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Diagnosa Getaran Mesin Mesin

Seorang analist getaran harus mempunyai jaminan bahwa data yg

dikumpulkan akurat, disamping ia harus pula mempunyai pengetahuan
yang dalam mengenai rancangan mesin dan dinamika operasi mesin
tersebut. Hal hal tersebut sangat penting supaya bisa
mengintepretasikan gejala gejala kerusakan yang ada dengan akurat
sehingga berhasil didapat diagnosa dan penyelesaian masalah yang
baik pada mesin mesin putar (rotating machinery).
Resonansi terjadi bila frekuensi gaya eksitasi sama dengan frekuensi pribadi
dari sistim dimana akan menyebabkan pembesaran amplitudo yg dramatis
sehingga bisa menimbulkan kerusakan dini dan bahkan kerusakan
katastropik (hebat & tiba-tiba). Hal ini bisa dari frekuensi pribadi rotor, tetapi
seringkali juga dari rangka dudukan, fondasi, rodagigi dan bahkan sabuk
penggerak. Bila satu rotor beroperasi pada atau dekat dengan resonansi,
maka hampir tidak mungkin untuk membalansnya karena sistim telah
mengalami pergeseran fasa (90 pada resonansi; hampir 180 saat
melewati resonansi). Seringkali lebih dibutuhkan untuk menggeser frekuensi
pribadi. Frekuensi pribadi tidak berubah dengan dirubahnya kecepatan
putar, hal ini bisa membantu dalam pengidentifikasian.
Typical Spectrum Phase Relationship
Bantalan Bantalan Gelinding

Terjadi 4 (empat ) Tahapan dari Penurunan Kondisi secara

Progesif ( Progressive Deterioration), atau 4 (empat) fase
Tahapan 1 : Tanda tanda dini dari masalah bantalan muncul di
daerah frekuensi ultrasonik berkisar pada kira kira 20.000 60.000
Hz (1.200.000 3.600.000 CPM). Frekuensi frekuensi ini dievaluasi
dengan energi spike (gSE), HFD(g) dan pulsa kejut (dB).
contohnya, energi spike pertama kali muncul pada kira kira .25
gSE dalam tahapan 1 (nilai sebenarnya tergantung pada lokasi
pengukuran dan kecepatan mesin.

Tahapan 1
Tahapan 2 : Kerusakan bantalan awal/kecil akan mulai
menggetarkan ("ring) frekuensi pribadi (fn) komponen bantalan yang
lain terjadi dalam kisar 30K - 120K CPM. Frekuensi frekuensi
samping (sideband frequencies) muncul diatas dan dibawah puncak
frekuensi pribadi di akhir dari tahapan 2. Energi spike bertumbuh
(contoh 0,25 menjadi 0,50 gSE).

Tahapan 2
Tahapan 3 : Frekuensi kerusakan bantalan dan harmoniks muncul setelah aus
menjadi parah. Sejumlah frekuensi samping bermunculan disekitar frekuensi
pribadi bantalan dan disekitar frekuensi harmoniks dari frekuensi kerusakan yang
semakin banyak muncul. Energi spike bertambah besar terus (contoh dari 0,5 to
menjadi diatas 1 gSE). Keausan saat ini biasanya sudah terlihat mata dan akan
menyebar kesekeliling bantalan, terutama bila frekuensi frekuensi samping muncul
dengan nyata disekitar harmoniks dari frekuensi kerusakan bantalan. Ini saatnya
bantalan harus diganti.

Tahapan 3
Tahapan 4 :Menjelang akhir, amplitudo dari 1x RPM juga terpengaruh.
Membesar, dan menimbulkan banyak harmoniks dari frekuensi kecepatan
putaran operasional. Frekuensi kerusakan bantalan dan frekuensi pribadi dari
komponen bantalan lainnya mulai menghilang tetapi muncul frekuensi tinggi
yang kisarannya lebar ("noise floor) yang acak dan luas (broadband).
Disamping itu, amplitudo dari frekuensi tinggi noise floor dan energi spike
kenyataannya menurun, tetapi sesaat sebelum rusak/hancur, energi spike
nanti akan membesar dengan amplitudo yang sangat besar.

