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Problem Solving

1. What is
Problem Solving? 2. Barriers to Effective
Problem Solving

3. Problem Solving
4. Problem Solving Process
Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom; indeed, they
create our courage and our wisdom. It is only because of
problems that we grow mentally and spiritually.
- M. Scott Peck
What is Problem Solving?

Problem solving forms part of thinking.

Considered the most complex of all intellectual
functions, problem solving has been defined as
higher-order cognitive process that requires the
modulation and control of more routine or
fundamental skills (Goldstein & Levin, 1987).
It occurs if an organism or an artificial intelligence
system does not know how to proceed from a
given state to a desired goal state.
It is part of the larger problem process that includes
problem finding and problem shaping.
He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes,
but he who never asks a question remains a fool forever.
- Tom Connelly
Barriers to Effective Problem Solving

Failure to recognize the problem

Conceiving the problem too narrowly
Making a hasty choice
Failure to consider all consequences
Failure to consider the feasibility of the
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I
stay with problems longer.
- Albert Einstein
Problem Solving Process
Accepting the Problem

Step 1: What is the Problem?

Step 2: What Are the Alternatives?

Step 3: What Are the Advantages and/or

Disadvantages of Each Alternative?
Step 4: What Is the Solution?

Step 5: How Well Is the Solution Working?

Accepting the Problem

To solve a problem, you must first be willing to accept the

problem by acknowledging that the problem exists and
committing yourself to trying to solve it.
Strategies to find the motivation and commitment to prepare
you to enter the problem-solving process:

1. List the benefits. how will solving the problem benefit

2. Formalize your acceptance.- formal commitment to
solve problem
3. Accept responsibility for your life.- we have the
potential to control the direction of our lives
4. Create a worst-case scenario.- what are potential
disastrous consequences of your actions or inactions
5. Identify whats holding you back.- what is preventing
you from solving the problem?
Step 1: What is the Problem?

Step 1A: What do I know about the situation?

Step 1B: What results am I aiming for in this


Step 1C: How can I define the problem?

View the problem from different perspectives.
Identify component problems.
State the problem clearly and specifically.
Step 2: What Are the Alternatives?

Step 2A: What are the boundaries of the problem


Step 2B: What alternatives are possible within

these boundaries?
Discuss the problem with other people.
Brainstorm ideas.
Change your location.
Step 3: What Are the Advantages and/or
Disadvantages of Each Alternative?
Step 3A: What are the advantages of each

Step 3B: What are the disadvantages of each


Step 3C: What additional information do I need

to evaluate each alternative?
Step 4: What Is the Solution?

Step 4A: Which alternative(s) will I pursue?

Evaluate and compare alternatives.
Combine alternatives.
Try out each alternative in your imagination.

Step 4B: What steps can I take to act on the

alternative(s) chosen?
Step 5: How Well Is the Solution Working?

Step 5A: What is my evaluation?

Compare the results with the goals.
Get other perspectives.

Step 5B: What adjustments are necessary?

Because I'm thinking in a broader way, I feel
like I am able to make better decisions.
- Takafumi Horie
Problem Solving Tools

Tools to facilitate effective Problem Solving:

More MyCoted + Mind Tools + Creativity Web
I can study these
tools on my own.
Edward de Bono
The six thinking hats is a method
for doing one sort of thinking at a time.
Thinking Hats


Negative Objective

Feelings Positive

Benefits of Using 6 Thinking Hats

Role-playing (Put the hat on, take the hat off,

switch hats, and signal your thinking)
Encourage creative, parallel and lateral thinking
Improve communication
Speed up decision making
Avoid debate
Detaching the Ego
Occasional Use (Single Hat)
Sequence Use
White Hat - Objective

Facts, Figures, Data and Information

What information do we have here?
What information is missing?
What information would we like to have?
How are we going to get the information?
Red Hat Feelings

Feelings, Intuition, Emotions and Hunches

No need to justify the feelings. How do I feel about

this right now?

My gut-feeling is that this will not work.
I don't like the way this is being done.
This proposal is terrible.
My intuition tells me that prices will fall soon.
Black Hat - Negative

Caution, Difficulty, Judgment and Assessment

Is this true?
Will it work?
What are the weaknesses?
What is wrong with it?
Yellow Hat - Positive

Benefits, Feasibility and Optimism

Why is this worth doing?
What are the benefits?
Why can it be done?
Why will it work?
Green Hat - Creative

Creative Ideas, Alternatives, Suggestions, and


Are there any additional alternatives?
Could we do this in a different way?
Could there be another explanation?
What are some possible solutions and courses of
Blue Hat - Process

Sums up what is learned. Organization of

thinking. Thinking about the thinking
process (Reflection).

