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Grupo de la zeolita

Marco Antonio Mrquez G.

PhD Mineraloga
Facultad de Minas-UNALMED

Familia de aluminosilicatos hidratados

altamente cristalinos al deshidratarse
desarrollan, en el cristal ideal, una
estructura porosa con dimetros de poro
mnimos de 3 a 10
Estructura con cavidades ocupadas por
iones grandes y molculas de agua con
gran libertad de movimiento permiten
el intercambio inico y la deshidratacin

Compuestas por Al, Si, Na, Ca, P, y

cantidades variables de agua en los
huecos del armazn
Estructura cristalina basada una red
tridimensional con tetraedros SiO4 y AlO4
con sus cuatro oxgenos compartidos
Hay varias posibilidades para expresar la
composicin de zeolitas variedad sdica:
Nax(AlO2)x.(SiO2)192-x . zH2O
En el que el nmero de Al, puede estar
entre 48<x<64
Se usa la relacin molecular SiO2/Al2O3 para
caracterizar la composicin qumica de la
Agricultura acondicionador y fertilizante de
Nutricin de animales da eficiencia en el
desarrollo del ganado haciendo decrecer el
agua amoniacal en el sistema digestivo (la
Catlisis y refinado del petrleo
Gasificacin del carbn
Separacin de gases
Intercambio inico
Purificacin del gas natural
Structural Variations of Zeolites

Tres variaciones en hbito:

Agujas y similares

Structural Variations of Zeolites

There are chain-like

structures whose
minerals form needle-
like prismatic crystals,
i.e. Natrolite.
Structural Variations of Zeolites

Sheet-like structures
where the crystals are
flattened or tubular, i.e.
Structural Variations of Zeolites

Framework structures
where the crystals are
more equal in
dimensions, i.e.

