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Pemberantasan Korupsi

di Finlandia
Satria Hangga Nugraha
Quick facts

25 jiwa


Kapita $230.68
$42,159 5 Milyar
What makes Finland and other
Scandinavian Countries cleaner
than most countries?
Law enforcement
Involving public participation and transparency
mechanisms such as disclosure of information
Integrity system function relatively well
Strong commitment to anti-corruption by
political leaders
Freedom of the press is positively correlated
with control of corruption
Government openness and effectiveness, civic
activism and social trust
Strong transparency and accountability
General administrative culture of Finlandand
social factors
Correlation between the general standard of
Penegakan Hukum

No Unsur Keterangan
1. Undang- Korupsi tidak diatur di UU khusus.
Undang Namun terdapat di Undang-Undang
Prosedur Administrasi
(Administrative Procedure Act) dan
Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana
(Penal Code).

2. Badan Tidak ada lembaga pemberantasan

Penegak korupsi yang khusus, namun
Hukum beberapa instansi yang menangani
korupsi dan membantu peningkatan
pelayanan publik yaitu:
1. National Bureau of Investigation
2. National Audit Office
3. Ombudsman
4. Criminal Investigation of
5. National Council for Crime

Audit Internal pengendalian administratif

didesentralisasikan ke berbagai institusi
pemerintah, kedudukannya semi-otonomi
dan fungsinya sebagai lembaga penelaah
mekanisme pengendalian internal

Audit Eksternal The National Audit Ofce of

Finland (NAOF), seperti BPK di Indonesia yang
mandiri, memiliki tugas untuk melaksanakan
audit eksternal dengan melakukan audit
keuangan, audit kepatuhan, audit kinerja,
audit yang kebijakan skal dan audit lainnya
menggabungkan metode yang berbeda.
Inte Sis
egasrityyan g tem
membuat pegawai
pemerintah di Finlandia
menjunjung tinggi
reputasi. Hancurnya
reputasi akibat
perbuatan tercela
biasanya berakhir
dengan keluarnya
pegawai tersebut dari
pekerjaan sebagai
pegawai pemerintah.
Rasa malu juga tumbuh
di kalangan pegawai
Kasus mundurnya Anneli
Jaatteenmaki adalah

The broad openness of public administration has always

been a fundamental principle in Finland. Decisions must be
public, and they are open for criticism by other public
officials, by the public and the media. In Finland, everyone
has the constitutional right.

Source: Corruption and the

Prevention of Corruption Ministry
of Justice Finland
General administrative culture of

The structure of the Finnish

administrative system is relatively
low (i.e., with few levels of
bureaucracy), with a considerable
degree of autonomy on the local,
municipal level. Already at an early
stage during Swedish rule, the civil
service secured a relatively strong
position in society, and public
officials were widely regarded with
the general
of living and O a public
the level of ofcials
corruption bread may
(pu blic
Pub of
lic Offi cials l)
salaries may not have be thin, but
been high but were at least it is
adequate. But there is
good job security for
public officials to - Old Finnish
counterbalance the Proverb-
not-so-high earnings.
Source: Corruption and the
Prevention of Corruption Ministry
of Justice Finland
the general
Ranked second for gender
sta nda rd venth
equality index, ele
on UNDof
of the PsFin
Hum h
Development Index 2008,
high standard of living,
small gap on The level of
wages in both the public
and the private sectors,
few people live in
poverty, Finlands welfare
society are a free
comprehensive school
education, higher
education, and basic
health care for everyone.
The state takes care of
the unemployed and
other disadvantaged
Source: Corruption
grou the
evention of Corruption Mini
educati Fac
ial ona torsem in
l syst
Finland has been identied as
one of the most effective in
the world. Such factors
suggest that the members of
the Finnish public tend to have
a relatively good capacity to
understand, exercise and
protect their rights. Thus,
most members of the public at
least in theory should be able
to identify incidents of
corruption when they
encounter these, understand
that these are not acceptable,
and be able to bring the
matter to court or otherwise
have the matter reviewed.
Finlands society can be
described briefy as
democratic and egalitarian.
Civic Activism

Part of the democratic tradition concerns

the importance of local government.
Traditionally, many decisions affecting
the day-to-day life of citizens, including
regarding taxes, roads, utilities and social
services, have been made locally. This
has given people a clear incentive to
become involved in local government, or
at least to keep a watchful eye on local
decision makers.

Source: Corruption and the

Prevention of Corruption Ministry
Freedom of Press
In general, the media
has a key role in the
prevention of
corruption. They can
raise questions and
start discussions on
transparency and
justness, dealing with
different solutions.
The role of the media
is perhaps particularly
strong in Finland,
where newspaper
readership and the
use of the internet are
among the highest in
the world.
Social Trust

Dengan pemerintahan yang bersih dan budaya masyarakat

(pemimpin) yang taat aturan memunculkan social trust
pada kepemerintahan Finlandia

Why dont Finns worry about locking

their bikes on a busy Helsinki Street?
Why do Finnish skateboarders who
advocate anarchy politely abide by
trafc laws? Why indeed is Finland so
Source: world bank
Namun.. Adakah
kasus korupsi di
Case of Ex Mayor
of the City of
Mar ketta konen, and
Olavi Lou
ko, theen
of Espoos Technical and
Environment Services,
received bribery charges
linked to major
construction companies in
2010. State demanded
Louko to pay back 7.500
while each public
presentation of a
construction decision is in
value of several millions
of euros. Louko has
responsibility of the
construction and
environmental protection.
Case of Ex major
of Vantaa, Jukka

Jukka Peltomki is
accused in 2013 of
500,000 benet from
Forma Futura in 2006-
2011. Forma Futura has
planned buildings for
Case of Ilkka

Ilkka Kanerva, National

Coalition Party was
convicted in April 2012 for
accepting bribes. He
withdrew from Turku
council in May 2012.
Case of Sport
Corruption (RoPS)

In 2011 several football

players were charged for
bribery. Singaporean
match-xer Wilson Raj
Perumal was accused for
agreed matches in 2008
2011. Total 11 players
were charged.
Tax avoidance
case on tax haven
Based on data of the
Finnish tax agency,
government has collected
unpaid tax more than 10
million until 2013. In
Sept/Oct 2013,
Liechtenstein bank
accounts include funds of
Casimir Ehrnrooth (UPM
(HS 21.9.2013) family
major owners in e.g.
construction YIT, Jaakko
Pyry, Guggenheim
Helsinki Plan, exploding
rocks), Bertel Paulig
(coffee, spices) and a
construction company
owners in Turku.

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