Tahapan 4
Persamaan untuk menghitung frekuensi kerusakan bantalan
Bantalan Luncur / Sleeve Bearings
Masalah kelonggaran / keausan
Keausan pada tingkatan tingkatan dari sleeve bearing biasanya ditunjukkan oleh
munculnya sederetan frekuensi harmoniks dari kecepatan operasional (sampai 10
atau 20)l, Wiped sleeve bearings often allow high vertical amplitudes compared to
horizontal. Bantalan luncur dengan kelonggaran yang berlebihan bisa
menyebabkan ketidak balans yang tidak terlalu besar, serta juga menyebabkan
ketidak-sebaris yang menyebabkan getaran besar yang seharusnya jauh
dibawahnya bila kelonggarannya sesuai spesifikasi/standard.

Typical Spectrum
Ketidak-stabilan Olakan Minyak (Oil Whirl)
Ketidak-stabilan olakan minyak terjadi pada 0,42 0,48 x RPM dan seringkali
sangat parah. Dianggap sudah lewat batas bila amplitudonya melebihi 50%
kelonggaran bantalan. Olakan minyak adalah getaran dari lapisan/film minyak
yang tereksitasi dimana penyimpangannya dari keadaan operasi normal
(eccentricity ratio) menyebabkan kumpulan minyak mendorong poros mengelilingi
kelonggaran dalam dari bantalannya.Destabilisasi gaya pada arah rotasi dari
poros menyebabkan olakan (gejolak). Olakan secara bawaan adalah tidak stabil
karena memperbesar gaya sentrifugal yang berarti memperbesar gaya olakan.
Kondisi ini bisa menyebabkan minyak tidak mendukung poros lagi, atau menjadi
lebih tidak stabil bila frekuensi olakan adalah sama dengan frekuensi pribadi dari
poros. Perubahan kekentalan minyak, tekanan pelumasan dan beban mula luar
(external pre-loads) bisa mempengaruhi olakan minyak.

Typical Spectrum

Diagram Poros
Ketidak-stabilan Sabetan Minyak (Oil Whip)
Sabetan minyak bisa terjadi bila mesin beroperasi pada frekuensi 2x atau lebih
dari frekuensi kritisnya. Saat poros kecepatan putarnya naik sampai 2x
kecepatan kritisnya, maka olakan minyak akan menjadi sangat dekat dengan
keadaan kritis poros yang bisa menyebabkan getaran yang berlebihan
sehingga lapisan minyak tidak mampu lagi mendukung poros. Kecepatan
olakan menjadi terkunci pada kondisi kritis poros dan titik puncak ini tidak akan
terlewati walaupun kecepatan mesinnya dinaikkan terus.
Typical Spectrum

Peta spektrum diatas menunjukkan Olakan Minyak berubah menjadi Ketidak-

stabilan Sabetan Minyak pada saat putaran poros mencapai 2x putaran kritis.
Gesekan pada Rotor

Gesekan pada rotor memberikan spektrum yang mirip dengan keadaan

kelonggaran mekanis dimana komponen yang berrotasi kontak dengan
komponen yang diam. Gesekan bisa terjadi pada sebagian ataupun keseluruhan
revolusi putaran poros. Biasanya membangkitkan suatu deret frekuensi, yang
seringkali mengeksitasi satu atau lebih resonansi. Seringkali mengeksitasi
subharmonik dari kecepatan mesin dalam bilangan pecahan integer (1/2, 1/3,
1/4, 1/5, ....1/n), tergantung pada besarnya frekuensi pibadi dari poros. Gesekan
pada poros bisa mengeksitasi banyak frekuensi tinggi (seperti wide-band noise
pada saat kapur ditarik/gesek di papan tulis). Dapat menjadi sangat serius dan
sangat singkat durasinya bila diakibatkan oleh gesekan poros yang kontak
dengan metal bantalannya (Babbitt); tetapi kurang serius bila poros menggesek
perapat, sudu pengaduk mengesek dinding dalam wadah, atau pelindung kopling
menekan poros sehingga bergesekan.
Typical Spectrum

Phase Relationship

Type 'A'
Permasalahan Permasalahan yang Berkaitan dengan
Spektrum normal dari Rodagigi
Spektrum normal menunjukkan 1x and 2x RPM, bersama dengan frekuensi
kaitan rodagigi (Gear Mesh Frequency / GMF). GMF biasanya mempunyai
frekuensi samping (sidebands) disekitarnya relatif terhadap kecepatan putar
poros rodagigi. Semua puncak berada pada frekuensi rendah dan tidak ada
frekuensi pribadi rodagigi yang tereksitasi.

