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Philosophy is meant for everyone and

we may make of it as little or as much

as we please
- Alistair J. Sinclair

Whenever we think deeply and

consistently about our ideas, concepts,
principles, theories, morals, or ways of
living, we are doing philosophy. How do
we know what we know? What is it to be
a good person? What is art? Is an
electron a real or imaginary object? Is
religion fantasy or reality? These are all
philosophical questions.
- Alistair J. Sinclair
What Is Philosophy?
Philosophy means

philisophy as a science
What is the relationship between
Argument and Philosophy?
There is No
Topic of Argument on
Those Book
What Is Argument?
Argument, in daily
activity, means

In Philosophy, it doesnt
look like that
Argumen adalah alasan yang
dapat dipakai untuk
memperkuat atau menolak
suatu pendapat, pendirian,
atau gagasan; atau frasa
nominal yang bersama-sama
predikator membentuk
Argumentasi adalah suatu bentuk
retorika yang berusaha untuk
mempengaruhi sikap dan pendapat
orang lain, agar mereka itu percaya dan
akhirnya bertindak sesuai dengan apa
yang diinginkan oleh penulis atau
pembicara. Melalui argumentasi penulis
berusaha merangkaikan fakta-fakta
sedemikian rupa, sehingga itu benar
atau tidak

- Gorys Keraf
are composed of one or more
premises and a conclusion
- Gregory Bassham, William Irwin, Henry
Nardone, dan James M. Wallace
Argument is the statement of a point
of view and the evidence that supports
it in a way intended to be persuasive
to other people
- Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
Arguments require a
connected series of statements
intended to establish a

- James Wallace Gray

Argumentasi adalah serangkaian pernyataan
atau proposisi logis-persuatif yang saling
terkait (berupa beberapa premis dan sebuah
kesimpulan), yang didasarkan pada data, fakta
atau bukti-bukti yang objektif sehingga dapat
diterima kebenarannya
P1 : Semua makhluk hidup membutuhkan air.
P2 : Anjing adalah makhluk hidup
C : Anjing membutuhkan air
Which One Is Argument?
Which One is Non-Argument?
Type of Non-Argument

Description Explanation Summarise Reports

Good Argument
Four requirements for good argument

Supporting Relevant Consider

Evidencce Evidence All Options Charity
1. Bassham, Irwin, Nardone, dan Wallace. 2011. Critical Thinker : A Students Introduction. McGraw-Hill : New York
2. Benton, Ted dan Ian Craib. 2009. Filsafat Ilmu Sosial. Penerbit Ledalero : Maumere
3. Cottrell, Stella. 2005. Critical Thinking Skills (Developing Effective Analysis and Argument). Palgrave Macmillan: New
4. Gray, James Wallace. 2011. How To Become A Philosopher. Ebook posted in
5. Gray, James Wallace. 2011. What Is Philosophy?. Ebook posted in
6. Kebung, Konrad. 2011. Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan. PT Prestasi Pustakaraya : Jakarta
7. Keraf, Gorys. 1982. Argumentasi dan Narasi. PT Gramedia : Jakarta
8. Pecurino, Philip A. 1987. A Critical Thinking and Philosophy. Queensborough Community College, Cuny : Spring &
9. Portigo, Gloria Z. Y. dan James Hardy. 2015. An Introduction To Critical Thinking And Logic. Ebook Brigdepoint
Education, Inc (posted in
10. Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan. 2009. Becoming A Critical Thinker: A Master Student Text. Houghton Mifflin Company : New
11. Sinclair, Alistair J. 2008. What Is Philosophy : An Intriduction. Dunedin Academic Press Ltd : Scotland
12. Surajiyo, Sugeng Astanto, dan Sri Andiani. 2010. Dasar-dasar Logika. PT Bumi Aksara : Jakarta
13. Tim Dosen Filsafat Ilmu UGM. 2007. Filsafat Ilmu. Penerbit Liberty : Yogyakarta
14. Wogu, I. A. 2010. A Prefacce To Logic, Philosophy, And Human Existence. Pumack Education Publisher, 1st Edition, pp.
512 608

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