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Syarat Kelulusan
Absensi 80%
Berperilaku baik
Mengikuti UTS dan UAS
Mengumpulkan semua tugas
UTS (30-35%)
UAS (30-35%)
Tugas (30-35%)
Main References
Ballou, R.H, "Bussiness Logistic Management", Prentice
Hall, New York, 2000.
Lambert, Douglas M., James R Stock, "Strategic
Logistics Management", 3rd ed., Richard D Irwin. Inc.,
Ghiani, Gianpaolo, et all: Intoduction to Logistics
Systems Planning and Control John Wiley & Sons,
Ltd, 2004
Selected books chapter and papers.
Introduction to Logistics
Pengertian/definisi logistik
Logistics flow
Aktivitas logistik
Framework of logistics
Evolutions of logistic system
Logistics scope of services
Type of business logistics
Para pelaku dibidang logistik
Iintegrated logistics system
Nama Lain Logistik
Beberapa istilah yang sering digunakan (Lambert, 1998):

Business Logistics
Channel Management
Materials Management
Physical Distribution
Industrial Logistics Quick-response systems
Logistical Management
Supply Chain Management

Istilah yang paling sering digunakan - Logistics

Pengertian Logistik
Istilah logistik berasal dari bahasa Yunani, yaitu:

Logic, yang berarti rasional, masuk akal dan

dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dan
Thicos, artinya berpikir.

Jika kedua suku kata tersebut dirangkai, maka

memiliki makna berpikir secara rasional dan dapat
Pengertian Logistik
Beberapa pengertian tentang logistik:
Secara sederhana logistik dapat diartikan sebagai flow
of material, information, and money between consumers
and suppliers. (Frazelle, 2002)

The Council of Logistics Management-CLM (1998):

Logistics Management is that part of the supply chain
process that plants, implements, and controls the
efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and
related information from the point of origin to the point of
consumption in order to meet customer requirement
Pengertian Logistik

Bowersox (1978):
"The process of strategically managing the movement
and storage of materials, part and finished inventory
from supplier, between enterprise facilities, and to

(Proses pengaturan strategis pemindahan dan

penyimpanan material, komponen, dan barang-barang
siap pakai, dari pemasok, antar fasilitas dalam
perusahaan, maupun ke konsumen.
Pengertian Logistik

Moller (1994):
Usaha untuk memastikan ketersediaan suatu produk
dalam kuantitas, kondisi dan waktu yang tepat

Ballou (1999):
Kumpulan aktivitas yang berulang pada suatu jalur tempat
terjadinya perubahan bahan mentah menjadi produk serta
penambahan nilai produk dipandang dari sisi konsumen
Disiplin Yang Berkaitan Dengan Pengadaan
(Procurement), Penyimpanan (Storage ) dan Penghantaran
(Delivery ) Barang Sesuai Dengan Jenis, Jumlah, Waktu, Dan
Tempat Yang Dikehendaki Konsumen Dari Titik Asal (Point Of
Origin) Ke Titik Tujuan (Point Of Destination)

Aliran Barang (Flow Of Goods)

Aliran Informasi (Flow Of Information)
Aliran Uang (Flow Of Money)
Logistics System
Is made up of a set of Facilities linkend by

Facilities (where material are processed):

Supplier, Manufacturer, warehouses,
Distribution Center, Distributor, retailer,
transportation terminals, dll.
Pergeseran Fokus Logistik
The changing logistics paradigm
since world war II
Business cooperation is
a key success factor in
global competition:
Strategic supply chain
1990s first cross- management emerges
business logistics
concepts (eg. JIT) and
SCM supported by IT

1980s functional logistics

changes to a flow
oriented discipline
1970s logistics as a
function in business to
After World War II,
secure availability of
logistics knowledge
materials and goods
from military enters
private business sector,
orientation towards
customer (USA)

World War II 1970s 1980s 1990s 21 century

Developed out of: Logistik wird 25 Jahre alt:

Logistics Flow
Logistics Flow
Logistic missions: Five Rights

Right product
Right place
Right time
Right condition
Right cost
Logistic missions: Five Rights
Ballou, 1992):
"The mission of logistics is to get the right goods, or
services to the right place, at the right time, and in the
desired condition, while making the greatest contribution to
the firm

Artinya bahwa:
Perusahaan harus mengirimkan barang/jasa sesuai
dengan keinginan (spesifikasi) konsumen tanpa berubah
sedikit pun, mengirimkan produk ke tempat tujuan yang
tepat, serta mengirimkan produk pada waktu, situasi, dan
kondisi yang tepat pula.

(Misi inilah yang harus dipenuhi oleh bagian logistik dalam

sebuah perusahaan)
Logistics Scope of Services

Inbound Manufacturing Outbound Aftermarket

Logistics Support Logistics Services
Procurement Inv. Plan & Ctrl Warehousing Spareparts Logistics

Warehousing Line Replenishmt Distribution Handling Return

Transportation Subassembly Call Center Repair Activities

Quality Ctrl Packing Line Haul Reverse Logistics

J.I.Time Delivery Repair Installation Call Centers

Home Delivery
Inventory Plan
Order pick/packing
Cross Docking
Kegiatan Utama Logistik

Kegiatan utama logistik meliputi:

Customer service; demand forecasting; inventory
management; logistics communications;
materials handling; order processing;
packaging; parts and service support; plant and
warehouse site selection; procurement; reserve
logistics traffic and transportation; warehousing
and storage.

Activitas logistik terdiri dari lima aktivitas yang

saling terkait mencakup:
Customer Response
Inventory Planning And Management
Interdependent Logistics


Logistics Players in Indonesia
Multinational/JVC National
TNT Logistik (Tira) Pandu Logistik
Exel Indonesia (MSA) FINLogistik
Davids Ritra
Linfox (d/h Mayne) GoTrans
Fedex (Repex) Wicaksana
Gulf (Samudra BGR
Indonesia) Berdikari
BAX Global Posindo
Etc. Etc.

Revenue Industry 2002: USD 90 MILLION

Growth of Industry : 35% YoY
International Players
Company Name Based Company Revenue
No (milion dollarin

1 DHL Logistics German company $37,780

2 Kuehne + Nagel German company $22,104
3 DB Schenker Logistics German company $19,865
4 CEVA Logistics The Netherland $9,593
5 C.H. Robinson USA $8,741
6 DSV Denmark 8,162
7 Panalpina Switzerland $7,331
8 SNCF Geodis France nda
9 Expeditors International USA $6,150
10 UPS Supply Chain Solutions USA
Kegiatan Utama Logistik

Kegiatan utama logistik meliputi:

Customer service; demand forecasting; inventory
management; logistics communications;
materials handling; order processing;
packaging; parts and service support; plant and
warehouse site selection; procurement; reserve
logistics traffic and transportation; warehousing
and storage.

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