Natrolita (Na2Al2Si3O10-2H2O)
Chabazita (CaAl2Si4O12-6H2O)
Heulandita (CaAl2Si7O18-6H2O)
Analcima (NaAlSi2O6(H2O))
Estilbita (CaAl2Si7O18-7H2O)
Chemical Formula: Na2[Al2Si3O10]2(H2O)
Sodium 12.09 % Na 16.30 % Na2O
Aluminum 14.19 % Al 26.82 % Al2O3
Silicon 22.16 % Si 47.41 % SiO2
Hydrogen 1.06 % H 9.48 % H2O
Oxygen 50.49 % O
100.00 % 100.00 % = TOTAL OXIDE
Environment: Occurs in the cavities of amygdaloidal basalts and
other related rocks.
IMA Status: Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1803
Locality: Bohemia of Czechoslovakia.
Name Origin: From the Greek natron, "soda," in allusion to
sodium content and lithos - "stone."
Synonym: Aedelite Apoanalcite Bergmannite Mesotype
Propiedades Fsicas
Cleavage: [110] Perfect, [010] Imperfect
Color: White, Colorless, Red, Yellowish white, Reddish white.
Density: 2.25
Diaphaniety: Transparent to translucent
Fracture: Brittle - Generally displayed by glasses and most non-
metallic minerals.
Habit: Acicular - Occurs as needle-like crystals.
Habit: Nodular - Tuberose forms having irregular protuberances
over the surface.
Habit: Prismatic - Crystals Shaped like Slender Prisms (e.g.
Hardness: 5.5-6 - Knife Blade-Orthoclase
Luminescence: None.
Luster: Vitreous - Silky
Streak: white
Chemical Formula: (Ca0.5,Na,K)4[Al4Si8O24]12H2O
Potassium 0.75 % K 0.91 % K2O
Sodium 0.07 % Na 0.09 % Na2O
Strontium 0.25 % Sr 0.30 % SrO
Calcium 7.17 % Ca 10.04 % CaO
Magnesium 0.05 % Mg 0.08 % MgO
Aluminum 10.23 % Al 19.33 % Al2O3
Silicon 21.70 % Si 46.43 % SiO2
Hydrogen 2.55 % H 22.82 % H2O
Oxygen 57.22 % O
100.00 % 99.99 % = TOTAL OXIDE
Empirical Formula: Ca1.86Na0.03K0.2Mg0.02Sr0.03Al3.94Si8.03O2413.16(H2O)
Environment: Amygdaloidal cavities of basalt and related rocks. Renamed
chabazite-Ca by IMA zeolite committee.
IMA Status: Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1792
Locality: Col de Lares, Val di Fassa, Italy.
Name Origin: From Gk. chabazios, tune or melody, one of twenty stones
named in the poem Peri lithos, which extolled the virtues of minerals. The poem
is ascribed to Orpheus, legendary founder of the Orphic cult, which flourished in
Synonym: Acadialite Adipite Chabazite
Propiedades Fsicas
Cleavage: [1011] Imperfect
Color: Colorless, Green, Yellow, White, Pink.
Density: 2.05 - 2.15, Average = 2.09
Diaphaniety: Translucent to transparent
Fracture: Brittle - Uneven - Very brittle fracture
producing uneven fragments.
Habit: Druse - Crystal growth in a cavity which
results in numerous crystal tipped surfaces.
Habit: Pseudo Cubic - Crystals show a cubic
Hardness: 4 - Fluorite
Luster: Vitreous (Glassy)
Streak: white
Chemical Formula: (Ca,Na)2-3Al3(Al,Si)2Si13O3612(H2O)
Potassium 0.60 % K 0.72 % K2O
Barium 0.29 % Ba 0.33 % BaO
Sodium 1.03 % Na 1.38 % Na2O
Strontium 0.16 % Sr 0.18 % SrO
Calcium 5.06 % Ca 7.09 % CaO
Magnesium 0.01 % Mg 0.01 % MgO
Aluminum 8.95 % Al 16.91 % Al2O3
Silicon 26.54 % Si 56.78 % SiO2
Hydrogen 1.86 % H 16.59 % H2O
Oxygen 55.51 % O
100.00 % 99.99 % = TOTAL OXIDE
Empirical Formula: Ca3.57Sr0.05Ba0.06Mg0.01Na1.26K0.43Al9.37Si26.7O7226.02(H2O)
Environment: Low temperature zeolite found in a wide variety of geologic environments:
volcanic rocks, metamorphic rocks, pegmatites, tuffs, and deep-sea sediments.
IMA Status: Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1822
Locality: Glasgow, Strathclyde (Dumbartonshire), Scotland.
Name Origin: Named after the English mineral collector, John Henry Heuland (1778-
1856), a British mineral collector and dealer. Ca modifier added by zeolite nomenclature
Synonym: Beaumontite Heulandite Lamellar zeolite
Propiedades Fsicas
Cleavage: [010] Perfect
Color: White, Reddish white, Grayish white, Brownish white,
Density: 2.2
Diaphaniety: Transparent to subtranslucent
Fracture: Brittle - Generally displayed by glasses and most non-
metallic minerals.
Habit: Crystalline - Coarse - Occurs as well-formed coarse sized
Habit: Tabular - Form dimensions are thin in one direction.
Hardness: 3-3.5 - Calcite-Copper Penny
Luster: Vitreous - Pearly
Streak: white
Crystals of heulandite with a green color due to
chlorite inclusions
Pink heulandite crystals up to 15 mm in fibrous white
mordenite matrix
Chemical Formula: NaAlSi2O6(H2O)
Sodium 10.44 % Na 14.08 % Na2O
Aluminum 12.26 % Al 23.16 % Al2O3
Silicon 25.51 % Si 54.58 % SiO2
Hydrogen 0.92 % H 8.18 % H2O
Oxygen 50.87 % O
100.00 % 100.00 % = TOTAL OXIDE
Environment: Occurs frequently in basalts and other basic
igneous rocks associated with other zeolites.
IMA Status: Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1801
Locality: From near Catanes, Cyclopean Isles, Italy.
Name Origin: From the Greek word meaning weak, referring to
a weak electrical charge developed on rubbing.
Synonym: Analcidite Analcite Analzim ICSD 2930 PDF 42-
Propiedades Fsicas
Cleavage: [001] Indistinct, [010] Indistinct, [100] Indistinct
Color: White, Grayish white, Greenish white, Yellowish white, Reddish
Density: 2.3
Diaphaniety: Transparent to Subtransparent to translucent
Fracture: Sub Conchoidal - Fractures developed in brittle materials
characterized by semi-curving surfaces. Habit: Euhedral Crystals -
Occurs as well-formed crystals showing good external form.
Habit: Granular - Generally occurs as anhedral to subhedral crystals in
Habit: Massive - Uniformly indistinguishable crystals forming large
Hardness: 5 - Apatite
Luminescence: Fluorescent.
Luster: Vitreous (Glassy)
Streak: white
Chemical Formula: NaCa4[Al8Si28O72]n(H2O) (n=28-32)
Sodium 0.80 % Na 1.08 % Na2O
Calcium 5.57 % Ca 7.79 % CaO
Aluminum 7.50 % Al 14.17 % Al2O3
Silicon 27.32 % Si 58.46 % SiO2
Hydrogen 2.10 % H 18.78 % H2O
Oxygen 56.70 % O
100.00 % 100.28 % = TOTAL OXIDE
Environment: Amygdaloidal cavities in basalts and similar rocks.
Redefined from stilbite by IMA zeolite committee.
IMA Status: Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1801
Locality: Hay mentioned occurrences in Iceland, Andreasberg in
Harz, Alpes Dauphinoises and Norway, but no clear type-locality.
Name Origin: From the Greek stilbe - "luster" in allusion to the pearly to
vitreous luster. Ca modifier added by zeolite committee.
Synonym: Aedelforsite Bundle zeolite Desmine Stilbite
Propiedades Fsicas
Cleavage: [010] Perfect
Color: White, Red, Yellow, Brown, Cream.
Density: 2.1 - 2.2, Average = 2.15
Diaphaniety: Transparent to Subtransparent to translucent
Fracture: Brittle - Conchoidal - Very brittle fracture producing
small, conchoidal fragments.
Habit: Fibrous - Crystals made up of fibers.
Habit: Globular - Spherical, or nearly so, rounded forms (e.g.
Habit: Wheat Sheaf - Bundle shaped aggregates resembling
wheat sheafs after hand reaping wheat.
Hardness: 3.5-4 - Copper Penny-Fluorite
Luster: Vitreous - Pearly
Streak: white
Tabular, honey-colored stilbite (stilbite-Ca?) crystals on matrix
Estilbita sobre chabacita

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