately
normal distribution.
4. A psychologist claims that the mean age at which
children start walking is 12.5 months. Carol
wanted to check if this claim is true. She took a
random sample of 18 children and found that the
mean age at which these children started walking
was 12.9 months with a standard deviation of .80
month. Using the 1% significance level, can you
conclude that the mean age at which all children
start walking is different from 12.5 months?
Assume that the ages at which all children start
walking have an approximately normal
dapat asumsi bahwa dari suatu populasi mahasiswa Sistem
ormasi semester 5 rata-rata nilai statistika 2 adalah 60, untu
nguji asumsi tersebut diambil sampel sebanyak 10 mahasisw
ah apakah asumsi tersebut apakah terdapat perbedaan
ng signifikan antara rata rata sampel dengan rata-rata popu
nakan taraf signifikan alpha 0.05

X 80 90 60 60 90 60 80 50 70 60
s = 14,142

t =2,236
t < ttabel
H0 diterima. So, tidak ada perbedaan
yang signifikan antara rata rata sampel
dengan rata-rata populasi.
Output SPSS

One-Sample Statistics

Std. Error
N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
Nilai stat2 10 7,00 1,41 ,45

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 6
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Mean Difference
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper
Nilai stat2 2,236 9 ,052 1,00 -1,17E-02 2,01

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