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Dalam hal apa alga sama dengan

tumbuhan tingkat tinggi ?

Dalam hal apa alga tidak sama

dengan tumbuhan tingkat tinggi ?

Perbandingan Alga and Tumbuhan

Mempunyai Dinding selumumnya


Autotrophs/Primary producers
melakukan photosynthesis
(mengandung chlorophyll)
Variations in cell structureunicellular, colonial
and multicellular forms.
Alga tidak berakar, batang, daun, dan struktur
lainnya khas tanaman sejati.
Alga tidak memiliki jaringan tumbuhan vaskular
(yg berarti non vaskular)
Algae tidak membentuk pelindung embrio -
semua sel dapat berkembang.
Mempunyai variasi dalam pigmen.
Mempunyai variasi dalam struktur-sel uniseluler,
multiseluler bentuk kolonial.
Siklus Hidup Alga
Alga Gamet
(n) (n)
2 gamet

Spora Zigot
(n) (2n)
Meiosis 5
The life cycles in algae
Life-cycle I (haploid life cycle): major part of life-cycle
(vegetative phase) in haploid state, with meiosis upon
germination of the zygote (zygotic meiosis) also referred to
as haplontic life cycle, a single, predominant haploid phase

Siklus Hidup Alga
Diplontik Meiosis

Alga Gamet
(2n) (n)

Mitosis 2 gamet
The life cycles in algae
Life-cycle II (Diploid life cycle): vegetative phase is
diploid, with meiosis upon formation of gametes (gametic
meiosis) also referred to as diplontic life cycle, a single,
predominant diploid phase

Siklus Hidup Alga
Alga Gamet
(n) (n)
2 gamet

Spora Zigot
(n) (2n)

Meiosis Alga
The life cycles in algae
Life-cycle III (Diplobiontic life cycle): three multicellular phases, the
gametophyte and one or more sporophyte(s)
Gametophyte: typically haploid, produces gametes by mitosis
Sporophyte: typically diploid, produces spores by meiosis
Isomorphic: sporophyte and gametophyte look alike
Heteromorphic: sporo- and gametophyte look different

Bentuk Alga

Unicellular, Colonial
and Filamentous

Source: 11
Forms of Algae


Bentuk Algae

Bentuk Algae
1. Unicells: single cells,
motile with flagellate
(like Chlamydomonas
and Euglena) or
nonmotile (like Diatoms)

2. Multicellular form: the vegetation forms are in six forms:

a. Colonies:
Kumpulan sel individu dengan variabel atau angka yang tetap
konstan sepanjang hidup koloni di mucilaginous matriks
(Mengandung an extracellular matrix made of a gelatinous
glycoprotein), colonies motile (like Volvox and Pandorina) or
nonmotile (like Scendesmus and Pediastrum).

Colony dengan jumlah sel yg konstan, tidak dapat
bertahan hidup sendirian; mempunyai spesifik
"tugas" di antara kelompok (Sebuah koloni
mengandung sejumlah sel (spesies), dengan
spesialisasi sedikit atau tidak ada)

b. Aggregations: adalah agregasi dari sel-sel yang
memiliki kemampuan untuk membentuk divisi
sederhana (jadi, koloni tetapi unconstant dalam
bentuk dan ukuran), bentuk agregat dalam
beberapa jenis
Palmelloid form: non-motil sel tertanam di
musilago (seperti Tetraspora).

Bentuk Dendroid : Tersusun seperti pohon

Bentuk Amoeboid or Rhizopodial Seperti

c. Filaments: Sel anak tetap melekat setelah
pembelahan sel dan membentuk rantai sel; sel yang
berdekatan membagi dinding sel (membedakan
mereka dari koloni linier) mungkin tidak bercabang
(uniseriate seperti Zygnema dan Ulthrix) atau
bercabang (Biasa mutiseriate adalah Cladophora
atau unreguler mutiseriate seperti Pithophora)

d. Bentuk Coenocytic or siphonaceaous: satu
sel besar, multinukleat tanpa dinding lintas
seperti Vaucheria

e. Parenchymatous (such as Ulva )
Umumnya scopic makro-alga dengan jaringan sel
sama dan pertumbuhan yang berasal dari meristem
dengan pembelahan sel dalam tiga dimensi

; pseudoparenchymatous (such as Batrachospermum)
pseudoparenchymatous seperti parenchyma yg
tersusun seperti filament

f. Erect thallus forms: Artinya batang hijau atau ranting,
adalah sebuah jaringan vegetatif yg tdk dapat dibeda-
bedakan (daun, akar dan batang). Contoh beberapa
organisme non-mobile seperti Chara dan Nitella.

