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By Finny

MTA dikenalkan oleh by Dr.

Mahmoud Torabinejad dari
Loma Linda University,
MTA was introduced by Dr. Mahmoud Torabinejad
California, US dan literature at Loma Linda University, California, US and the
first literature about the material appeared in
pertama mengenai material 1993.
tersebut muncul pada 1993. MTA has been approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) in the year 1998. with its
MTA telah diakui oleh FDA numerous exciting clinical applications, MTA
pada 1998. promises to be one of the most versatile
matereials of this century in the field of dentistry.

Terdiri dari dari 3 bubuk, 3 powder ingredients :

Portland cement 75%
Bismuth oxide 20%
Gypsum 5%

termasuk, includes:
Tricalcium silicate
Tricalcium aluminate
Tricalcium oxide
Silicate oxide
Bismuth oxide
Type of MTA
White MTA
MTA putih
Ferrous oxide diganti magnesium
Ferrous oxide is replaced by
oksida, tidak ada diskolorasin gigi magnesium oxide, so no tooth
Partikel kecil
Waktu setting lebih pendek smaller particles with narrower
size distribution
Compressive strength lebih kecil
Shorter setting time
Less compressive strength
MTA abu
Grey MTA
Mengandung tetracalcium
aluminoferrite (ferrous oxide) Contains ferrous oxide, teeth
membuat warna gigi jadi abu-abu, jadi grey discoloration, so its not for
tidak digunakan untuk gigi anterior anterior teeth
Partikelnya besar Larger particles
Waktu setting lebih panjang Longer setting time
Compressive strength lebih besar Greater compressive strength
Manipulation and setting
Pasta MTA dibuat dari 3 bagian
bubuk dengan 1 bagian air untuk
menghasilkan konsistensi yg dempul.
Pengadukan dapat dilakukan di kertas
The MTA paste is obtained by mixing 3 parts of powder with 1
atau di kaca menggunakan spatula part of water to obtain putty like consistency (distilled water, local
plastic atau logam. Campurannya anaasthesia, normal saline). Mixing can be done on paper or glass
slab using plastic or metal spatula (<4 minutes). This mix is then
kemudian ditempatkan pada lokasi placed in the desired location and condensed lightly with a
moistened cotton pellet.
yang diinginkan dan di kondensasi
Setting time, grey MTA 2 hours 55 minutes, white MTA 2 hours 20
dengan cotton pellet yang dibasahi minutes. Suggested using accelerators (Na2HPO4 & CaCl2) to reduce
the setting time.
Waktu setting, MTA abu 2 jam 55 Applied MTA should be cover by a damp pellet of cotton for correct
menit, MTA putih 2 jam 20 menit setting moisture. Then the tooth should be capped with a hermetic
dressing for 1-2 days
pengaplikasian MTA harus di tutupi
dengan cotton pellet basah untuk
kelembapan yang tepat. Selanjutnya
gigi di tutup oleh hermatic dressing
Selama 1-2 hari
Properties of MTA
Compresive strength, dalam 24
jam40.0 Mpa, setelah 21 hari 67.3 Mpa.
MTA abu > MTA putih
PH dan antibakterial, awal 10.2, 3 Compresive strength, within 24 hours 40.0 Mpa after 21
days 67.3 Mpa. Grey MTA > white MTA
jam setelah pencampuran 12.5, PH
PH and antibacterial, intial 10.2, three hours after mmixing
tinggi sebagai agen antibakteri dan 12.5 results as antibacterial and fungidal properties
jamur Radiopacity, MTA is less radiopaque than IRM, super EBA,
amalgam or gutta-percha and similar radiodensity with zinc
Radiopasitas, kurang radiopak dari oxide eugenol

IRM, super EBA, amalgam atau gutta- Solubility, no signs of solubility, might increase if more water
is used during mixing.
percha and radiodensiti yang sama
Marginal adaptation and sealing ability, expand during
dengan zinc oxide eugenol setting (excellent sealing ability). MTA thickness about 4mm.

