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Nur Anisah
Bagian Histologi dan Biologi Sel
Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Merupakan hasil produk
metabolisme intraseluler yang
ditimbun di dalam sel,
antara lain : - Tetes-tetes lemak
- Granula glikogen
- Pigmen : Melanin
- Granula zymogen
- Granula mucinogen
Kumpulan metabolit terdapat dalam
beberapa bentuk :
* Butir-butir lemak : - jaringan adiposa
- sel hati
* Kumpulan karbohidrat glikogen : sel
* Protein granula sekresi : disimpan di
dlm sel kelenjar sekresi
* Di dalam beberapa sel kristaloid
* Endapan zat-zat warna : pigmen
* disintesa di dalam sel (melanosit kulit)
* berasal dr luar tubuh (vitamin A)
* pigmen yg paling sering ditemukan :
granula lipofusin:
- suatu zat coklat kekuning-
kuningan yg
jumlahnya di dlm sel meningkat
bertambahnya usia
- dianggap berasal dr lisosom
dan mrpk endapan zat-zat yg tdk
* Endapan zat-zat warna : pigmen
- disintesa di dalam sel (melanosit kulit)
- berasal dr luar tubuh (vitamin A)
- pigmen yg paling sering ditemukan :
granula ipofusin :
- suatu zat coklat kekuning-
yg jumlahnya di dlm sel
dengan pertambahan usia
- dianggap berasal dr lisosom
dan mrpk endapan zat-zat yg tdk
Pigmen lain yg tersebar luas :
* epidermis kulit
* di dlm lapisan pigmen
retina dlm bentuk
granula padat intraseluler
yg dibungkus
oleh membran
Adipose Tissue

1 1

1. Adipocytes; 2. Striated muscle fibers; 3.

Stain: hemalum-eosin; magnification: 300
Figure 63. Development of fat cells. Undifferentiated mesenchymal
cells are transformed into lipoblasts that accumulate fat and thus
give rise to mature fat cells. When a large amount of lipid is
mobilized by the body, mature unilocular fat cells return to the
lipoblast stage. Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells also give rise to
a variety of other cell types, including fibroblasts. The mature fat cell
Adipose Tissue
Figure 61.
Photomicrograph of
unilocular adipose
tissue of a young
mammal. Arrows show
nuclei of adipocytes
(fat cells) compressed
against the cell
membrane. Note that,
although most cells
are unilocular, there
are several cells
(asterisks) with small
lipid droplets in their
cytoplasm, an
indication that their
differentiation is not
yet complete.
toluidine blue (PT)
stain. Medium
Figure 65. Photomicrograph of multilocular adipose
tissue (lower portion) with its characteristic cells
containing central spherical nuclei and multiple lipid
droplets. For comparison, the upper part of the
photomicrograph shows unilocular tissue. PT stain.
Figure 66. Multilocular adipose tissue. Note the
central nucleus, multiple fat droplets, and abundant
mitochondria. A sympathetic nerve ending is shown at
the lower right.
Lactating Mammary Gland

The fat droplets of the milk are blackened with

osmium tetroxide in this section of a lactating
mammary gland. (magnification: 160)
Granulum glycogen

1. Central vein of a liver lobule; 2 . Liver

Stain: PAS reaction; magnification:
Granulum glycogenLiver
ME granula padat elektron, kasar
Sering terkumpul dekat daerah-daerah RE
Berbentuk spt buah arbei
Jumlah glikogen di dlm hati tgt dr nutrisi
Pool glikogen hati mrpk depot glukosa
dan dimobilisasi bila kadar glukosa darah
turun di bawah normal dng cara ini
hepatosit mempertahankan kadar glukosa
darah, metabolit utama yg digunakan
Figure 1618. Ultrastructure of a hepatocyte. RER,
rough endoplasmic reticulum; SER, smooth
endoplasmic reticulum. x10,000.
Figure 239. Electron micrograph of a section of a liver
cell showing glycogen deposits as accumulations of
electron-dense particles (arrows). The dark structures
with a dense core are peroxisomes. Mitochondria (M)

Figure 168. Section of the exocrine pancreas

showing its main components. PT stain.
Medium magnification.
Figure 166. Photomicrograph of a pancreas showing
the exocrine portion (acini) and the endocrine portion
(islet of Langerhans). The acini contain secretory cells
with basophilic cytoplasm. Different types of endocrine
cells are seen in the islet. PT stain. Medium
Figure 229. Electron micrograph of a pancreatic
acinar cell from the rat. Numerous mature secretory
granules (S) are seen in association with condensing
vacuoles (C) and the Golgi complex (G). x18,900.
Granulum zymogen (Pars exocrine

1. Cell regions with ergastoplasm, basal basophilia; 2.

Lumina of the acini
3. Blood vessels
Figure 169. Electron micrograph of an acinar cell from a rat
pancreas. Note the nucleus (N) surrounded by numerous
cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) near the
base of the cell. The Golgi complex (G) is situated at the
apical pole of the nucleus and is associated with several
condensing vacuoles (C) and numerous mature secretory
Granula sekresi : Hematoksilin besi
Kelenjar pankreas

Nukleus dari

Sel-sel sekresi
berkelompok di
saluran kecil di
pusat dan
granula sekresi
Microvilli, Brush Border


1. Brush border; 2. Goblet cell with

secretory product
3. Lamina propria mucosae; 4.
Intestinal crypt
Figure 119. Photomicrograph of an intestinal villus
stained by PAS. Staining is intense in the cell surface
brush border (arrows) and in the secretory product of
goblet cells (G) because of their high content of
Epithelium simplex columnare -
Intestinum tenue

et Granulum
cell mucinoge
Granulum melanin
- Skin

Figure 186. Diagram of a melanocyte. Its processes

extend into the interstices between keratinocytes. The
melanin granules are synthesized in the melanocyte,
migrate to its processes, and are transferred into the
Granulum melanin - Skin

Figure 188. Diagram of a

melanocyte, illustrating
the main features of
melanogenesis. Tyrosinase
is synthesized in the rough
endoplasmic reticulum and
accumulated in vesicles of
the Golgi complex. The
free vesicles are now
called melanosomes.
Melanin synthesis begins
in the stage II
melanosomes, where
melanin is accumulated
and forms stage III
melanosomes. Later, this
structure loses its
tyrosinase activity and
becomes a melanin
granule. Melanin granules
migrate to the tips of the
melanocytes processes
and are then transferred to
the keratinocytes of the
malpighian layer.

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