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Sigid Hariyadi



Kualitas air adalah karakter

(sifat) air yang digambarkan
oleh nilai-nilai dari berbagai
macam faktor / karakteristik /
komponen kualitas air (yang
sering disebut sebagai
parameter kualitas air)
Parameter Fisik:

1. Warna
2. Kecerahan (kedalaman Secchi)
3. Kekeruhan
4. Padatan tersuspensi (TSS)
5. Padatan terlarut (TDS)
6. Daya Hantar Listrik (conductivity)
7. Temperatur
8. Bau

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

9. Rasa
Parameter Kimia:
1. Salinitas 15. Phenols
2. Alkalinitas 16. Fe (besi)
3. Kesadahan 17. Pestisida (organochlorine,
4. pH organophosphate)
5. Oksigen terlarut (DO) 18. Logam/logam berat:
6. BOD Hg
7. COD Pb
8. N (Amonia, Nitrat, Nitrit) Cu
9. P (total, Orthophosphate) Cd
10. Si Cr+6
11. Deterjen (surfactant) Zn
Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

12. Minyak & lemak, hidrokarbon

13. CN (sianida) Ni
14. H2S (sulfida) Se
Parameter Mikrobiologi:

1. Coliform
2. Fecal coliform (E. coli)
3. Bakteri pathogen:
Shigella dysenteriae
Vibrio cholerae

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

Parameter Fisik: Parameter Kimia: Ket.
1. Warna 1. Salinitas Kenyamanan
2. Kecerahan (kedalaman Secchi) 2. Alkalinitas
3. Kekeruhan 3. Kesadahan
4. Padatan tersuspensi (TSS) 4. pH Kenyamanan
5. Padatan terlarut (TDS) 5. Oksigen terlarut (D.O.) Nutrien
6. Daya Hantar Listrik (conductivity) 6. BOD
7. Temperatur 7. COD
8. Bau 8. Ammonia Nitrat, Nitrit (N) Nutrien, Nuiss.
9. Rasa 9. P (total, orthophosphate) Nutrien
10. Si Nutrien
11. Deterjen (surfaktan) Nuissance
Parameter Mikrobiologi: 12. Minyak & Lemak, Hydrocarbon Nuissance
1. Coliform 13. CN (sianida) Toxic
2. Fecal coliform (E. coli) 14. H2S (sulfida) Toxic
3. Bakteri pathogen lainnya.. (Salmonella, 15. Phenol Nuissance
Shigella dysenteriae, Vibrio cholerae) 16. Fe (Besi)
17. Logam berat: Hg, Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr6+, Toxic
Zn, As, Se, Ni, dll.
18. Pestisida (organokhlorin, organofosfat) Toxic

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

fungsi perairan
potensi pencemaran (jenis kegiatan, limbah)

sesuai jenis industri/

Baku mutu air limbah kegiatan

sungai, danau, waduk

Baku mutu perairan

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

Sebagai acuan penentuan Parameter kunci :

Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Kegiatan Industri
Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Kegiatan Perhotelan
Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Kegiatan Rumah Sakit.

minuman ringan
Industri soda kostik tapioka
sabun, deterjen & prod.
pelapisan logam tekstil
minyak nabati
penyamakan kulit pupuk urea
industri bir

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

minyak sawit ethanol
baterai kering
pulp dan kertas MSG
industri cat
karet kayu lapis
industri farmasi
gula susu & mds
industri pestisida
KEP-51/MENLH/10/1995 Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Kegiatan
KEP-52/MENLH/10/1995 Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Kegiatan
KEP-58/MENLH/12/1995 Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Kegiatan
Rumah Sakit,
KEP-42/MENLH/10/1996 - Baku Mutu Limbah Cair kegiatan
minyak dan gas serta panas bumi,
Kep. MENLH No. 112 Tahun 2003 - Baku Mutu Air Limbah
Kep. MENLH No. 113 Tahun 2003 - Baku mutu air limbah

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

kegiatan pertambangan batu bara.
Kep. MENLH No. 112 Tahun 2003:

Baku Mutu Air Limbah Domestik

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

Parameter dalam baku mutu air limbah berbagai industri atau
kegiatan sesuai SK MENLH (1995, 1996, 2003)
Industri/ Pen. Miny. Pulp Ka- Gu- Tapi Tek Pu- Eta- MS Kayu Susu Soft Bir
Kegiatan: kulit sawit krtas ret la oka stil puk nol G lapis &mds drink
BOD l l l l l l l l l l l l l
COD l l l l l l l l l l l l l
pH l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
TSS l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
-lemak l l l l l l
Amonia l l l l
Ph enol l l
Sulfida l l l l
N total l l l l
Cyanida l
Cr l l
Industri/ Sabun Dry Cat Far Psti- Soda Plps Ho- RS Mi- LNG Panas Batu Dom
Kegiatan: d&mn cell msi sida / Cl2 logam tel gas bumi bara estik
BOD l l l l l l l l
COD l l l l l l l
Parameter pH l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
TSS l l l l l l l l l l l
dalam baku Minyak
l l l l l l l
mutu air -lemak
limbah Amonia l l l l l
Phenol l l l l
berbagai Sulfida l
industri N total l
atau Cyanida l l
kegiatan Cr l l l l
Cu l l l l
sesuai SK Hg l l l l
MENLH Pb l l l
(1995, 1996, Cd l l
2003) Ni l l l
Zn l l l l
Benzene l
Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