Set the agenda.
Suggest the next steps.
Ask for other hats.
Ask for summaries, conclusions,
and decisions. Meta-Cognition Hat
Sequence Use Seeking an Idea
White Gather available information.

Green Explore and generate alternatives.

Yellow Assess the benefits and feasibility of each alternative.

Black Assess the weaknesses of each alternative.

Green Further develop the most promising alternatives and make a


Blue Summarize and assess what has been achieved so far.

Black Make the final judgment on the chosen alternative.

Red Find out the feelings on the outcome.

Sequence Use Reacting to a Presented Idea
Red Find out the existing feelings about the idea.

Yellow Find out the benefits in the idea.

Black Point out the weaknesses, problems and dangers in the idea.

Green See if the idea can be modified to strengthen the yellow-hat

benefits and to overcome the black-hat problems.

White See if available information can help in modifying the idea to

make it more acceptable.

Green Develop the final suggestion.

Black Judge the final suggestion.

Red Find out the feeling on the outcome.

Sequence Use Short Sequences

Yellow/Black/Red: Quick assessment (idea)

White/Green: Generate ideas
Black/Green: Improve an existing idea
Blue/Green: Summarize & suggest alternatives
Blue/Yellow: Any benefits? (e.g. the idea)

...Be open-minded and creative about

the sequence use, too!
Survival Team Exercise

Give individuals slides 3, 4 and 5 of this packet

Have individuals read the survival exercise and have each
individual prioritize the items for survival in rank order
(Step 1) (10-15 minutes)
Once all individuals have done this and recorded their
individual votes on their scoresheets, tell the group that they
can discuss their answers together to learn from the collective
wisdom in the room. Begin talking as a group to figure out how
to reach a group decision about the ranking (25-30 minutes)
Group can decide whether to resolve differences through a
collective vote or by further discussion.
On an overhead, record the group decisions and have each of
the individuals fill this in on their scoresheet. (Step 2 column)
Supply the expert rankings from Slide 5 and have group fill
these in (Step 3)
Have each participant compute the individual and group
scores on the scoresheet (Steps 4 & 5)
Record all the gains and losses and see how the collective
wisdom of group improved the scores.

In the following situation, your "life" and "death" depends upon how well you can
prioritize items for survival in a relatively unfamiliar environment. This problem is
fictional, although the ranking to which you will compare your results was done by a
number of space experts.
The Situation
You are a member of a lunar exploration crew originally scheduled to rendezvous
with a mother ship on the lighted surface of the moon. Due to mechanical difficulties
however, your ship was forced to land at a spot some 320 kilometers (200 miles) from
the rendezvous point. During the re-entry and landing, much of the equipment aboard
was damaged, and, since survival depends on reaching the mother ship, the most
critical items available must be chosen for the 320 km trip.
Your Task
On the next page are listed the 15 items left intact and undamaged after landing.
Your task is to rank these items according to their importance in aiding you to reach
the mother ship, starting with "1" the more important, to "15" the least important. You
should assume that your crew is your class, you have agreed to stick together, and all
15 items are in good condition.
Scoresheet Lunar Survival
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Indiv Ranking Team Ranking Expert Ranking Difference Difference Ranking [2-3]
Ranking [1-3]

First Aid
FM receiver
Food concentrate
Total the absolute differences of Steps 4 and 5 ----------------------------
(the lower the score the better) Your Score Team Score
Lunar Survival Items
Compass, magnetic
First aid kit w/ hypodermic needles
Flares, signal
FM receiver/transmitter (solar-powered)
Food concentrate
Heating unit, portable
Map (stellar map, moons constellations)
Matches (1 box)
Milk (1 case dehydrated milk)
Oxygen (2 50kg tanks)
Parachute silk
Pistols (2 .45 caliber)
Raft, Life (automatic inflating)
Rope, Nylon (20 meters)
Water (25 liters)
Space Survival

Ranking of Items by Experts

Oxygen 1 Fills respiration requirements

Water 2 Replenishes loss by sweating, etc
Map 3 One of principal means of finding directions
Food 4 Supply daily food required
FM receiver 5 Distress signal transmitter, possible
communcation with another ship
Rope 6 Useful in tying inured together, help in climbing
First aid kit 7 Oral pills or injection medicine available
Parachute 8 Shelter against suns rays
Raft 9 CO bottles for self propulsion across chasms,
Flares 10 Distress call when line of sight possible
Pistols 11 Self propulsion devices could be made from
Milk 12 Food mixed with water for drinking
Heating unit 13 Useful only if party landed on dark side
Compass 14 Probably no magnetized poles, therefore useless
Matches 15 Little or no use on moon

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