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Hasil Focus Group Dicussion

Kelompok 4
Worksheet 1: Identification of Nursing
Education Issues In line with IQF
Internal Factors
Approach: Outcome based is a new curriculum and not clear how to
make implement it
Exit exam: competences examination is a new exam and aways did try
The number of lecture are low (ratio between lecturers, clinical
instrucure with students are not good / nt standard)
The international research publications are low (small number) such as
journal, conference.
The education background for lecurer is at least master degree. Many
lecturers are studying for master and doctoral degree.
Less of interest of lecturers to develop themselves.
Mayoritas calon mahasiswa dengan kemampuan sedang, banyak
lulusan SMK
Mayoritas dosen masih berfokus pada pengajaran, sedangkan
penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyaraka masih belum optimal
External Factors
Kurangnya tempat praktik terutama untuk stase
maternitas, anak, OK, ICU, dan HD
Bervariasinya background pendidikan CI di klinik
(tempat praktik klinik)
Jadwal exit exam bagi lulusan yang tidak pasti
Increase of international hospitals number
Not develop the competencies based on cultural
Worksheet 2a: Nursing Education and Nursing Services
Issues for Developement In line with IQF
Lulusan yang tidak siap bekerja
Di pelayanan primer (puskesmas) tidak ada tenaga administrasi sendiri
shg perawat jg jadi admin di program BPJS
Approach: Outcome based is a new curriculum and not clear how to
make implement it
Exit exam: competences examination is a new exam and aways did try
The number of lecture are low (ratio between lecturers, clinical
instrucure with students are not good / nt standard)
The international research publications are low (small number) such as
journal, conference.
The education background for lecurer is at least master degree. Many
lecturers are studying for master and doctoral degree.
Less of interest of lecturers to develop themselves.
Worksheet 2b: Health Care and Nursing
Lack of role of nurses for home visit.
Lack of sosialitation regarding BPJS (health insurance)
Lack of rewards for career of levels for nurses
The ratio between nurses and patients in hospital is high
Iindependent nursing practice is not maximum such as home
care, complementary nursing practice.
Job description for diploma, bachelor, master are not clearly
The number of CI in the hospital/public health center is
Job description of CI in the hospital are overload
Education background of CI in the hospital are different level
Worksheet 2c: Health Care and Nursing
Lack of role of nurses for home visit.
Lack of sosialitation regarding BPJS (health insurance)
Lack of rewards for career of levels for nurses
The ratio between nurses and patients in hospital is high
Iindependent nursing practice is not maximum such as home care,
complementary nursing practice.
Job description for diploma, bachelor, master are not clearly yet
The number of CI in the hospital/public health center is minimum
Job description of CI in the hospital are overload
Education background of CI in the hospital are different level
Worksheet 3: Identify end Products of the
Nursing Education Agenda:
Melakukan Aksi Nasional dalam mengawal pengesahan
RUU Keperawatan. Dari RUU tersebut diharapkan
dapat menghasilkan regulasi yang akan berdampak
pada Exit Exam/Ujian Kompetensi Nasional,
peningkatan dalam proses pendidikan dan pengajaran,
pengembangan sumber daya manusia, menumbuhkan
jiwa enterpreneur, peningkatan kualitas pelayanan
keperawatan, standar pelayanan, peningkatan program
pengembangan karir, key performance indicator.
Metode pengembangan yang dapat dilakukan adalah
melalui Policy Forum serta Sistem Monitoring dan
Standarisasi Uji Kompetensi.
Worksheet 4: Nursing Education & Nursing
Services Developement Program
Nursing Education & Deliverable / end Affected population Nursing Education Methods of
Nursing Services products Agenda for Development
Job Description yang tidak UU Individu Goal UU Aksi/orasi dalam
jelas antara diploma, sarjana, Organization mendukung pengesahan
dan Master dalam pelayanan UU
Kompetensi Standarisasi exit Individu/Student Workshop
Kurikulum base on Kurikulum base on Student Mapping outcome untuk Workshop
competensi outcome diploma, sarjana, master

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