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Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

The TPP trade deal was signed by 12 countries
The 12 countries cover 40% of the world's GDP
One of the largest Trade deal
Aims to deepen economic ties and boost growth, it also includes
reducing tariffs.

Donald Trump wanted to take back control over the US economy.

Instead of TPP, negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals that bring jobs
and industry back to American shores
Alternative deal, the Regional Comprehensive Economic
Partnership (RCEP)

Free Trade Agreements (FTA) can help PH to expand its export markets.

New Aseans FTAs with China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and New

Zealand ,FTA with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and Bilateral


Trade chief emphasized the importance of continuing market-relevant

differentiation, unique selling proposition and inclusive innovation.

Their efforts are focused on a single direction, which is to help our country

achieve global competitiveness, consistent with President Dutertes 10-

point socio-economic agenda.


Sikat Pinoy National Trade Fair (NTF) on Dec 7 11, 2016

DTI Regional and Provincial Offices showcased various products of
local micro, small, and medium enterprises.
Featured products from mindanao :
Yakan handwoven products from Zamboanga City,
pure honey from Bukidnon,
VCO soap from Compostela Valley and
fruit wines from Agusan del Norte.

Trade associations and retail & wholesale institutional buyers seeking

subcontractors & suppliers of intermediate and finished products
attended the trade fair.
Withdrawal of US from TPP is an opportunity lost for Asia.
Cancellation of TPP opens better opportunities for PH.
FTAs help PH diversify its product to different market .
FTAs help boost economy and help build strong economic ties
among countries .
The trade fair provides opportunities for MSMEs to market those
products which is highly potential for export.
MSMEs has the potential in driving economic growth and be the
primary provider of jobs for most Filipinos in the regions.

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