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A fine-needle aspirate of an enlarged lymph node shows clusters of tumor cells
from a small cell carcinoma, with molding and nuclear atypia characteristic of
this tumor (see also Fig. 15-44C ); note the size of the tumor cells compared
with normal polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the left lower corner.
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, lymphoepithelioma type. The
syncytium-like nests of epithelium are surrounded by
lymphocytes. (Courtesy of Dr. James Gulizia, Brigham and
Women's Hospital, Boston, MA.)
Figure 15-42 Lung carcinoma. The gray-white tumor tissue is seen
infiltrating the lung substance. Histologically, this large tumor mass was
identified as a squamous cell carcinoma.
Histologic appearance of lung carcinoma. A, Well-differentiated squamous cell
carcinoma showing keratinization. B, Gland-forming adenocarcinoma. C, Small cell
carcinoma with islands of small deeply basophilic cells and areas of necrosis. D, Large
cell carcinoma, featuring pleomorphic, anaplastic tumor cells and absence of
squamous or glandular differentiation
Jenis histologik
DD dgn Ca serviks

Peran pemeriksaan PA

Diagnosis biopsi
Stadium (surgikal)
Stadium (surgikal)
Kedalaman invasi miometrium
Invasi keserviks
Keterlibatan kgb pelvis, paraaorta
Sediaan hapus menunjukkan kohesi antar sel yang rapuh, sitoplasma,
banyak dan pucat, inti bulat dan atipik.
An acute inflammatory exudate, showing strands of fibrin and
numerous neutrophils. Scattered macrophages are also
Reed-Sternberg cells and variants. A, Diagnostic Reed-Sternberg cell, with two nuclear lobes, large inclusion-
like nucleoli, and abundant cytoplasm, surrounded by lymphocytes, macrophages, and an eosinophil. B,
Reed-Sternberg cell, mononuclear variant. C, Reed-Sternberg cell, lacunar variant. This variant is
characteristic of the nodular sclerosis subtype. It has a folded or multilobated nucleus lying within a clear
space created by disruption of its cytoplasm during processing and cutting of the tissue. D, Reed-Sternberg
cell, lymphohistiocytic (L&H) variant. Several such variants are present with complex nuclear irregularities,
small nucleoli, fine chromatin, and abundant pale cytoplasm

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