Typical Spectrum
Keausan pada gigi rodagigi

Petunjuk utama adanya keausan pada gigi rodagigi adalah terjadinya eksitasi
frekuensi pribadi rodagigi, yang diikuti dengan timbulnya frekuensi samping
yang berada pada frekuensi putaran rodagigi yang rusak. Frekuensi kaitan gigi
,Gear Mesh Frequency (GMF), bisa dan juga bisa tidak berubah amplitudonya,
walaupun amplitudo besar dari frekuensi samping yang mendampinginya
biasanya muncul bila keausan yang terjadi sudah cukup nyata. Frekuensi
frekuensi samping (Sidebands) adalah indikator yang lebih baik daripada
frekuensi kaitan gigi (Gear Mesh Frequencies).

Typical Spectrum
Beban terhadap gigi rodagigi

Frekuensi kaitan gigi, Gear Mesh frequencies, seringkali sangat sensitif

terhadap beban pada gigi. Amplitudo GMF yang tinggi belum tentu berarti
adanya masalah, apalagi bila frekuensi samping yang ada sangat kecil
dan tidak ada frekuensi pribadi rodagigi yang tereksitasi muncul. Setiap
analisa harus pada saat sistim mengalami beban operasi maksimum.
Typical Spectrum
Eksentrisitas bentuk gigi dan kelonggaran antar gigi kebelakang
( Eccentricity and Backlash )
Amplitudo amplitudo tinggi dari frekuensi samping disekitar GMF
seringkali menunjukkan kondisi gigi yang eksentrik, longgar antar gigi,
atau poros yang tidak sebaris. Hal ini menyebabkan kemungkinan putara
satu rodagigi akan menyebabkan modulasi terhadap putaran operasi
rodagigi yang lainnya. Gigi gigi rodagigi yang bermasalah biasanya lebih
ditunjukkan oleh jarak antara dari frekuensi samping yang ada.
Kelonggaran yang tidak benar biasanya akan mengeksitasi GMF dan
frekuensi pribadi dari rodagigi.Keduanya rodagigi. Keduanya akan
mempunyai frekuensi samping berjarak 1XRPM. Bila masalahnya adalah
kelonggaran (backlash) maka amplitudo GMF sering kali mengecil dengan
berkurangnya beban.
Typical Spectrum
Ketidak-sebarisan rodagigi

Ketidak sebarisan rodagigi hampir selalu mengeksitasi harmonik orde dua atau
lebih tinggi dari frekuensi kaitan gigi Gear GMF, yang merupakan frekuensi
samping (sideband) pada frekuenci operasi/kecepatan putar mesin. Seringkali
hanya menampilkan frekuensi 1x GMF dengan amplitudo kecil), tetapi dengan
amplitudo yang lebih besar pada 2x atau 3x GMF. Sangat penting untuk men-
set Fmax yang cukup besar untuk bisa mendapatkan paling tidak 2 frekuensi
harmonik GMF selama transducernya masih mempunyai kemampuan.

