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Forces and Motion

Conservation of momentum
In Sports Refraction of

The inertia of an object is the tendency of the

object to remain at rest or, if moving to
continue it motion.
1. The word Physics comes from a Greek word
Physikos which means knowledge of nature.
2.Physics is a branch of science which studies
physical and natural phenomena around us.
3. Phenomenon is defined as an occurance that
can perceived by our senses.
1. Name several physics concepts related to daily live or natural
phenomenon. Choose from the list below :
Refraction of light Inertia Air resistance radio wave Surface tension

Gravitational force Reflection of light Density Friction Resonance

No. Phenomena Physics concepts

1 A straight stick seems bent in water.

2 Satellites do not fall out of the sky.
3 While a car is braking to a stop, you continue in
motion, sliding along the seat in forward motion.
4 More massive object (a stone) falls faster than less
massive object (a feather).
5 People can communicate using mobile phones.
6 We can see the image of an object in a mirror.
7 A submarine can sail on the sea surface and under
the sea.
8 We can walk on a floor without falling.
9 A singer can scatter a glass by singing a certain
10 A needle can be made to float on a surface of water.
1.Fields of study in Physics. Match the field of Physics with their explanations.
Field of study Explanation
Nuclear physics Investigates the action of force and motion.

Heat Studies of heat on different types of matter.

Electricity and electromagnetism Explain the different phenomena due to

light and sight.

Electronics Understanding the properties of different

types of waves and their users.

Light / Optics Investigate the interaction of electric and

magnetic fields.

Force and motion/ Mechanics Studies the use of electronics devices in

various fields.

Waves Study of nuclear structure and their

Importance of study in Physics

(a) There is a close relationship between the study of

physics and other sciences, including astronomy,
biology, chemistry and geology

(b) There is a close connection between physics and the

practical developments in engineering, medicine and

(c) The application of fundamental laws and theories
have enabled engineers and scientists to put
satellites into orbit, receive information from space
probes, and improve telecommunications.

(d) Physics improves the quality of life, i.e many home

appliances function through the operation of
principles of physics.
The Physicist
Galileo Galilei
Sir Isaac Newton
Albert Einstein
Guglielmo Marconi

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