Toluene l
aktif l l H2 S Fe
PO4 Mn Ti Cl2 Cl2 As Mn
Coliform, PO3-,
radioaktifitas l
Temperatur l l l


a. KELAS I : air peruntukan air baku air minum

b. KELAS II: air peruntukan prasarana/sarana rekreasi air,
budidaya ikan air tawar, peternakan,
pengairan tanaman (pertanian)
c. KELAS III: air peruntukan budidaya ikan air tawar,
peternakan, pengairan tanaman (pertanian)

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

d. KELAS IV: air untuk pengairan tanaman (pertanian)
Keputusan MENLH No. 51 Tahun 2004 ttg BAKU MUTU AIR LAUT

Baku Mutu Air Laut untuk PERAIRAN PELABUHAN

Baku Mutu Air Laut untuk WISATA BAHARI
Baku Mutu Air Laut untuk BIOTA LAUT

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009
BEBAN (kg/ton produk ; g/m3)

Beban pencemaran = kadar x debit/ton produk

BOD = 100 mg/L Beban BOD = 100 mg/L x 20 m

Vol limbah maks= 20 m3/ton = 100 mg/L x 20.00
= 2000.000 mg/ton
= 2 kg/ton produk
BOD = 20 mg/L Beban BOD = 20 mg/L x 10 L/dt
Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

Debit aliran = 10 L/dt = 200 x 60 x 60 x 24

= 172.800.000 mg/h
= 172,8 kg/hari
What is pollution ?

Pollution is the introduction by man, directly or indirectly,

of substances or energy, to the marine environment
resulting in such deleterious effects as harm to living
resources; hazard to human health; hindrance of marine
activities including fishing; impairment of the quality for use
of seawater; and reduction of ammenities.

Contamination is the presence of elevated concentrations of

substances in the water, sediments or organisms, i.e.
concentrations that are above the natural background level for
the area and for the organism.

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

(United Nations Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine
Polution GESAMP)
Point Source: discharge of pollutants from
single point.
(i.e. from: factories, power plants,
sewage treatment plants, oil wells).

Non-point Source: sources of water pollution

that are scattered or diffuse, not having
a specific location.
(i.e. from: farm fields, golf courses, cities,

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

residentials, roads, clearcut forests,
plantations, mines).
Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009
assimilative capacity:
the ability of a body of water to cleanse itself;
its capacity to receive waste waters or toxic materials
without deleterious effects and without damage to
aquatic life or humans who consume the water.

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

Klasifikasi limbah (Clark, 1986) :

1. Limbah mudah urai (degradable wastes)

2. Limbah mudah luruh (dissipating wastes)
3. Partikel (particulate)
4. Limbah konservatif/awet (conservative wastes)

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

1 . Limbah mudah urai (degradable wastes)
limbah organik dekomposisi (CO2, NH3)
limbah domestik, perkotaan
limbah pertanian, pabrik gula, kertas (pulp)
limbah pengolahan makanan, minuman
minyak, dll.

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

2. Limbah mudah luruh (dissipating wastes)
dgn cepat kehilangan daya rusak/racun begitu
masuk ke perairan

panas: faktor debit, arus

asam-basa: laut punya kapasitas buffer yang besar
Cyanide: terdissosiasi dgn cepat di air laut, dampak kecil

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

3. Partikel (particulate)

debu/partikel lumpur/tanah, penambangan pasir

abu sisa pembakaran (batubara)

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

4. Limbah konservatif/awet (conservative wastes)
tidak dapat terdekomposisi & tidak hilang/luruh
logam berat
halogenated hydrocarbons (pestisida, PCB, POPS)

Sigid Hariyadi 2005/2009

Pollution Types:
Infectious Agents (pathogens, parasites, bacteria,
virus, etc.)

Oxygen-Demanding Wastes (BOD, sampah)

Inorganic Chemicals (acids, salts, toxic metals,

Organic Chemicals (pesticides, PCB, dioxin, oil,

detergents, plastics)

Sediment (Particulates)
Thermal Pollution
Radioactive Pollution
Pencemaran Parameter Kualitas Air indikator
TSS TSS, kekeruhan, warna, kecerahan

Bahan Organik BOD, COD, Nilai Permanganat, TOM, TVS, bau

Minyak Minyak & Lemak, Hidrokarbon, TPHC

Deterjen Deterjen, Surfaktan, MBAS

Pestisida Pestisida (organoklorin, organopospat), herbisida, insektisida

Logam Berat Cu, Cd, Pb, Hg, Zn, Cr, Ni, Co, Ag
Patogen Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform, E. coli, Bakteri /patogen tertentu

Asam/Basa pH

Panas Temperatur

Nutrien (eutrofikasi) NH3-N (TAN), NO3-N, NO2-N, TKN, PO4-P, Total P

Sources of Water Pollution
Specific Sources of Ground Water Pollution
(rate of breakdown is extremely slow in ground water)
Industrial waste into aquifer recharge zone
Surface runoff into abandoned wells - industry,
agriculture, home
Leaking underground storage tanks of gas stations
Leaking septic tank into recharge area.
Injection wells for secondary recovery.

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