Typical Spectrum
Gigi Rodagigi yang patah atau retak
Satu gigi rodagigi yang patah atau retak akan menimbulkan getaran dengan
amplitudo yang tinggi pada 1x RPM putaran rodagigi, Tambahan lagi akan
juga mengeksitasi frekuensi samping dari frekuensi pribadi rodagigi (fn)
pada putaran kerja. Deteksi terbaik adalah dengan melihat pada gelombang
waktu (Time Waveform), dimana akan terlihat gelombang kejut (spike) yang
jelas sekali setiap saat gigi yang rusak akan berkait dengan gigi lain
pasangannya. Selang waktu antara tumbukan akan berhubungan dengan
1/kecepatan putar rodagigi yang mempunyai kerusakan. Amplitudo dari
gelombang kejut dalam gelombang waktu selalu akan lebih besar daripada
1x Gear RPM I pada spektrum hasil FFT.
Typical Spectrum
Problematika gigi Hunting Tooth Problems
Hunting Tooth Frequency (fHT) is particularly effective for detecting faults on both the gear and the pinion that
might have occurred during the manufacturing process or due to mishandling. It can cause quite a high vibration,
but since it occurs at low frequencies, predominantly less than 600 CPM, it is often missed. A gear set with this
tooth repeat problem normally emits a "growling" sound from the drive. The maximum effect occurs when the
faulty pinion and gear teeth both enter mesh at the same time (on some drives, this may occur once every 10 or
20 revolutions, depending on the fHT formula). Note the TGear and TPinion refer to the number of teeth on the
gear and pinion respectively. Na = number of unique assembly phases for a given tooth combination which equals
the product of prime factors common to the number of teeth on each gear.

Typical Spectrum
Angular Misalignment

Angular Misalignment is characterised by high axial vibration, 180 Out-of-phase across the coupling. Typically will
have high axial vibration with both 1x and 2x rpm. However, not unusual for either 1x, 2x or 3x to dominate. These
symptoms may also indicate coupling problems as well.

Typical Spectrum

Phase Relationship
Parallel Misalignment

Offset Misalignment has similar vibration symptoms to Angular, but shows high radial vibration which approaches
180 Out-of-phase across the coupling. 2x often larger than 1x, but its height relative to 1x is often dictated by
coupling type and construction. When either Angular or Radial Misalignment becomes sever, it can generate either
high amplitude peaks at much higher harmonics (4x - 8x) or even a whole series of high frequency harmonics
similar in appearance to mechanical looseness. Coupling construction will often greatly influence the shape of the
spectrum when misalignment is severe.

Typical Spectrum

Phase Relationship
Misaligned Bearing Cocked On Shaft

Cocked Bearing will generate considerable axial vibration. Will cause twisting motion with approximately 180
phase shift top to bottom and/or side to side as measured in the axial direction of the same bearing housing.
Attempts to align the coupling or balance the rotor will not alleviate the problem. The bearing must be removed
and correctly installed.

Typical Spectrum

Phase Relationship
Mass Unbalance
Force Unbalance

Force Unbalance will be in-phase and steady. Amplitude due to unbalance will increase by the square of speed (3x
speed increase = 9x higher vibration. 1x RPM always present and normally dominates the spectrum. Can be
corrected by placement of only one balance weight in one plane at rotor centre of gravity (CG).

Typical Spectrum

Phase Relationship
Couple Unbalance

Couple Unbalance tends toward 180 Out-of-phase on same shaft. 1x always present and normally dominates the
spectrum. Amplitude varies with square of increasing speed. May cause high axial vibrations as well as radial.
Correction requires placement of balance weights in at least 2 planes. Note that approx. 180 phase difference
should exist between Outboard and Inboard horizontals as well as Outboard and Inboard verticals.

Typical Spectrum

Phase Relationship
Overhung Rotor Unbalance

Overhung Rotor Unbalance causes high 1x vibration in both Axial and Radial directions. Axial readings might be
unsteady. Overhung rotors often have both force and couple unbalance, each of which will likely require

Typical Spectrum

Phase Relationship
Eccentric Rotor

Eccentricity occurs when the centre of rotation is offset from the geometric centreline of a sheave, gear, bearing,
motor armature, etc. The largest vibration occurs at 1x RPM of eccentric component in a direction through the
centres of the two rotors. Comparative horizontal and vertical phase readings usually differ either by 0 or by
180 (each of which indicate straight line motion). Attempts to balance an eccentric rotor often results in
reducing the vibration in one direction, but increasing it in the other radial direction (depending on the amount of

Typical Spectrum

Phase Relationship
Bent Shaft

Bent Shaft problems cause high axial vibration with axial phase differences tending toward 180 on the same
machine component. The dominant vibration ins normally at 1x if bent near the shaft centre, but at 2x if bent near the
coupling. (Be careful to account for the transducer orientation for each axial measurement if you reverse probe
Typical Spectrum

