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Apakah yang kita maksud

dengan kepemimpinan?
Kepemimpinan adalah ilmu pengetahuan dan

Ilmu pengetahuan bukan prasyarat bagi munculnya efektivitas


Kepemimpinan dapat membantu seseorang untuk menganalisa

situasi dengan menggunakan beragam perspektif.
Kepemimpinan adalah rasional dan emosional

Situasi kepemimpinan bisa jadi kompleks karena setiap orang

memiliki pikiran, perasaan, harapan, mimpi, kebutuhan,
ketakutan, tujuan, ambisi, kelemahan, kekuatan yang berbeda.

Meskipun analisis rasional dapat meningkatkan kepemimpinan yang

baik. Kepemimpinan yang baik juga harus dapat menyentuh
perasaan orang lain
Pendeta Jim Jones

918 pengikutnya bunuh diri secara

Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen

Manajer Pemimpin

Melaksanakan Berinovasi

Memelihara Mengembangkan

Mengontrol Menginspirasi

Berpikir jangka pendek Berpikir jangka panjang

Kepemimpinan Manajemen
Bertanya bagaimana dan kapan Bertanya apa dan mengapa

Meniru Menciptakan sesuatu yang


Menerima status quo Menantangnya

Mitos Kepemimpinan

Kepemimpinan yang baik hanya bermodalkan akal sehat

Para pemimpin dilahirkan, bukan dibentuk

Satu-satunya cara mempelajari kepemimpinan adalah lewat

pengalaman hidup
Kerangka berpikir Interaksional

Tidak semua pemimpin sama, tapi cenderung memiliki karateristik

yang sama

Hasil riset menunjukkan pemimpin dapat dibedakan dari

pengikutnya, dan pemimpin yang efektif dapat dibedakkan dengan
pemimpin yang tidak efektif, dalam berbagai macam sifat
karakter, kemampuan kognitif, kecakapan dan nilai-nilai.

Para pengikut merupakan bagian dari proses kepemimpinan

Motivasi asli para pengikut untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan mereka

juga penting
Mobius strip
Leader Development
What Skills Will Successful Leaders Need?

Cognitive ability
Strategic thinking
Analytical ability
The ability to make sound decisions
Personal and organizational communication skills.
The ability to be influential and persuasive with
different groups.
The ability to manage
The ability to delegate effectively
The ability to identify, attract, develop, andretain talented
AOR Model

The Spiral of Experience
The Key Role of Perception in the Spiral of Experience

Perception and Observation

Perception and Reflection
Perception and Action
Reflection and Leadership Development
Single- and Double-Loop Learning
It is difficult for leaders to fundamentally change
their leadership style without engaging in some
kind of reflection.
Leadership Development Dilemmas
for Women

What Do Men and Women Managers Learn
from Experience?
Making the Most of Your Leadership
Learning to Learn from Experience

Leader Development in College

Leader Development in Organizational Settings
What Do Children Believe about Leadership?
Wut Do Ldrs Do?
4 popular and increasingly common
methods of leader development:
Action Learning
Development Planning
Action Learning

Action learning, on the other hand, is the use of actual

work issues and challenges as the developmental activity
itself. The
basic philosophy of action learning is that
for adults in particular, the best learning is
learning by doing
Development Planning
1. Do leaders know what behaviors need to change?
2. Is the leader motivated to change these behaviors?
3. Do leaders have plans in place for changing targeted
4. Do leaders have opportunities to practice new skills?
5. Are leaders held accountable for changing targeted
Development Planning

Development planning provides a methodology for leaders to

improve their behavior, and much of this development can occur as
they go about their daily work activities

Coaching is the process of equipping people with the tools,

knowledge, and opportunities they need to develop and become
more successful.
Two types of Coaching

coaching takes place whenever a leader
helps followers to change their behaviors.
programs provide a similar kind of service for executives and
managers in leadership positions.

Mentors provide protgs with knowledge, advice, challenge,

counsel, and support about career opportunities, organizational
strategy and policy, office politics, and so forth. Although
mentoring has a strong developmental component, it is not the
same as coaching

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