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What is


It is a psychoanalytic
theory and a method of Transactional analysis
therapy wherein social was developed by Dr. Eric
transactions are analyzed Berne in the late 1950s.
to determine the ego state
of the patient as a basis of Transactional analysis
understanding behavior. was greatly influenced by
Sigmund Freuds
Psychoanalysis theory.
Ego a persons feeling Bernes Three
of self-esteem or self-
importance. Ego States
Ego state a consistent Berne stated that the
pattern of a feeling and human brain works like a
experience directly related camcorder. It records all our
to a corresponding thoughts, feelings and
pattern of behavior. emotions since childhood
which we tend to replay in
our adult life.
Parent taught concept
Child felt concept
Adult learned concept
Parent Ego is a set of There are two types of
feelings, thinking and parent ego: nurturing
behavior that we have parent ego and critical
copied from our parents parent ego.
and significant others. Nurturing Parent Ego
Examples are: nurturing behavior, very
Never talk to strangers caring, very
Always chew with your compromising, loving,
mouth close sympathetic, kind,
Look both ways before forgiving
you cross the streets
Critical Parent Ego
punishing, criticizing,
prejudice, finds fault,
Adult Ego Child Ego
Is about direct is a set of behaviors,
responses to the here thoughts and feelings
and now. which are replayed
deal with things that from our own
are going on today in childhood.
ways that are not are the emotions or
unhealthily influenced feelings which
by the past. accompanied external
Examples are: Adapted Child Ego
When I saw that demonstrates actions in
monsters face, I felt relationships that are
really scared. reactions to parental
The clown at the birthday figures either by obedience
party was really funny. and submission, or in
There are two types of sulking and defiance.
child ego: free child ego
and adapted child ego.
Free Child Ego is
characterized by
openness, spontaneity and
Analyzing Crossed Transactions
Transactions transactions that are
Transactions are how not healthy or normal.
people interact with each An ego state
other. different than the ego
Structural analysis the state which received
process of analysing the stimuli is the one
personality in terms of ego that responds.
Straight transactions
also called complementary
transactions. The response
goes back from the
receiver to the sender.
Parent Parent Parent Parent

Adult Adult Adult Adult

Child Child Child Child

Straight Transactions Crossed Transactions

Conversations made up Stroke the fundamental
with straight transactions unit of social action.
are more emotionally Life Script an
satisfying and productive unconscious life plan
than conversations that based on decisions made
have frequent crossed in early childhood about
transactions. ourselves, others and our
Ulterior Transactions lives. The early decisions
Berne said that we can are the most important
communicate on two part of the life script.
levels. There is the social
message (what we say)
and the psychological
message (what we mean).
Existential Position is a Games is an ongoing
basic life position of an series of complementary
individual which is ulterior transactions
developed based on the progressing to a well-
messages received and the
decisions made. There are defined, predictable
four basic life positions, outcome. There are three
these are: degrees of games:
Im OK, Youre OK. First Degree played
Im OK, Youre not in social circles that
OK. generally leads to mild
Im not OK, Youre upsets.
Im not OK, Youre
not OK.
Second Degree Contracts an agreement
occurs when the entered into by both client
stakes are higher. It and therapist to pursue
usually occurs in more specific changes that the
intimate circles, and client desires.
ends up with an even
greater negative
Third Degree
involves tissue
damage and may end
up in jail, hospital or

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