Phase Relationship
Mechanical Looseness
Mechanical Looseness

Mechanical Looseness is indicated by either type A, B or C spectra. Type 'A' is caused by structural
looseness/weakness of machine feet, baseplate or foundation, also by deteriorated grouting, loose hold-down
bolts at the base and distortion of the frame or base (i.e Soft Foot). Phase analysis may reveal approx. 180
phase difference between vertical measurements on the machine foot, baseplate and base itself. Type 'B' is
generally caused by loose pillowblock bolts, cracks in the frame structure or bearing pedestal. Type 'C' is
normally generated by improper fit between component parts which will cause many harmonics due to non linear
response of loose parts to dynamic forces from the rotor. Causes a truncation of time waveform. Type 'C' is often
caused by a bearing liner loose in its cap, excessive clearance in either a sleeve or rolling element bearing or a
loose impeller on a shaft. Type 'C' phase is often unstable and may vary widely from one measurement to the
next, particularly if the rotor shifts position on the shaft from one start-up to the next. Mechanical looseness is
often highly directional and may cause noticeably different readings if you compare levels at 30 increments in
the radial direction all the way around one bearing housing. Also note that looseness will often cause
subharmonic multiples at exactly 1/2 or 1/3 x rpm (.5x, 1.5x, 2.5x etc.)
Type 'A'

Typical Spectrum

Phase Relationship
Type 'B'

Typical Spectrum Phase Relationship

Type 'C'

Typical Spectrum

Phase Relationship
Hydraulic & Aerodynamic Forces
Blade Pass & Vane Pass

Blade Pass Frequency (BPF) = number of blades (or vanes) x RPM. This frequency is inherent in pumps, fans
and compressors and normally does not present a problem. However, large amplitude BPF (and harmonics)
can be generated in the pump if the gap between the rotating vanes and the stationary diffusers is not kept
equal all the way round. Also, BPF (or harmonics) sometimes coincide with with a system natural frequency
causing high vibration. High BPF can be generated if the wear ring seizes on the shaft or if welds fastening
diffuesers fail. Also, high BPF can be caused by abrupt bends in linework (or duct), obstructions which disturb
the flow path, or if the pump or fan rotor is positioned eccentrically within the housing.
Blade Pass & Vane

Typical Spectrum

Machine Diagram
Flow Turbulence

Flow turbulence often occurs in blowers due to variations in pressure or velocity of the air passing through
the fan or connected linework. This flow disruption causes turbulence which will generate random, low
frequency vibration, typically in the range of 20 to 2000 CPM.

Typical Spectrum

Cavitation normally generates random, higher frequency broadband energy which is sometimes superimposed
with blade pass frequency harmonics. Normally indicates insufficient suction pressure (starvation). Cavitation
can be quite destructive to pump internals if left uncorrected. It can particularly erode impeller vanes. When
present, it often sounds as if "gravel" is passing through the pump.

Typical Spectrum
Electrical Problems

Stator Eccentricity, Shorted Laminations and Loose Iron

Stator problems generate high vibration at 2x line frequency (2 F ). Stator eccentricity produces uneven
stationary air gap between the rotor and the stator which produces very directional vibration. Differential
air gap should not exceed 5% for induction motors and 10% for synchronous motors. Soft foot and
warped bases can produce an eccentric stator. Loose iron is due to stator support weakness or
looseness. Shorted stator laminations cause uneven, localised heating which can significantly grow with
operating time.
Stator Eccentricity, Shorted Laminations and Loose Iron

Typical Spectrum
Eccentric Air Gap (Variable air gap)

Eccentric Rotors produce a rotating variable air gap between rotor and stator which induces pulsating

vibration (normally between (2F ) and closest running speed harmonic). Often requires "zoom" spectrum
to separate the (2F ) and the running speed harmonic. Eccentric rotors generate (2 F ) surrounded by Pole
Pass frequency sidebands (F ) as well as F sidebands around running speed F
appears itself at low
frequency (Pole Pass Frequency = Slip Frequency x # Poles). Common
Typicalvalues of F range from
Spectrum P
approximately 20 to 120 CPM (.30 - 2.0 Hz)
Rotor Problems