Baca secara fonetik

Chara 24

Flagella=organs of locomotion.
Chloroplast=site of
photosynthesis. Thylakoids are
present in the chloroplast. The
pigments are present in the
Pyrenoid-structure associated
with chloroplast. Contains
Carboxylase, proteins and
Eye-spot=part of chloroplast. Source: A Biology of the Algae
By Philip Sze, third edition, WCB MCGraw-Hill
Directs the cell towards light. 25
Variations in the pigment
Chlorophylls (green)
Carotenoids (brown, yellow or red)
Phycobilins (red pigment-phycoerythrin
blue pigment phycocyanin)

Summery of lecture two:

Unicellular Multicellular

1. Colonies
2. Aggregations
Palmelloid (Tetraspora)
Dendroid (Dinobryon)
Amoeboid (Chlororachnion)
4. Coenocytic / Vaucheria
5.Parenkematus/ Ulva
6. Psedoparenkematus / Batrachospermum
7. Erect thallus / Chara

organism autotroph yang dapat melakukukan suatu fotosintesis
(photoautotroph) yang menggunakan cahaya matahari sebagai
sumber energy dan CO2 sebagai sumber karbon untuk
menghasilkan pati dan ATP. Menyerap langsung (osmotrophy)
atau sebagai pemangsa (phagotrophy) dengan memakan bakteri
atau sel lainya.

Di ketemukan juga ada golongan alga yang tidak mempunyai

kemampuan dalam mensintesis bahan essential seperti vitamin
kompleks B12 atau asam lemak sehingga bahan-bahan ini harus
mereka peroleh dari luar, sifat alga ini disebut sebagai suatu

Alga memiliki kemampuan dalam menggunakan sumber nutrisi

yang terbatas atau sebagai suatu mixotrophi yaitu kemampuan28
mengkombinasikan sifat photo-autotroph dan heterotroph.
Heterotroph obligat : Sifat dasar sebagai heterotroph, namun mampu
mendukung kehidupanya dengan melakukan sifat phototroph bilamana terjadi
keterbatasan makanan yang mendukung pertumbuhan sifat heterotrophnya
(Contoh: Gymnodium gracilentum, divisi Dinophyta)

Phototrop obligat : Sifat dasar sebagai phototroph, namun dapat

mengambilan bahan suplemen pertumbuhan secara phagotroph dan atau
osmotroph saat terjadi keterbatasan cahaya (Contoh: Dinobryon divergens,
divisi Heterokontophyta)

Mixotrophi Fakultatif : Golongan ini mampu tumbuh secara phototroph dan

heterotroph (Contoh: Fragilidium subglobosum, divisi Dinophyta)

Mixotrophi Obligat : Sifat dasar sebagai phototroph, namun dengan

melakukan phagotroph dan atau osmotroph dapat memperoleh bahan essential
untuk tumbuh (Alga dengan sifat photoauxotroph terkelompok dalam golong ini)


Perbanyakan secara aseksual meliputi

pembelahan sel (binary fussion), zoospora,
aplanospora, autospora, pembentukan koloni,
fragmentasi dan akinet.

Reproduction in algae
The reproduction of algae can be discussed
under two types, namely, asexual reproduction and
sexual reproduction. The former type refers to
reproduction in which a new organism is generated
from a single parent. In case of sexual type, two
haploid sex cells are fused to form a diploid zygote
that develops into an organism. Let's discuss in
brief about the asexual and sexual reproduction in
algae along with examples.

First: Asexual Reproduction includes:
1. Vegetation reproduction:
a. In unicellular algae: simple cell division some
time called binary fission (such as Gleocapsa).
b. In multicellular (colonies, filamentous, thallus,
etc) by:
Fragmentation such as Microsystis.
Hormogonia: A small, motile filament, formed by
some Cyanobacteria, that detaches and grows
by cell division into a new filament such as
Propagules: a structure capable of producing a
new individual such as Sphacelaria.

Vegetative reproduction

Cell Division
A cell could not keep growing bigger forever. Food molecules could not
reach the inside of a large cell fast enough to keep it alive. So when a cell
reached a certain size it had to divide into two smaller cells called
daughters. The daughters grew and, when they reached that certain size,
they too divided, this processes called binary fission.
But this caused a problem, Why?. 33
Vegetative reproduction


2. Another method of asexual reproduction in
algae is by formation of spores; the algal
species Ulothrix, Chlamydomonas and
Chlorella reproduce by this method.
Depending upon the algal species, the
spores can be produced in normal
vegetative cells or specialized cells called
sporangia. They are either motile called zoo
spores or non motile called akinete spores.

Ulotrix 36
There are a lot of types of akinete spores such
Autospores: immobile spores that cannot
develop flagella such as Chlorella.
Aplanospores: immobile spores that may
nevertheless potentially grow flagella.
Hypnospores: A thick-walled resting cyst.
Tetraspores: spores produced by a
tetrasporophyte, characteristic of red algae.
Statospores: spores that are not actively
discharged from the algal fruiting body
Auxospores: A spore in diatom algae that
leads to reformation of an enlarged vegetative
cell. 37
a, b, and c are zoospores
d, e, and f are aplanospores
g, and h are hypnospores
K is autospores.
L is Isogamous, m is Anisogamous, and n 38
is Oogamous
Gametes look like vegetative cells or very different
Isogamy: both gametes look identical
Anisogamy: male and female gametes differ
Oogamy: One gamete is motile (male), one is nonmotile
Monecious: both gametes produced by the same
Diecious: male and female gametes are produced by
different individuals
Homothallic: gametes from one individual can fuse
Heterothallic gametes from one individual cannot fuse
(self-sterile) 39
The life cycles in algae
Three different types of life cycle,
depending on when miosis occurs, the
type of cells produced, and if there is
more than one free-living stage present
in the life-cycle.