Daya larut, tidak larut, mungkin daya

larut meningkat jika menggunakan
banyak air saat pencampuran
Adaptasi marginal dan kemampuan
Biokompatibilitas, MTA tidak Biocompatibility, MTA is not
mutagenic, tidak sitotoksik serta mutagenic, much less cytotoxic and
menunjukan tidak adanya showed no DNA damage and good
kerusakan DNA dan adanya interaction with bone-forming cells.
hubungan baik dengan sel Reaction with other dental
pembentuk tulang materials, MTA does not react or
interfere with any restorative
Reaksi dengan material dental
lain, tidak bereaksi dengan
Tissue regeneration, MTA is
berbagai material restorasi
capable of activation of
Regenerasi jaringan, mampu cementoblasts and production of
mengaktivasi cementoblas dan cementum
produksi sementum Mineralization,induced dentin
Mineralisasi, menginduksi bridge formation, faster with good
pembentukan dentin bridge lebih structural integrity and more
cepat dengan struktur yg baik, complete than with calcium
dan lebih lengkap daripada
calcium hidroxide
Radiopacity of MTA
Clinical Applications
Pulp capping
Non vital pulpotomy
Vital pulpotomy (apexogenesis)
Root-end filling
Apical plug (apexification of
non vital of immature roots)
Obturation of the canal
Repair perforation
Repair of fracture
Horixzontal root fracture
Vertical root fracture

By Finny
Sejak tahu 1928 kalsium hidroksida
(Dycal) telah menjadi material standar
untung mempertahankan vitalitas pulpa
karena mampu menstimulasi

pembentukan dentin tersier. Namun, Since 1928, calcium hydroxide (Dycal) has been standard material
for maintaining the vitality of pulp since it is capable of
memiliki ikatan dengan dentin yang stimulating tertiary dentine formation. However it has some
drawbacks like poor bonding to dentine, material resorption.
After that, hydraulic calcium silicate cements were available which
Setelah itu, munculah semen hidrolik showed a bioactive dynamic interaction with dentine and pulp
tissue interface.
kalsium silikat yang menunjukan interaksi
In 2009 Biodentine is commercially available by (Gilles and Olivier
bioaktif dinamis dengan dentin dan in corporation with Septodont's, France).
permukaan jaringan pulpa Biodentine is a new tricalcium silicate (Ca3SiO5). This material is
claimed to possess better physical and biological properties
Tahun 2009, Biodentine dipasarkan oleh compared to other tricalcium silicate cements such as mineral
Gilles dan Olivier in corporation dengan trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Bioaggregate.

Septodont's, France
Biodentin adalah Trikalsium silikat baru
(Ca3SiO5). Meterial ini mengklaim
memiliki property fisik dan biologis yang
lebih baik dibandingkan dengan MTA dan

Powder: packaged in Liquid: packaged in

capsule (0.7 g) pipette (0.18 ml)

1. Calcium Chloride: as accelerator.

2. Hydrosoluble polymer: (water reducing agent)

maintain the balance between low water content
and consistency of mixture.
1. Tricalcium Silicate: its the main component.
3. 3. Water.
2. Diclacium Silicate: its the second main

