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Congenital Talipes Equino-

(Congenital Clubfoot)
Case Report

Name: AM
Age: 2 years 09/08/2015
dates: August 2nd, 2017
RM: 083 393
Treatment:Polyclinic Hasanuddin University Hospital
History Taking
Chief Complaint
Bent and shortened on both leg
History guided
Patient came to Polyclinic of Hasanuddin University Hospital for examination
control as for the third time, complaints experienced since birth. Now patients
are treated with serial circular casting .Nowadays patient still cant walk
alone.Patient has been treated in poly UH since August 2nd, 2017 with the same
complaint.There is no history of treatment before because the parents thought
that the complaints were normal in baby until they relised the complaint
became worst.
History of previously normal labor, birth weight 3.5kg , gestational age 38 weeks,
no history of oligohydroamnion , no history of maternal infection, no history of
similar complaints in the previous family.
Physical Examination

General Status
Awareness:Composmentis / GCS 15 (E4M6V5)
Vital Signs
Blood pressure :100 / 60mmHg
Pulse :90x / min
Respiratory Rate :18x / min
Temperature :37.2 C
PE on Right foot Regional

Inspection: Installed circular casting

Palpation: Tenderness difficult to evaluate
- Active and passive movement (ankle joint) difficult to evaluate because
the child is not cooperative
- Active and passive movement of the MTP and IP joints in the toes
difficult to evaluate because the child is not cooperative
- Active and passive movement of the MTP, PIP, DIP finger 2, 3,4,5 difficult
to evaluate because the child is not cooperative
Neurovascular: Pulse on the posterior tibia artery and dorsalis pedis
artery is palpable and CRT <2 seconds.Sensibility difficult to evaluate
due to uncooperative child
PE on Left foot Regional
Inspection: Installed circular casting
Palpation: Tenderness difficult to evaluate
- Active and passive movement (ankle joint) difficult to evaluate because
the child is not cooperative
- Active and passive movement of the MTP and IP joints in the toes
difficult to evaluate because of uncooperative chlid.
- Active and passive movement of the MTP, PIP, DIP on 2,3,4,5 finger
difficult to evaluate because the child is not cooperative
Neurovascular: Pulse on the posterior tibia artery and dorsalis pedis
artery is palpable and CRT <2 seconds.Sensibility difficult to evaluate
due to uncooperative child
Clinical Image
Anterior photo

Lateral photo (left)

Lateral photo (right)


Talipes: Talus = ankle

Pes = foot
Equinus: (Latin = horse)
Foot that is in a position of
planter flexion at the ankle,
looks like that of the horse.
Calcaneus: Full dorsiflexion at the ankle
Planus: flatfoot

Cavus: highly arched foot

Varus: heal going towards

the midline
Valgus: heel going away
from the midline
Adduction: forefoot going
Forefoot Hind foot
towards the midline
Abduction: forefoot going away
From the midline

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