Anda di halaman 1dari 6


sc r i be s an
si s t hat de i m ag e
diag n o o d y
h i a t r ic e ig h t and b
i s a psyc o w b ody w
a n er vos a
eri z e d by l
in g w eight.
i t n
Anorex order charac ve fear of gai
dis essi
eating w ith a n o b s
o rt io n

o f genetic
rs vo lv ement n e rvosa.
Facto ibed the i n orexi a
gi cal r l o p an
Biolo cently desc lity to deve
e i
Was r in vulnerab

l Factors
Factors suc
abuse and h as a dea
other form th in the f
triggers ano s of stress amily, child
rexia. may be po

to r s n d cu l tural
cult ural fac he s ocial a
po r ta nt t o t
ic a l e x ercise.
It is im nness and phy
es on t he thi

Extreme weight loss

Body mass index less than 17.5 in adults, or 85% of expected
weight in children
Stunted growth
Endocrine disorder, leading to cessation of periods in girls
Starvation symptoms, such as reduced metabolism, slow heart
rate (bradycardia), hypotension, hypothermia and anemia
Abnormalities of mineral and electrolyte levels in the body
Thinning of the hair
Constantly feeling "cold"
Zinc deficiency
Reduction in white blood cell count
Reduced immune system function

Distorted body image

Self-evaluation largely, or even exclusively, in terms of their shape and
Pre-occupation or obsessive thoughts about food and weight
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Belief that control over food/body is synonymous with being in control of
one's life
Refusal to accept that one's weight is normal, or healthy

s u a ll y fo c u sed on
n t fo r a n o rexia is u p a r ticularly
e trea tm e h a v e
The first lin ll y w it h th ose who r ly serious
, e s p e c ia p a r tic u la
m ed ia te w eight gain e h o s pit a lization. In tm en t under
im e q u ir l tr e a
us c o n d it io ns that r in v o lu n ta ry hospita
serio done as a n
se s , th is m a y b e
le g is la tio n exists.
c a w here suc h
e a lt h la w,
mental h

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