Broken or Cracked rotor bars or shorting rings, bad joints between rotor bars and shorting rings, or shorted

rotor laminations will produce high 1x running speed vibration with pole pass frequency sidebands ( F ). In
addition, cracked rotor bars will often generate F
sidebands around the 3rd, 4th and 5th running speed
harmonics. Loose rotor bars are indicated by 2x line frequency (2 F ) sidebands surrounding the rotor bar
pass frequency (RBPF) and/or its harmonics (RBPF = Number Spectrum
of rotor bars x RPM). Often will cause high
levels at 2x RBPF with only small amplitude at 1x RBPF.
Phasing Problems

Phasing problems due to loose or broken connectors can cause excessive vibration at 2x Line frequency

(2F ) which will have sidebands around it at 1/3rd Line Frequency (1/3 F
). Levels at (2F ) can exceed 25
mm/s (1.0 in/s) if left uncorrected. This is particularly a problem if the defective connector is only
sporadically making contact and periodically not.
Typical Spectrum
Synchronous Motors

Loose stator coils in synchronous motors will generate fairly high vibration at Coil Pass Frequency (CPF)
which equals the number of stator coils x RPM (# Stator Coils = Poles x # Coils/Pole). The coil pass frequency
will be surrounded by 1x RPM sidebands.

Typical Spectrum
DC Motor Problems

DC motor problems can be detected by higher than normal amplitudes as SCR firing Frequency (6 F ) and
harmonics. These problems include broken field windings, bad SCR's and loose connections. Other problems
including loose or blown fuses and shorted control cards can cause high amplitude peaks at 1x through to 5x line
frequency (3,600 - 18,000 CPM).

Typical Spectrum
Belt Drive Problems
Worn, Loose or Mismatched Belts

Belt frequencies are below the RPM of either the motor or the driven machine. When they are worn, loose or
mismatched, they normally cause 3 to 4 multiples of belt frequency. Often 2x belt frequency is the dominant
peak. Amplitudes are normally unsteady, sometimes pulsing with either driver or driven RPM. On timing belt
drives, wear or pulley misalignment is indicated by high amplitudes at the timing belt frequency.

Typical Spectrum
Belt / Sheave Misalignment

Misalignment of sheaves produces high vibration at 1x RPM predominantly in the Axial direction. The ratio
of amplitudes of driver to driven RPM depends on where the data is taken as well as on relative mass and
frame stiffness. Often with sheave misalignment, the highest axial vibration will be at the fan RPM.

Typical Spectrum
Eccentric Sheaves

Eccentric and/or unbalanced sheaves cause high vibration at 1x RPM of this sheave. The amplitude is normally
highest in line with the belts, and should show up on both driver and driven bearings. It is sometimes possible to
balance eccentric sheaves by attaching washers to taperlock bolts. However, even if balanced, the eccentricity
will still induce vibration and reversible fatigue stresses in the belt.
Typical Spectrum
Belt Resonance

Belt Resonance can cause high amplitudes if the belt natural frequency should happen to approach or coincide
with either the motor or the driven machine RPM. Belt natural frequency can be altered by either changing the
belt tension or the belt length. Can be detected by tensioning and the releasing belt while measuring response on
sheaves or bearings.

Typical Spectrum
Beat Vibration

A Beat Frequency is the result of two closely spaced frequencies going into and out of synchronisation with one
another. The wideband spectrum normally will show one peak pulsating up and down. When you zoom into this peak
(lower spectrum), it actually shows two closely spaced peaks. The difference in these two peaks (F2 - F1) is the beat
frequency which itself appears in the wideband spectrum. The beat frequency is not commonly seen in normal
frequency range measurements since it is inherently low frequency. Usually ranging from only approximately 5 to 100
Maximum vibration will result when the time waveform of one frequency (F1) comes into phase with other frequency
(F2). Minimum vibration occurs when waveforms of these two frequencies line up 180 out of phase.
Typical Spectrum

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