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Harrison Organizational

Culture Model
Kelompok 4
Harrison (1993) presents a theoretical model for the purpose of
diagnosing organizational culture.
Harrison defined four different organization ideologies (1972) :
1. Power orientation
2. Role orientation
3. Task orientation
4. Person orientation
a. Formalization (the extent to which rules, procedures, instructions,
and communications are written)
b. Centralization (place where the authority making legitimate
decisions which affect the organization is located).
Power orientation
Power-oriented culture is a dimension of the organizational culture model.
In any given organization there is a need to use power in order to exercise
control and influence behavior .
A power culture has a single source of power from which rays of influence
spread throughout the organization.
This type of organizational culture can also be regarded as being rule
oriented in the sense that it focuses on respect of authority, rationality in
procedures, division of work and normalization
Power-oriented culture is found in both small and larger organizations.
Disadvantages Advantages
People give the boss's wishes the highest Unifies individual effort behind the vision of
priority, even when it interferes with the leader.
important work.
Can move quickly in the market and make
People are afraid to give bad news to the rapid internal changes.
Leverages the knowledge, wisdom and talent
People do not question the leaders even of the leader.
when they are seen to be wrong.
Can provide direction and certainty; reduce
People with power break rules with impunity conflict and confusion in times of emergency.
and take special privileges.
Information is a source of personal power and
is restricted to friends and allies.
People are promoted by being loyal to those
in power even when they are not especially
Role orientation
Focuses mainly on job description and specialization
Operate on the assumption that people are not to be trusted, so they
do not give individual autonomy or discretion to members at lower
The emphasis of role clarification is based on technical expertise and
Disanvantages Advantages
People follow the rules even when these rules Well-designed structures and systems make
get in the way of doing the work. room for efficient operations and reduce the
It is considered a sin to exceed one's time for learning jobs.
authority or deviate from accepted Clear lines of authority and responsibility
procedures. reduce conflict, turf battles, confusion and
It is more important to avoid deviating from
the norm that it is to do the right thing. Clear, fair rules and guidelines protect
Jobs are so tightly defined that there is little individuals from exploitation and abusive use
room to contribute one's unique talents and of power.
abilities. Having good systems, procedures and
People are treated as interchangeable parts organizational memory prevents having to
of a machine rather than as individual human "reinvent the wheel".
beings. Structure, routine and predictability provide
security and reduce stress.
It is difficult to get approval for changes that
people give up on making needed
Task/ Acheivement orientation
The aligned culture which lines people up behind a common vision or
The main strategic objective of this culture is to bring the right people
together, in order to achieve the organizational goals
This suggests that the achievement-oriented culture is similar to team
orientation as a characteristic of organizational culture
Disadventage Advantages
People believe so much in what they are Unity of effort toward mutually valued
doing that the end comes to justify the goals.
Reduced need for controls on individuals.
People become intolerant of personal
needs, and they sacrifice family, social life High internal motivation.
and health for work. Maximum utilization of members' talents.
The group members talk only to High self-esteem for organizational
themselves and become isolated from members.
others and from reality.
Rapid learning and problem solving.
The group only cooperates internally,
Rapid adaptation to change.
which others see as arrogant and
competitive. Because dissent and criticism
are stifled, the group has difficulty
correcting its own errors.
The commitment to excellence at any cost
leads to waste and inefficiency.
Person/ Support orientation

Promotes individuals as the central point in the organization.

Organizational climate that is based on mutual trust between the
individual and the organization.
The support-oriented culture resembles the people orientation
characteristic of organizational culture.
Support-oriented culture creates a conducive workplace environment
that encourages proactive, experimentation and openness to change
In the person culture the individuals themselves decide on their own
work allocation, with rules and coordinative mechanisms of minimal
Disanvantages Anvantages
People may focus on relationships and Good internal communication and
neglect the work. integration.
Out of kindness difficult personnel decisions High levels of commitment to decision.
may be avoided.
Sophisticated process skills manage people
When consensus cannot be reached the issues well.
group may become indecisive and lose High levels of cooperative, effective group
direction. work.
Disagreement may be avoided, there is Good at sensing environment.
surface harmony and covert conflict.
Providing caring, responsive service. High
Changes may take a long time because of the
trust between individuals and the
need to get everyone on board
People are rewarded in the same way Nurturing members for good health.
although they might not have contributed in
the same way. This could create frustrations. Good balance for achievement culture
Questionnaire Dr Roger Harrison
Cara Pengisian kuesioner
Pada kolom existing (saat ini) Pada kolom Preferred (lebih
untuk setiap pernyataan berikan disukai) untuk setiap pernyataan
nilai : berikan nilai :
4 = paling mewakili organisasi 4 = paling mewakili organisasi
3 = mewakili organisasi 3 = mewakili organisasi
2 = cukup mewakili organisasi 2 = cukup mewakili organisasi
1 = kurang mewakili organisasi 1 = kurang mewakili organisasi
Cara pengolahan data
Tambahkan nilai untuk setiap opsi a-d secara terpisah untuk budaya
yang ada (existing culture) dan untuk budaya organisasi pilihan
(preferred organizational culture).

Misalnya dalam pertanyaan 1 - 15 jika, berdasarkan opsi (a) nilai yang

didapatkan yaitu : 5x3, 5x2 dan 5x1 untuk existing culture, sehingga
total keseluruhan untuk opsi (a) adalah 30 (existing culture).
Cara Penyimpulan Budaya
(a) Scores (Power) (b) Scores (Role) (c) Scores (Task) (d) Scores (Self)
Existing Culture 30 60 20 40
Preferred 20 40 60 30

Nilai tertinggi berdasarkan opsi Existing Culture mewakili budaya

dominan dalam organisasi. Pada contoh di atas, Budaya yang ada di
organisasi adalah Role culture. Begitu pula dengan Preferred Culture,
nilai yang tertinggi mewakili budaya yang diinginkan yaitu Task culture.

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