Pembentukan autokoloni

Model perbanyakan ini ditemukan pada bentuk

soenobium/koloni yang memasuki fase reproduksi, yang
mana tiap sel dalam koloni dapat menghasilkan koloni
baru yang sama. Pembelahan sel tidak lagi
menghasilkan individu yang sellular tetapi merupakan
suatu kelompok multisellular, suatu kelompok koloni
yang ukuran selnya berbeda dengan induknya, namun
dalam jumlah kandungan selnya adalah sama. Cara
perbanyakan ini ditemukan pada Volvox sp (Gambar 5)
dan Pediastrum sp (Gambar 6).
Alga yang multisellular dan non-soenobium,
koloninya melakukan perbanyakan individu lewat
suatu fragmentasi yaitu terjadinya suatu
pelepasan (patahan) dari bagian filament tertentu
menjadi dua atau beberapa fragment yang
mempunyai kapasitas membentuk individu yang
baru (Gambar 14h).

Pembentukan spora
jika kondisi buruk (ex. kurang air) dpt
membentuk endospora seperti bakteri.
endospora ini disebut akinet, yaitu alga
yang mengalami penebalan dinding sel dan
pembesaran sel.
contoh : Nostoc
berbentuk filamen, sel pipih dan rapat,
tanpa lendir, gerak osilasi (maju-mundur),
reproduksi dg membentuk hormogonium
multiselluler seperti bola, berlendir, habitat
di batuan basah, membentuk akinet
multiseluler seperti bola, memiliki akinet
dan heterocista / sel penambat nitrogen
Vegetative reproduction

Hormogonia in Oscillatoria

Reproduksi Seksual
Reproduksi seksual melibatkan gamet, yang
secara morfologi ada yang sama atau sangat
berbeda dengan sel vegetative tergantung dari
spesies alga. Namun, yang sangat
membedakan adalah kandungan DNA-nya,
gamet adalah haploid, sedangkan pada sel
vegetative adalah diploid.

ISOGAMY-Both gametes have flagella and similar in size and morphology.

ANISOGAMY-Gametes have flagella but are dissimilar in shape and size. One
gamete is distinctly smaller than the other one.

OOGAMY-gamete with flagella (sperm) fuses with a larger, non flagellated

gamete (egg).

Second: Sexual Reproduction:
As already mentioned, sexual reproduction takes
place by the union of male and female gametes.
The gametes may be identical in shape and size
called isogamy or different called heterogamy.
Some of the simplest forms of algae like Spirogyra
reproduce by the conjugation method of sexual
reproduction. In the process of conjugation, two
filamentous strands (or two organisms) of the
same algae species exchange genetic material
through the conjugation tube. Among two strands,
one acts as a donor and another serves as a
receiver. After exchanging the genetic material,
two strands separate from each other. The
receiver then give rise to a diploid organism.
Second: Sexual Reproduction:
Isogamy: is the form of sexual reproduction in which the gametes
produced are identical in shape, size and motility. There is no
structural distinction between "male" and "female" gametes. Pairs of
isogametes align themselves with their flagellar poles touching and
after several seconds, the motile gametes fuse to form a single, non-
motile, diploid zygote.

Second: Sexual Reproduction:
Isogametes, less commonly, may be non-motile structures. A
specific example exhibiting non-motile isogametes is the
reproductive process known as conjugation, in Figure below, the
conjugating Spirogyra identify the four stages of the process as

Isogamy in Spirogyra sp.
In heterogamy, two different types of gametes are produced.
The male gamete, the sperm cell, is typically very small,
highly motile and is produced in very large numbers. The
female gamete, the egg cell, is much larger and non-motile,
called Oogamy. Fewer female gametes are produced but each
is usually afforded some protection. Heterogametes are also
produced by higher plants and animals.

Oedogonium sp. is a green alga that produces

heterogametes. The figure bellow illustrates the life
cycle of this alga. You can locate a mature egg cell and
the small male filaments, which are the site of sperm
production, the egg cells and male filaments are usually
adjacent to one another on the same algal strand.

Heterogamy in Oedogonium sp.
Growth in algae

1. Diffuse or generalized growth: (Ulva).

2. Localized growth:
a. Apical growth: (Chara, Cladophora).
b. Basal growth: (Bulbochaete).
c. Intercalary growth: (Laminaria, Oedogonium).
d. Trichothallic growth: (Ectocarpus)

Growth in algae

Apical and intercalary Tricothallic


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