3. Calcium Carbonate: as filler.

4. Zirconium Oxide: responsible for radiopacity.

5. Iron Oxide: responsible for shade.I

Setting Reaction
Kalsium silikat memiliki
kemampuan untuk berinteraksi The calcium silicate has the ability
dengan air kemudian to interact with water leading to
menagalami setting dan the setting and hardening of the
cement as following:
pengerasan semen dengan cara :
CSH gel is considered as the
Gel CSH dianggap sebagai
matrix of the cement, and the
matriks semen dan kristal
crystals of CaCO3 (rough and
CaCO3 (kasar dan tak
irregular) are filling the spaces
beraturam) mengisi ruang
between gel of cement.
antar semen
Calcite (CaCO3) has two
CaCO3 memiliki 2 fungsi distinct functions: as an active
berbeda sebagai agen aktif agent (implicated in the
(diiplikasikan dalam proses process of hydration) and as
hidrasi) dan sebagai pengisi filler (improves the
(meningkatkan sifat mekanik mechanical properties of the
semen) cement).
Hasil akhir dari reaksi
hidrasi meliputi : The final result of
partikel semen yang hydration reaction
tidak bereaksi includes: unreacted
(mengurangi efek pada particles of cement
reaksi selanjutnya), gel (slowing down the effect
CSH, Ca(OH)2 of further reaction), CSH
gel, Ca (OH)2
Properties of Biodentine
Waktu setting biodentine
sekitar 9-12 menit.
Adhesi lebih tinggi daripada
Dycal dan MTA
Densitas tinggi porositas The setting time of Biodentine is between 9-12 minutes
rendah karena menggunakan Adhesion of Biodentine is higher than Dycal and MTA
polimer hidrosolubel
Biodentine exhibits lower porosity and higher density than
Radiopasitas gambarannya Dycal and MTA.
Biodentine contains zirconium oxide allowing identification on
opak karena mengandung radiographs Biodentine displays radiopacity.
Zrconium Oxide This value becomes quite stable and is in the range of the
compressive strength of natural dentine (297 MPa).
Kekuatan Tekan setelah satu
After 1 month, hardness of Biodentine reach in the same
bulan dapat menyamai dentin range as natural dentine.
(297 Mpa)
Microhardness setelah 1 bulan
kekerasannya menyamai dentin
Biodentine interfaces lebih
tahan terhadap erosi dan
microleakage disbanding MTA,
dycal, GIC
Pelepasan Ion lebih tinggi dari Biodentine interfaces, it appeared resistance to erosion
and microleakage more than MTA, Dycal and GIC.
MTA dan Dycal, dikorelasikan The release of free calcium ion in Biodentine is higher than
dengan adanya kalsium silikat, MTA and Dycal. The high Ca release of Biodentine can be
correlated with the presence of a calcium silicate component
kalsium chloride, dan kalsium and calcium chloride and calcium carbonate.

karbonat Antibacterial, during setting phase of Biodentine increases

pH to 12 (alkaliniztion of medium) which inhibits the growth of
microorganisms and can disinfect the dentine.
Antibakteri, saat setting
Stabilization, Biodentine is not as stable as a composite
biodentine meningkatkan pH material, so that Biodentine is not suitable as permanent
enamel replacement. Biodentine is stable enough to find use
hingga 12 (alkalization of as a temporary filling even in the chewing load bearing
medium) yang dapat mencegah region.

pertumbuhan mikroorganisme
dan mendesinfektan dentin
Stabilitas Dalam Rongga
Mulut biodentine tidak sestabil
material komposit, sehingga
Mechanism of action
Kunci dari suksesnya terapi pulp
capping adalah kemampuan
melepaskan kalsium , karena
diferensiasi, proliferasi, dan
mineralisasi kalisum dari sel pulpa
(osteblas, sementoblas, dan The ability to release calcium is a key factor for successful
pulp capping therapies because of the action of calcium on
odontoblast differentiation, proliferation and mineralization of pulp cells
(osteoblasts, cementoblasts, and odontoblasts).
Kalsium dan ion hidrokisda Ca and hydroxide ions enhances the activity of:
meningkatkan aktivitas (((Osteopontin, Alkaline Phosphatase, Pyrophosphatase,
Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2(BMP-2) which belongs to the
osteopontin, alkalin fosfatase, Bone TGF-))) which helps to maintain dentine mineralization and
Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP-2) the formation of dentine bridge.

turunan dari TGF- yang membantu TGF-1 is responsible for early mineralization of reparative
dentine that secrete from the pulp cells
mengatur mineralisasi dentin dan
embentukan dentine bridge.
TGF- bertanggungjawab pada awal
mineralisasi reoaratif dentin yang
Advantage of biodentine
Untuk indikasi pada For crown and root
mahkota dan akar indications.
Membantu remineralisai Helps in remineralization
denitn of dentine.
Melindungi vitalitas pulpa Preserves pulp vitality
dan membantu
and promotes pulp
mnyembuhkan pulpa
Mengganti dentin asli
Replaces natural dentine
dengan ciri mekanis yang
sama with the same
mechanical properties.
Penanganan dan
manupulasi yang lebih baik Better handling and
Mengurangi waktu setting
Reduced setting time.
Clinical aplication
Sebagai pengganti dentin
Sebagai agen pulp capping
Pada vital pulpotomy
Memperbaiki perforasi
Sebagai root and feeling
As a dentin substitute
As a pulp capping agent
In vital pulpotomy
Repair of perforation
As root and feeling

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